Understanding SQLAlchemy ORM basics
SQLAlchemy offers developers the ability to work entirely in Python code to create, read, update, and delete tables. SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM that allows application developers to interact with databases without writing direct SQL statements.
As SQLAlchemy is an ORM library, Python classes are mapped to tables, and the instances of those classes are mapped to table rows in a relational database. You then have a situation where you can use Python object-oriented programming code to perform database SQL create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and other necessary operations in your applications.
The ORM feature of SQLAlchemy gives Python developers the power to harness function calls to generate SQL statements out of the box. With this new way of thinking about databases, developers are able to decouple object models and database schema, leading to a more flexible database structure, elegant SQL statements, and Python...