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JavaScript by Example

By : Dani Akash S
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JavaScript by Example

By: Dani Akash S

Overview of this book

JavaScript is the programming language that all web developers need to learn. The first item on our JavaScript to-do list is building g a To-do list app, which you'll have done by the end of the first chapter. You'll explore DOM manipulation with JavaScript and work with event listeners. You'll work with images and text to build a Meme creator. You will also learn about ES (ECMAScript) classes, and will be introduced to layouts using the CSS3 Flexbox. You'll also develop a responsive Event Registration form that allows users to register for your upcoming event and use charts and graphics to display registration data. You will then build a weather application, which will show you different ways perform AJAX requests and work with dynamic, external data. WebRTC enables real-time communication in a web browser; you'll learn how to use it when you build a real-time video-call and chat application later in the book. Towards the end of the book, you will meet React, Facebook's JavaScript library for building user interfaces. You'll throw together a blog with React, and get a feel for why this kind of JavaScript framework is used to build large-scale applications. To make your blog more maintainable and scalable, you'll use Redux to manage data across React components.
Table of Contents (8 chapters)


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Redux chapter and also completed the book. In this chapter, we covered what Redux is and how we can use it to improve state management. We then created a Redux store with the actions and reducers needed to manage the store data. We used the react-redux library to connect our Redux code with the React components and used props instead of states to render the JSX elements.

Finally, we used redux-persist with localforage as the storage engine to persist our Redux store and make our application work offline. This chapter has made the blog faster and more user-friendly for users.

You has now completed your journey through this book, but you have just got started with your journey in exploring the world of JavaScript. There's still a lot to learn and a lot more to come. So, be prepared to learn and explore, no matter...