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Learning Bootstrap 4 - Second Edition

By : Matt Lambert
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Learning Bootstrap 4 - Second Edition

By: Matt Lambert

Overview of this book

Bootstrap, the most popular front-end framework built to design elegant, powerful, and responsive interfaces for professional-level web pages has undergone a major overhaul. Bootstrap 4 introduces a wide range of new features that make front-end web design even simpler and exciting. In this gentle and comprehensive book, we'll teach you everything that you need to know to start building websites with Bootstrap 4 in a practical way. You'll learn about build tools such as Node, Grunt, and many others. You'll also discover the principles of mobile-first design in order to ensure your pages can fit any screen size and meet the responsive requirements. Learn to play with Bootstrap's grid system and base CSS to ensure your designs are robust and that your development process is speedy and efficient. Then, you'll find out how you can extend your current build with some cool JavaScript Plugins, and throw in some Sass to spice things up and customize your themes. This book will make sure you're geared up and ready to build amazingly beautiful and responsive websites in a jiffy.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Learning Bootstrap 4 - Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Free Chapter
Introducing Bootstrap 4

Coding forms in Bootstrap 4

If you are familiar with Bootstrap 3, then you'll notice the CSS form classes are pretty much the same in version 4. The biggest change I see in forms for the new version is that each form group uses a <fieldset> tag instead of <div>. If you are new to Bootstrap forms, a basic form group is made up of a label and an input. It can also include help text, but that is optional. Let's jump right in by creating a generic form that uses a number of core components.

Setting up a form

At the very least, a form needs to be made up of one input and one button. Let's start with the basics and create a form following those requirements. Here's the code to get you started:

  <fieldset class="form-group"> 
    <label>Text Label</label> 
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Text"> 
    <small class="text-muted">This is some help text.</small> 