Understanding pagination
So far, we have been working with a database that has just a few rows, and therefore, the HTTP GET
requests to the different resource collections for our RESTful Web Service don't have problems with the amount of data in the JSON body of the responses. However, this situation changes as the number of rows in the database tables increases.
Let's imagine we have 300 rows in the drones_pilots
table that persists pilots. We don't want to retrieve the data for 300 pilots whenever we make an HTTP GET
request to localhost:8000/pilots/
. Instead, we just take advantage of the pagination features available in the Django REST framework to make it easy to specify how we want the large result sets to be split into individual pages of data. This way, each request will retrieve only one page of data, instead of the entire result set. For example, we can make the necessary configurations to retrieve only the data for a page of a maximum of four pilots.
Whenever we enable a pagination...