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Accelerating DevSecOps on AWS

By : Nikit Swaraj
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Accelerating DevSecOps on AWS

By: Nikit Swaraj

Overview of this book

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) has never been simple, but these days the landscape is more bewildering than ever; its terrain riddled with blind alleys and pitfalls that seem almost designed to trap the less-experienced developer. If you’re determined enough to keep your balance on the cutting edge, this book will help you navigate the landscape with ease. This book will guide you through the most modern ways of building CI/CD pipelines with AWS, taking you step-by-step from the basics right through to the most advanced topics in this domain. The book starts by covering the basics of CI/CD with AWS. Once you’re well-versed with tools such as AWS Codestar, Proton, CodeGuru, App Mesh, SecurityHub, and CloudFormation, you’ll focus on chaos engineering, the latest trend in testing the fault tolerance of your system. Next, you’ll explore the advanced concepts of AIOps and DevSecOps, two highly sought-after skill sets for securing and optimizing your CI/CD systems. All along, you’ll cover the full range of AWS CI/CD features, gaining real-world expertise. By the end of this AWS book, you’ll have the confidence you need to create resilient, secure, and performant CI/CD pipelines using the best techniques and technologies that AWS has to offer.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Section 1:Basic CI/CD and Policy as Code
Section 2:Chaos Engineering and EKS Clusters
Section 3:DevSecOps and AIOps

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