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Implementing DevSecOps Practices

By : Vandana Verma Sehgal
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Implementing DevSecOps Practices

By: Vandana Verma Sehgal

Overview of this book

DevSecOps is built on the idea that everyone is responsible for security, with the goal of safely distributing security decisions at speed and scale to those who hold the highest level of context. This practice of integrating security into every stage of the development process helps improve both the security and overall quality of the software. This book will help you get to grips with DevSecOps and show you how to implement it, starting with a brief introduction to DevOps, DevSecOps, and their underlying principles. After understanding the principles, you'll dig deeper into different topics concerning application security and secure coding before learning about the secure development lifecycle and how to perform threat modeling properly. You’ll also explore a range of tools available for these tasks, as well as best practices for developing secure code and embedding security and policy into your application. Finally, you'll look at automation and infrastructure security with a focus on continuous security testing, infrastructure as code (IaC), protecting DevOps tools, and learning about the software supply chain. By the end of this book, you’ll know how to apply application security, safe coding, and DevSecOps practices in your development pipeline to create robust security protocols.
Table of Contents (25 chapters)
Part 1:DevSecOps – What and How?
Part 2: DevSecOps Principles and Processes
Part 3:Technology
Part 4: Tools
Part 5: Governance and an Effective Security Champions Program
Part 6: Case Studies and Conclusion

The new processes within DevSecOps

DevSecOps has changed the role of Sec in DevOps. Sec just being in the end phase and being a big hump in the way of going to production has shifted to security being in every part of the development life cycle. It entails integrating security earlier in the application development life cycle and starting to think about infrastructure and application security right away. Additionally, it entails automating a few security checkpoints to prevent a delay in the DevOps workflow. Figuring out the right tools and processes for people can assist them in achieving their goals.

Instead of security stopping the whole pipeline, it is part of each of the following phases:

  • Plan
  • Code
  • Build
  • Test
  • Release
  • Continuous deployment and decommissioning
  • Operate
  • Continuous monitoring
Figure 1.5: DevSecOps in action

Figure 1.5: DevSecOps in action

We can have the best tools that money can buy but DevSecOps will not work if your team is not working. You can have the most cooperative team, but nothing will work out if you don’t have the right set of tools.

Not all tools are DevSecOps-ready

Not all tools can fit into a pipeline

The quiet and secluded processes can not only destroy the DevOps culture but ultimately reduce the security posture of the whole organization.

We can have the best tools

We can have the best processes

We can have the best people

However, if the culture of the organization is not exercised, nothing will work

This compartmentalized way of thinking not only undermines the DevOps culture but also weakens the organization’s overall security posture. The secret is to reduce process friction to a minimum. Any organization’s processes are carried out by people.

DevSecOps processes, which aim to reduce the enterprise attack surface and enable effective management of technical security debt, are carried out by people using technologies. DevSecOps challenges the way traditional security teams integrate with the larger business, which is one of its most crucial aspects. If attitudes are to shift, it will take a top-down strategy to change behaviors and increase awareness at all levels of a company.