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R Bioinformatics Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Dan MacLean
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R Bioinformatics Cookbook - Second Edition

By: Dan MacLean

Overview of this book

The updated second edition of R Bioinformatics Cookbook takes a recipe-based approach to show you how to conduct practical research and analysis in computational biology with R. You’ll learn how to create a useful and modular R working environment, along with loading, cleaning, and analyzing data using the most up-to-date Bioconductor, ggplot2, and tidyverse tools. This book will walk you through the Bioconductor tools necessary for you to understand and carry out protocols in RNA-seq and ChIP-seq, phylogenetics, genomics, gene search, gene annotation, statistical analysis, and sequence analysis. As you advance, you'll find out how to use Quarto to create data-rich reports, presentations, and websites, as well as get a clear understanding of how machine learning techniques can be applied in the bioinformatics domain. The concluding chapters will help you develop proficiency in key skills, such as gene annotation analysis and functional programming in purrr and base R. Finally, you'll discover how to use the latest AI tools, including ChatGPT, to generate, edit, and understand R code and draft workflows for complex analyses. By the end of this book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of the skills and techniques needed to become a bioinformatics specialist and efficiently work with large and complex bioinformatics datasets.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)

Using dplyr to summarize data in large tables

Split-apply-combine is a technique used in data science to analyze and manipulate large datasets by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces, applying a function or operation to each piece, and then combining the results. It’s a powerful method for working with data because it allows you to process and analyze data in a way that is both efficient and interpretable. The process can be repeated multiple times to gain deeper insights into the data.

In the tidyverse, the dplyr package provides a set of tools for implementing the split-apply-combine technique; we’ll look at those in this recipe.

Getting ready

We will need the dplyr and tidyr packages for this recipe.

How to do it…

The functionality of the dplyr package for split-apply-combine techniques is shown in the following steps:

  1. Create the initial data frame:
    chromosome_id <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3)gene_id <- c("A1","A2","A3","B1","B2","C1","C2","C3")strand <- c("forward","reverse","forward","forward",            "reverse","forward","forward","reverse")length <- c(2000,1500,3000,2500,2000,1000,2000,3000)genes_df <- data.frame(chromosome_id,gene_id,strand,length)
  2. Group on a single column:
    library(dplyr)genes_df |>   group_by(chromosome_id) |>   summarise(total_length = sum(length))
  3. Group and summarize on multiple columns:
    genes_df |>   group_by(chromosome_id, strand) |>   summarise(    num_genes = n(),    avg_length = mean(length)    )
  4. Work on a nested data frame:
    # Create a nested dataframechromosome_id <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3)gene_id <- c("A1","A2","A3","B1","B2","C1","C2","C3")strand <- c("forward","reverse","forward","forward","reverse","forward","forward","reverse")length <- c(2000,1500,3000,2500,2000,1000,2000,3000)genes_df <- data.frame(chromosome_id,gene_id,strand,length)genes_df$samples <- list(data.frame(sample_id=1:2, expression=c(2,3)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:3, expression=c(3,4,5)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:2, expression=c(4,5)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:3, expression=c(5,6,7)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:2, expression=c(6,7)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:2, expression=c(1,2)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:2, expression=c(2,3)),                        data.frame(sample_id=1:2, expression=c(3,4))                       )genes_df |>   tidyr::unnest() |>   group_by(chromosome_id,strand) |>   summarise(mean_expression = mean(expression))

These are a broad set of examples for the use of split-apply-combine in dplyr.

How it works…

Step 1 explicitly creates a data frame; we do it this way so that we can easily understand its structure.

In step 2, we use the method in its simplest form: the group_by() function is used to group the rows of a data frame based on the chromosome_id, and then we use summarise() to return a summary data frame. Step 3 is similar but shows how multiple grouping columns can be used to create more granular groups and how more than one summary function can be applied.

Step 4 is more complex; the new data frame is a nested data frame, and the samples list column contains a data frame of expression data in each cell. When using group_by() and summarise() functions on a nested data frame, you first need to access the nested data using the tidyr::unnest() function, then group and summarize as usual. Note that when using tidyr::unnest(), the new data frame will have multiple rows for each gene, one for each sample, so it’s important to group the data frame by the columns of interest.