The first step to using the resources exposed on a network is finding them. While this problem is easily solved on a LAN with only four computers, you can imagine how daunting a challenge it becomes when your context grows to the several billion devices actively connected to the internet. To ensure reliable delivery of requests broadcast on a network, each device on that network must be uniquely addressed, and any software that wants to communicate with a device must know the address of the target device. With this in mind, let's look at how the problem has been solved at scale and consider how we can apply that solution to our more locally-relevant use cases with .NET Core.
Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core
By :
Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core
Overview of this book
The C# language and the .NET Core application framework provide the tools and patterns required to make the discipline of network programming as intuitive and enjoyable as any other aspect of C# programming. With the help of this book, you will discover how the C# language and the .NET Core framework make this possible.
The book begins by introducing the core concepts of network programming, and what distinguishes this field of programming from other disciplines. After this, you will gain insights into concepts such as transport protocols, sockets and ports, and remote data streams, which will provide you with a holistic understanding of how network software fits into larger distributed systems. The book will also explore the intricacies of how network software is implemented in a more explicit context, by covering sockets, connection strategies such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), asynchronous processing, and threads. You will then be able to work through code examples for TCP servers, web APIs served over HTTP, and a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network stack, the various communication protocols for that stack, and the skills that are essential to implement those protocols using the C# programming language and the .NET Core framework.
Table of Contents (26 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1: Foundations of Network Architecture
Networks in a Nutshell
DNS and Resource Location
Communication Protocols
Packets and Streams
Section 2: Communicating Over Networks
Generating Network Requests in C#
Streams, Threads, and Asynchronous Data
Error Handling over the Wire
Section 3: Application Protocols and Connection Handling
Sockets and Ports
The Transport Layer - TCP and UDP
Section 4: Security, Stability, and Scalability
The Internet Protocol
Transport Layer Security
Authentication and Authorization on Networks
Caching Strategies for Distributed Systems
Performance Analysis and Monitoring
Section 5: Advanced Subjects
Pluggable Protocols in .NET Core
Network Analysis and Packet Inspection
Remote Logins and SSH
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