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Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js

By : Raymond Camden, Hugo Di Francesco, Clifford Gurney, Philip Kirkbride, Maya Shavin
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Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js

By: Raymond Camden, Hugo Di Francesco, Clifford Gurney, Philip Kirkbride, Maya Shavin

Overview of this book

Are you looking to use Vue 2 for web applications, but don't know where to begin? Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js will help build your development toolkit and get ready to tackle real-world web projects. You'll get to grips with the core concepts of this JavaScript framework with practical examples and activities. Through the use-cases in this book, you'll discover how to handle data in Vue components, define communication interfaces between components, and handle static and dynamic routing to control application flow. You'll get to grips with Vue CLI and Vue DevTools, and learn how to handle transition and animation effects to create an engaging user experience. In chapters on testing and deploying to the web, you'll gain the skills to start working like an experienced Vue developer and build professional apps that can be used by other people. You'll work on realistic projects that are presented as bitesize exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way. These mini projects include a chat interface, a shopping cart and price calculator, a to-do app, and a profile card generator for storing contact details. By the end of this book, you'll have the confidence to handle any web development project and tackle real-world front-end development problems.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)

Iterating over Objects

When requesting data from an API, you will often be iterating over an array of objects that contains both logic and raw content. Vue makes it easy to control the data's various states through its directive syntax. Conditional directives control the display state of DOM elements in Vue. The HTML syntax provides clear visibility when it comes to the display rules set in your component.

Exercise 1.09: Using a v-for Loop over an Array of Objects and Using Their Properties for v-if Conditions

In this exercise, we will be controlling a Vue data array and iterating over the objects inside of it.

To access the code files for this exercise, refer to

  1. Open a command-line terminal, navigate into the Exercise1.09 folder, and run the following commands in order:
    > cd Exercise1.09/
    > code .
    > yarn
    > yarn serve

    Go to https://localhost:8080.

  2. Compose the following syntax inside Exercise1-09.vue and create a data object that contains a title string, and a favorite array of strings. We will loop over the interests object similarly to the array of strings; however, you will need to refer to the title key inside the interests object:
        <h1>Looping through array of objects</h1>
          <li v-for="(item, n) in interests" :key="n">
            {{ item.title }}

    The output of the preceding code will be as follows:

    Figure 1.28: You should see a list of titles now in the frontend

    Figure 1.28: You should see a list of titles now in the frontend

  3. Let's create a second v-for loop to iterate over your favorites list. Note that we use different keys— fav and m—for our nested loop. This is because you can still use the values item and n inside the nested loop context:
        <h1>Looping through array of objects</h1>
          <li v-for="(item, n) in interests" :key="n">
            {{ item.title }}
              <li v-for="(fav, m) in item.favorite" :key="m">            {{ fav }}</li>

    Figure 1.29 displays an output where looping is performed through an array of objects:

    Figure 1.29: Nested ordered list detailing your favorites

    Figure 1.29: Nested ordered list detailing your favorites

  4. To optimize the DOM tree, we can use the v-if conditional directive from Exercise 1.09 to hide unnecessary DOM elements:
    Figure 1.30: Displaying empty DOM elements in your virtual DOM

    Figure 1.30: Displaying empty DOM elements in your virtual DOM

  5. We will check whether there are more than 0 items in the array to display the ordered list HTML element. Add a v-if directive to the <ol> with the condition item.favorite.length > 0:
    // src/components/Exercise1-09.vue
        <h1>Looping through array of objects</h1>
          <li v-for="(item, n) in interests" :key="n">
            {{ item.title }}
            <ol v-if="item.favorite.length > 0">
              <li v-for="(fav, m) in item.favorite" :key="m">            {{ fav }}</li>

    This won't make a difference in the visuals of your page, but when you inspect the virtual DOM tree in your browser, you'll notice an HTML comment in dev mode allowing you to understand where a v-if statement might be false. When you build for production, these HTML comments won't be in your DOM.

    Figure 1.31: Output displaying no HTML comment in production builds

Figure 1.31: Output displaying no HTML comment in production builds

By using the v-if directive in dev mode, you will see an HTML comment. These will not exist in production builds.

In this exercise we have been able to iterate over complex arrays of objects, outputting these objects' nested keys and controlling the view state of DOM elements based on length conditions.

Methods in Vue

Vue methods are defined inside the methods object within the Vue instance and can be written like normal JavaScript functions where you define a piece of logic that is executed. When you use JavaScript functions, normally, you would either return a value or simply perform a global action. The primary difference between writing functions and Vue methods is that the Vue method is scoped to your Vue component and can be run from anywhere inside the component it was written inside. Since the methods are scoped to your component's Vue instance, you can reference them inside of event directives easily in the HTML template. When binding events to HTML elements in Vue, you would use the @ symbol; for example, v-on:click is equivalent to @click.

Exercise 1.10: Triggering Methods

In this exercise, we are going to build a component that uses Vue's methods API. Consider how similar these Vue methods can be written like your own named functions in JavaScript, as they behave in a very similar way. By the end of the exercise, we should be able to use methods and trigger them from the HTML template.

To access the code files for this exercise, refer to

  1. Open a command-line terminal and navigate into the Exercise1.10 folder and run the following commands in order:
    > cd Exercise1.10/
    > code .
    > yarn
    > yarn serve

    Go to https://localhost:8080.

  2. Let's loop over a method trigger and pass its number to a method. Set up an anonymous v-for loop on an HTML list and add an anchor element inside of the list element. Set the loop to iterate 5 times:
        <h1>Triggering Vue Methods</h1>
          <li v-for="n in 5" :key="n">
            <a href="#">Trigger</a>
  3. Add the @click directive referencing a method called triggerAlert and pass the value of n as an argument. Output the value n into the anchor element using curly braces:
        <h1>Triggering Vue Methods</h1>
          <li v-for="n in 5" :key="n">
            <a href="#" @click="triggerAlert(n)">Trigger {{ n }}</a>
  4. Inside the methods object, add the triggerAlert(n) key with the n argument. Inside this method, add an alert function, which will output the value n plus some static text:
    export default {
      methods: {
        triggerAlert(n) {
          alert(`${n} has been clicked`)
  5. Add styling inside the <style> tag at the bottom of the component, and set the lang attribute to scss:


    22 <style lang="scss" scoped>
    23 ul {
    24   padding-left: 0;
    25 }
    26 li {
    27   display: block;
    28   list-style: none;
    30   + li {
    31     margin-top: 10px;
    32   }
    33 }
    35 a {
    36   display: inline-block;
    37   background: #4fc08d;
    38   border-radius: 10px;
    39   color: white;
    40   padding: 10px 20px;
    41   text-decoration: none;
    42 }
    43 </style>
  6. Your page should feature a list of buttons that when clicked, trigger an alert with a message that contains the button number you clicked as follows:
    Figure 1.32: Output a list of triggers

Figure 1.32: Output a list of triggers

The following prompt is displayed when a trigger is clicked:

Figure 1.33: Displaying a browser alert with the index number in it

Figure 1.33: Displaying a browser alert with the index number in it


While you can add an event directive to any HTML element, a suggestion would be applying them to native HTML interactive elements such as anchor tags, form input, or buttons to help with browser accessibility.

In this exercise, we were able to utilize the Vue methods API to define and trigger methods from the HTML template, and parse arguments into each method dynamically.

Exercise 1.11: Returning Data Using Vue Methods

In this exercise, we are going to learn how to use Vue methods as a function to return data in the Vue instance and inside of the template.

Often in a web application, we want elements to appear on the page depending on whether a condition is met or not. For instance, if our product is not in stock, our page should display the fact that it is out of stock.

So, let's figure out how could we conditionally render these elements, depending on whether our product is in stock or not.

To access the code files for this exercise, refer to

  1. Open a command-line terminal, navigate into the Exercise1.11 folder, and run the following commands in order:
    > cd Exercise1.11/
    > code .
    > yarn
    > yarn serve

    Go to https://localhost:8080.

  2. Let's iterate over a random amount and trigger an addToCart method. Set up two data objects, totalItems and totalCost, which will be updated when a user clicks on our shop buttons. Next, refer to data objects inside the script block of Vue by specifying this. For example, in the template block, we refer to totalItems as {{ totalItems }}, but in the script block, we will refer to it as this.totalItems. The same pattern is used for methods where addToCart would be referred to as this.addToCart within another method:
        <h1>Returning Methods</h1>
        <div>Cart({{ totalItems }}) {{ totalCost }} </div>
          <li v-for="n in 5" :key="n">
            <a href="#" @click="addToCart(n)">Add {{ n }}</a>
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          totalItems: 0,
          totalCost: 0,
      methods: {
        addToCart(n) {
          this.totalItems = this.totalItems + 1
          this.totalCost = this.totalCost + n
    <style lang="scss" scoped>
    ul {
      padding-left: 0;
    li {
      display: block;
      list-style: none;
      + li {
        margin-top: 10px;
    a {
      display: inline-block;
      background: rgb(235, 50, 50);
      border-radius: 10px;
      color: white;
      padding: 10px 20px;
      text-decoration: none;

    This will generate an output as follows:

    Figure 1.34: Pressing any of the buttons will demonstrate the cart logic

    Figure 1.34: Pressing any of the buttons will demonstrate the cart logic

    When you click the buttons, the items counter should increment by 1, but the cost will increment by the n value, which should demonstrate normal cart functionality (clicking Add 2, then Add 5):

    Figure 1.35: Output displaying Returning Methods after increments

    Figure 1.35: Output displaying Returning Methods after increments

  3. Let's talk money. We can use methods to perform logical operations that augment or format strings based on events. Create a method called formatCurrency, which accepts one argument. We will return the same value after giving it two decimal points and a $ symbol. To use this method in the template, simply add it to the interpolated curly braces and pass the value that was there as an argument inside the method instead:
        <h1>Returning Methods</h1>
        <div>Cart({{ totalItems }}) {{ formatCurrency(totalCost) }}      </div>
          <li v-for="n in 5" :key="n">
            <a href="#" @click="addToCart(n)">Add           {{ formatCurrency(n) }}</a>
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          totalItems: 0,
          totalCost: 0,
      methods: {
        addToCart(n) {
          this.totalItems = this.totalItems + 1
          this.totalCost = this.totalCost + n
        formatCurrency(val) {
          return `$${val.toFixed(2)}`

    The following screenshot displays the output of the preceding code:

    Figure 1.36: Now all the values are expected to look like currency, 
while retaining the cart counter

Figure 1.36: Now all the values are expected to look like currency, while retaining the cart counter

In this exercise, we were able to utilize Vue's methods API to parse arguments into methods, return modified values, and use methods to update the local data state in a life-like scenario.