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Practical Mobile Forensics, - Third Edition

By : Heather Mahalik, Satish Bommisetty
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Practical Mobile Forensics, - Third Edition

By: Heather Mahalik, Satish Bommisetty

Overview of this book

Covering up-to-date mobile platforms, this book will focuses on teaching you the most recent techniques for investigating mobile devices. We delve mobile forensics techniques in iOS 9-11, Android 7-8 devices, and Windows 10. We will demonstrate the latest open source and commercial mobile forensics tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. You will learn how to introspect and retrieve data from the cloud, and document and prepare reports of your investigations. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the current operating systems and the relevant techniques to recover data from mobile devices by leveraging open source solutions.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
iOS Data Analysis and Recovery

Forensic methods used to extract third-party application data

Almost all commercial tools will attempt to support the extraction of third-party applications. We recommend that you test your tools thoroughly and often, if you rely on tool output for your investigative results. This is because the apps are updated so frequently that it is nearly impossible for the tools not to miss something. You must learn about the applications, how they work, and how the devices store data for each app. We strongly recommend that you use your tool to triage the case and then dive into the data to manually extract anything that the tools miss. Make sure that you only include factual data in your forensic report and not everything that the tools parse, as the tools cannot decipher the difference between device and human creation. Only a trained examiner can do this with confidence.
