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Mastering Elastic Kubernetes Service on AWS

By : Malcolm Orr, Yang-Xin Cao (Eason)
5 (1)
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Mastering Elastic Kubernetes Service on AWS

5 (1)
By: Malcolm Orr, Yang-Xin Cao (Eason)

Overview of this book

Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard for container orchestration, with recent developments making it easy to deploy and handle a Kubernetes cluster. However, a few challenges such as networking, load balancing, monitoring, and security remain. To address these issues, Amazon EKS offers a managed Kubernetes service to improve the performance, scalability, reliability, and availability of AWS infrastructure and integrate with AWS networking and security services with ease. You’ll begin by exploring the fundamentals of Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon EKS, and its architecture along with different ways to set up EKS. Next, you’ll find out how to manage Amazon EKS, encompassing security, cluster authentication, networking, and cluster version upgrades. As you advance, you’ll discover best practices and learn to deploy applications on Amazon EKS through different use cases, including pushing images to ECR and setting up storage and load balancing. With the help of several actionable practices and scenarios, you’ll gain the know-how to resolve scaling and monitoring issues. Finally, you will overcome the challenges in EKS by developing the right skill set to troubleshoot common issues with the right logic. By the end of this Kubernetes book, you’ll be able to effectively manage your own Kubernetes clusters and other components on AWS.
Table of Contents (28 chapters)
Part 1: Getting Started with Amazon EKS
Part 2: Deep Dive into EKS
Part 3: Deploying an Application on EKS
Part 4: Advanced EKS Service Mesh and Scaling
Part 5: Overcoming Common EKS Challenges

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestrator originally developed by Google but now seen as the de facto container platform for many organizations. Kubernetes is deployed as clusters containing a control plane that provides an API that exposes the Kubernetes operations, a scheduler that schedules containers (Pods are discussed next) across the worker nodes, a datastore to store all cluster data and state (etcd), and a controller that manages jobs, failures, and restarts.

Figure 1.5 – An overview of Kubernetes

Figure 1.5 – An overview of Kubernetes

The cluster is also composed of many worker nodes that make up the data plane. Each node runs the kubelet agent, which makes sure that containers are running on a specific node, and kube-proxy, which manages the networking for the node.

One of the major advantages of Kubernetes is that all the resources are defined as objects that can be created, read, updated, and deleted. The next section will review the major K8s objects, or “kinds” as they are called, that you will typically be working with.

Key Kubernetes API resources

Containerized applications will be deployed and launched on a worker node(s) using the API. The API provides an abstract object called a Pod, which is defined as one or more containers sharing the same Linux namespace, cgroups, network, and storage resources. Let’s look at a simple example of a Pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:1.14.2
    - containerPort: 80

In this example, kind defines the API object, a single Pod, and metadata contains the name of the Pod, in this case, nginx. The spec section contains one container, which will use the nginx 1.14.2 image and expose a port (80).

In most cases, you want to deploy multiple Pods across multiple nodes and maintain that number of Pods even if you have node failures. To do this, you use a Deployment, which will keep your Pods running. A Deployment is a Kubernetes kind that allows you to define the number of replicas or Pods you want, along with the Pod specification we saw previously. Let’s look at an example that builds on the nginx Pod we discussed previously:

ApiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
        - containerPort: 80

Finally, you want to expose your Pods outside the clusters! This is because, by default, Pods and Deployments are only accessible from inside the cluster’s other Pods. There are various services, but let’s discuss the NodePort service here, which exposes a dynamic port on all nodes in the cluster.

To do this, you will use the kind of Service, an example of which is shown here:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: nginx-service
  type: NodePort
    app: nginx
  port: 80
  nodePort: 30163

In the preceding example, Service exposes port 30163 on any host in the cluster and maps it back to any Pod that has label app=nginx (set in the Deployment), even if a host is not running on that Pod. It translates the port value to port 80, which is what the nginx Pod is listening on.

In this section, we’ve looked at the basic Kubernetes architecture and some basic API objects. In the final section, we will review some standard deployment architectures.