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ASP.NET Core 2 Fundamentals

By : Onur Gumus, Mugilan T. S. Ragupathi
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ASP.NET Core 2 Fundamentals

By: Onur Gumus, Mugilan T. S. Ragupathi

Overview of this book

The book sets the stage with an introduction to web applications and helps you build an understanding of the tried-and-true MVC architecture. You learn all about views, from what is the Razor view engine to tagging helpers. You gain insight into what models are, how to bind them, and how to migrate database using the correct model. As you get comfortable with the world of ASP.NET, you learn about validation and routing. You also learn the advanced concepts, such as designing Rest Buy (a RESTful shopping cart application), creating entities for it, and creating EF context and migrations. By the time you are done reading the book, you will be able to optimally use ASP.NET to develop, unit test, and deploy applications like a pro.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

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