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Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud - Second Edition

By : Magnus Larsson
3.5 (2)
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Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud - Second Edition

3.5 (2)
By: Magnus Larsson

Overview of this book

Want to build and deploy microservices, but don’t know where to start? Welcome to Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. This edition features the most recent versions of Spring, Java, Kubernetes, and Istio, demonstrating faster and simpler handling of Spring Boot, local Kubernetes clusters, and Istio installation. The expanded scope includes native compilation of Spring-based microservices, support for Mac and Windows with WSL2, and an introduction to Helm 3 for packaging and deployment. A revamped security chapter now follows the OAuth 2.1 specification and makes use of the newly launched Spring Authorization Server from the Spring team. You’ll start with a set of simple cooperating microservices, then add persistence and resilience, make your microservices reactive, and document their APIs using OpenAPI. Next, you’ll learn how fundamental design patterns are applied to add important functionality, such as service discovery with Netflix Eureka and edge servers with Spring Cloud Gateway. You’ll deploy your microservices using Kubernetes and adopt Istio, then explore centralized log management using the Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) stack, and then monitor microservices using Prometheus and Grafana. By the end of this book, you'll be building scalable and robust microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Table of Contents (6 chapters)


This book is about building production-ready microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Eight years ago, when I began to explore microservices, I was looking for a book like this.

This book has been developed after I learned about, and mastered, open source software used for developing, testing, deploying, and managing landscapes of cooperating microservices.

This book primarily covers Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, the EFK stack, Prometheus, and Grafana. Each of these open source tools works great by itself, but it can be challenging to understand how to use them together in an advantageous way. In some areas, they complement each other, but in other areas they overlap, and it is not obvious which one to choose for a particular situation.

This is a hands-on book that describes step by step how to use these open source tools together. This is the book I was looking for eight years ago when I started to learn about microservices, but with updated versions of the open source tools it covers.