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The Ultimate ChatGPT Guide with React Native - Develop Mobile Apps [Video]

By : Clarian North
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The Ultimate ChatGPT Guide with React Native - Develop Mobile Apps [Video]

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By: Clarian North

Overview of this book

This course is designed with the latest mobile technology and in-demand job tools including React Native, JavaScript, Expo-GO, and the best conventions in 2023; it also teaches the very latest mobile development techniques and version of React with hooks. This course demonstrates how to leverage the power of ChatGPT as a tool in addition to stack overflow and documentations to build scripts and simplifies tackling difficult code tasks and takes your coding skills to the next level. Here, you will code along with ChatGPT and develop a project from scratch for your portfolio. You will learn how to develop professional web applications with ChatGPT and modern tools and libraries including React Native and JavaScript. Look at the object-oriented programming and functional components in React and React Hooks. You will explore the art of professional coding techniques building a sleek and functional UI. You will see how to write code with templated models and libraries, and clearly document your thought process. Finally, you will learn how to build and work on an entire mobile application with a client-side, simulated database with ChatGPT and enhance your productive levels as a programmer. By the end of the course, you will have deployed an application to your phone with real functionality. All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at:
Table of Contents (10 chapters)
Chapter 4
Displaying Data in Mobile Development with React Native for ChatGPT Project
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Section 3
Update Database Data with Mapping in React Native by Compiling ChatGPT Code
This video is a tutorial on updating database data with mapping in React Native by compiling ChatGPT code. You will learn how to map data from a database or API to components in your application's user interface, as well as how to handle user input and update the database accordingly. By the end of the tutorial, you will have a better understanding of how to update database data with mapping in React Native using ChatGPT code.