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Advanced UFT 12 for Test Engineers Cookbook

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Advanced UFT 12 for Test Engineers Cookbook

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Advanced UFT 12 for Test Engineers Cookbook
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Auxiliary classes and functions

The following are auxiliary classes and functions' design patterns that provide additional functionality (not included within the main chapters):

  • AssertResult: This design pattern checks whether the result triggers a predefined action:

    Function ASSERT_RESULT(ByVal iResult)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    ASSERT_RESULT
        ' Purpose    :    Checks if the result triggers a predefined action
        ' Args        :    ByVal iResult
        ' Returns    :    The value of iResult (unless the run session is 
        '                terminated)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ASSERT_RESULT = CLng(iResult)
        If CLng(iResult) <> CLng(micPass) Then
            Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "ASSERT_RESULT", "The action stopped by ASSERT_RESULT"
            Execute(Environment("ON_FAILURE") & "(" & CStr(CLng(iResult)) & ")")
        End If    
    End Function
  • InfoClassInstance: This design pattern prints a log message relating to the instance of an object:

    Function InfoClassInstance(ByVal p, ByVal msg)    
        'Description:    Prints a log message relating to an object
        'Arguments    :
        '                p - a reference to the instance
        '                msg - a string
        'Usage        :    For example, in a Sub Class_Initialize within a Class
        '                InfoClassInstance(me, "Loaded successfully")
        'Changes Log:
        Print C_OBJ_OF_CLASS_MSG & typename(p) & msg & " at " & Timestamp()
    End Function
  • GetClassInstance: The following design pattern returns an instance of a specific class:

    Function GetClassInstance(oInst, ByVal sClass)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    GetClassInstance
        ' Purpose    :    Returns an instance of the specified Class
        ' Args        :    byRef oInst (output variable to return the instance)
        '                ByVal sClass (name of requested Class)
        ' Returns    :    0 (success), 1 (failure)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        GetClassInstance = 0
        On Error Resume Next
        Execute "Set oInst = new " & sClass
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Set oInst = Nothing
            GetClassInstance = 1
            reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "GetClassInstance", "Failed to create an instance of '" & sClass & "'"    
        End If
    End Function
  • GetIterations: This design pattern returns with a list of iterations for an array:

    Function GetIterations(ByVal sIterations)
        ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    GetIterations
        ' Purpose    :    Get array with list of iterations
        ' Args        :     ByVal sIterations - A comma and hyphen separated 
        '                    string list with numbers of iterations to be run
        ' Returns    :     A System.Collections.ArrayList
        ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Usage        :    Set DotNetArray = GetIterations("1,3,7-9,15-22")
        '                Print DotNetArray.Count
        '                For each item in DotNetArray
        '                    Print item
        '                Next
        ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
        Dim arrRange, min, max, i, j        
        Dim arrIterations    : Set arrIterations = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
        Dim arrTmp            : arrTmp = Split(sIterations, ",")
        'Parse array with iterations
        For i = 0 To Ubound(arrTmp)
            arrRange = Split(arrTmp(i), "-")        
            If UBound(arrRange) = 1 Then '--- If is a Range
                min = arrRange(0)
                max = arrRange(1)    
                If min > max Then
                    Call SwapArgs(min, max)
                End If
                For j = min To max                
                    arrIterations.Add j
            Else '--- A single numeric value
                arrIterations.Add arrTmp(i)
            End If
            '--- Dispose of temporary range array
            Erase arrRange
        '--- Dispose of temporary array
        Erase arrTmp
        '--- Return DotNet array
        Set GetIterations = arrIterations
    End Function
    ' --------------------------------------------------
  • PadNumber: This design pattern pads a number string with zeros:

    Function PadNumber(iNum, ByVal iMax)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------    
        ' Function    :    PadNumber
        ' Purpose    :    Pad a number with zeroes
        ' Args        :    ByRef iNum (the number to be padded)
        '                ByVal iMax (the max value of the range)
        ' Usage        :    PadNumber(3, 100) will return the string "003"
        ' Returns    :    String
        ' --------------------------------------------------------    
        'Validates the arguments - If invalid Then it returns the value as is               
        If (Not IsNumeric(iNum) or Not IsNumeric(iMax)) Then         
            PadNumber = iNum                              
            Exit Function               
        End If                
        If (Abs(iNum) >= Abs(iMax)) Then                              
            PadNumber = iNum                              
            Exit Function               
        End If                
        PadNumber = String(Len(CStr(Abs(iMax)))-Len(CStr(Abs(iNum))), "0") & CStr(Abs(iNum))
    End Function
  • Timestamp: This design pattern returns a time stamped string:

    Function Timestamp()
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    Timestamp
        ' Purpose    :    Build a timestamp string
        ' Args        :    N/A
        ' Returns    :    String
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        dim sDate, sTime    
        Timestamp = Year(sDate) & _              
                        PadNumber(Month(sDate), 12) & _      
                        PadNumber(Day(sDate), 31) & "_" & _     
                        PadNumber(Hour(sTime),24) & _           
                        PadNumber(Minute(sTime), 60) & _        
                        PadNumber(Second(sTime), 60)
    End Function
  • CNum: This design pattern returns values based on coalescing operators:

    Class CNum
        Private m_value
        Public Function [=](n)
            value = n
        End Function
        Public Function [++]()
            value = value+1
            [++] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [--]()
            value = value-1
            [--] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [+=](n)
            value = value+n
            [+=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [-=](n)
            value = value-n
            [-=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [*=](n)
            value = value*n
            [*=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [/=](n)
            value = value/n
            [/=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [\=](n)
            value = value\n
            [\=] = value
        End Function
        public default Property Get Value()
            Value = m_value
        End Property
        public Property Let Value(n)
            m_value = n
        End Property
        sub class_initialize()
            value = 0
        End sub
    End Class
  • [As Num]: This design pattern returns a string as a number:

    Function [As Num](n)
        Set [As Num] = new CNum
        If isnumeric(n) Then [As Num].Value = n
    End Function
  • [++]: This design pattern returns an incremented string number value:

    Function [++](n)
        Dim i
        Set i = [As Num](n)
        i.value = n
        [++] = i
    End Function
  • [--]: This design pattern returns a decremented string number value:

        Dim i
        Set i = [As Num](n)
        i.value = n
        [--] = i
    End Function