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CherryPy Essentials: Rapid Python Web Application Development

By : Sylvain Hellegouarch
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CherryPy Essentials: Rapid Python Web Application Development

By: Sylvain Hellegouarch

Overview of this book

<p>CherryPy is a Python library for web development that allows developers to build web applications in the same way as any other object-oriented Python program. Enriched by several years of active development, it has become one of the most established toolkits for building solid and high-performance web applications in Python. CherryPy abstracts the complex low-level HTTP protocol into an easy-to-use interface that respects Python idioms. The library aims at being simple to learn for a beginner while offering the most advanced features to fluent Python developers. For these reasons CherryPy was chosen to be at the heart of the popular and feature-rich TurboGears web framework. CherryPy-powered web applications are stand-alone Python applications with their own embedded multi-threaded web server, but can also run behind Apache or IIS for scalability.</p>
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
CherryPy Essentials
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Why Testing

Why testing, some might wonder? Does it bring any value to the application? You may believe that if a problem is found in your code, it will be reported and eventually be fixed. Therefore, you may argue that testing is fairly irrelevant and is time consuming. If you do believe this, then with the help of this chapter we will try to show you that testing is not just the cherry on the cake but actually it is part of the recipe for success.

Testing is a process during which the application is audited from different perspectives in order to:

  • Find bugs

  • Find differences between the expected and real result, output, states, etc.

  • Understand how complete the implementation is

  • Exercise the application in realistic situations before its release

The goal of testing is not to put the developer at fault but to provide tools to estimate the health of the application at a given time. Testing measures the quality of an application.

Testing is, therefore, not just a part of the application life cycle...