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Learning less.js

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Learning less.js

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Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Learning Less.js
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Chapter 12. Color Processing with Less

Imagine the scene if you will—you're a designer, creating the latest sale adverts for a department store. You've spent hours creating your masterpiece, submitted it for approval… only to find that the Sales Director hates your choice of color. He doesn't think it works properly ("there's not enough contrast…"), so it's a case of back to the drawing board. Only you know that he is… shall we say... very picky about his choice of colors, which you know does not always work that well…

Sound familiar? What if we could pick our main color and have code (yes, code) automatically pick a color for you that not only works technically but also suits your chosen principal color? Sound impossible? Not with Less—welcome to the world of color processing! In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Introducing color management in Less

  • Color spaces and formats

  • Color functions

  • Generating color palettes

  • Examples of blending modes and parallels with Photoshop

  • Working...