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Tableau Dashboard Cookbook

By : Jen Stirrup
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Tableau Dashboard Cookbook

By: Jen Stirrup

Overview of this book

<p>With increasing interest and enthusiasm for data visualization in the media, businesses are looking to create effective dashboards that engage as well as communicate the truth of data. Tableau makes data accessible to everyone, and is a great way of sharing enterprise dashboards across the business. The deceptively simple Tableau interface hides a variety and complexity of features available for dashboarding, and this book will help you to become familiar with these features.</p> <p>Tableau offers an easy-to-use and fun way of designing, constructing, and sharing your dashboards. This book will familiarize you with its features and enable you to develop and enhance your dashboard skills, starting with an overview of what dashboard is followed by how you can collect data using various mathematical formulas. Next you'll learn to filter and group data, as well as how to use various functions to present the data in an appealing and accurate way. The book will also teach you how to use the key advanced string functions to play with data and images. You will be walked through the various features of Tableau including dual axes, scatterplot matrices, heat maps, and sizing. Finally, this book will help you consider what to do next with your dashboard, whether it's on a server or in collaboration with other tools.</p>
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Tableau Dashboard Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers


I want to thank the most important person in my life—my son, Matthew. I love him to the moon and back… a million times! I dedicate this book to him.

I have been inspired by the genius of other people. In the words of Sir Isaac Newton, "I stand on the shoulders of giants." My gratitude to Stephen Few, Edward Tufte, Raj M. Ratwani, and Ben Schneiderman. The data communities of Microsoft and Tableau have boundless enthusiasm and a sense of fun, which has helped me keep going. I'd like to thank the great folks at Tableau, especially Andy Cotgreave and Pat Hanrahan.

I would also like to thank the following people for their support and love—I appreciate it more than I can say—Toby, Gill, and Pippa Smith; Charlie and Joe Withey; my parents; my smart brother, Andrew; my wonderful sister-in-law, Karen; and their children, Hannah and Jamie. I am blessed to have them in my life.

I'd also like to remember my grandfather, Sam Hannah, and my great uncle, James Hannah. They inspired me to read books and didn't hesitate to introduce me, a little girl, into the world of technology while I was growing up. They taught me Morse code, gave me my first Sinclair ZX81 computer, and taught me about radio communications, radar, and mathematics. They never said that this wasn't for girls, and most of all, they made it fun. If you're reading this, please be that person for a child in your life, and maybe one day you'll live on through a book that they write too.

I'd also like to thank the "SQLFamily"—those in the global SQL Server and Microsoft Data Platform community—and of course the "softies" themselves. They are simply amazing, amazing people. They brighten my days and nights more than they know. Thank you!

I would like to thank everyone at Packt Publishing for their patience and hard work in helping me make this happen, Arun in particular. I would also like to thank the reviewers for their diligence, careful questions, and help in shaping this book.