- Action interface
- used, for action defining / Defining actions with the Action interface
- additionalRuntimeJars property / Using the Jetty plugin
- Add Task button / Defining a build plan, Running the build plan
- afterEvaluate() method / Filtering projects
- allGroovy property / Using the Groovy plugin
- allJava property / Working with source sets
- allScala property / Using the Scala plugin
- allSource property / Working with source sets
- ANT / Adding optional ANT tasks
- apiClasses task / Assembling archives
- apiJar task / Assembling archives
- apply() method / Using the Jetty plugin, Creating a plugin in the build file
- archiveName property / Archiving files
- archives
- assembling / Assembling archives
- archivesBaseName property / Working with properties
- artifacts
- pubishing / Publishing artifacts
- Maven repository, uploading / Uploading to a Maven repository
- multiple artifacts / Multiple artifacts
- signing / Signing artifacts
- signature files, publishing / Publishing signature files
- conditional signing, configuring / Configuring conditional signing
- artifacts link / Running the build plan
- asElement() method / Customizing with XML manipulation
- asNode() method / Customizing with XML manipulation, Customizing with XML manipulation
- assemble task / Working with properties
- asString() method / Customizing with XML manipulation
- Atlassian Bamboo
- about / Using Atlassian Bamboo
- using / Using Atlassian Bamboo
- build plan, defining / Defining a build plan
- build plan, running / Running the build plan
- baseDir property / Using the Sonar plugin
- beforeMerged hook / Customizing with merge hooks
- binaryDirs property / Using the Sonar plugin
- build() method / Writing tests
- Build Log tab page / Running the project
- Build Model button / Importing Gradle project
- build script
- about / Writing a build script
- writing / Writing a build script
- buildSrc directory / Creating a plugin in a standalone project
- call() method / Locating files
- captureStandardError()method / Controlling output
- captureStandardOutput() / Controlling output
- Checkstyle plugin
- about / Using the Checkstyle plugin
- using / Using the Checkstyle plugin
- checkstyle property / Using the Checkstyle plugin
- classes task / Using the Java plugin
- classpath() method / Creating a WAR file
- Closures / Defining tasks
- Clover coverage / Using the Sonar plugin
- cloverReportPath property / Using the Sonar plugin
- Cobertura coverage / Using the Sonar plugin
- coberturaReportPath property / Using the Sonar plugin
- codenarc.ignoreFailures property / Using the CodeNarc plugin
- codenarc.toolVersion property / Using the CodeNarc plugin
- CodeNarc plugin
- using / Using the CodeNarc plugin
- about / Using the CodeNarc plugin
- command-line options
- about / Command-line options, Logging options
- logging options / Logging options
- directory, modifying / Changing the build file and directory
- build file, modifying / Changing the build file and directory
- tasks, running without execution / Running tasks without execution, Gradle daemon
- profiling / Profiling
- Command Line tab
- about / Command Line
- compileClasspath property / Creating a new source set
- compression property / Archiving files
- configFile property / Using the Checkstyle plugin, Using the CodeNarc plugin
- configProperties property / Using the Checkstyle plugin
- Configure Tasks button / Defining a build plan
- convention properties
- archivesBaseName / Working with properties
- sourceCompatibility / Working with properties
- targetCompatibility / Working with properties
- sourceSets / Working with properties
- manifest / Working with properties
- metaInf / Working with properties
- copy spec / Copying files
- create() method / Creating a plugin in the build file
- Create Definition button / Running the build plan
- createGradleWrapper task / Creating wrapper scripts
- custom plugin
- about / Creating a custom plugin
- creating / Creating a custom plugin
- creating, in build file / Creating a plugin in the build file
- customProperty / Defining custom properties in script
- custom task
- about / Creating a custom task
- creating, in build file / Creating a custom task in the build file
- incremental build support, using / Using incremental build support
- --daemon command-line option / Gradle daemon
- --debug command-line option / Using logging
- --debug option / Controlling output
- DAG / Running tasks without execution
- date property / Using the Sonar plugin
- default tasks
- setting / Setting default tasks
- default tasks, Gradle tasks
- about / Default Gradle tasks
- dependencies
- about / Defining dependencies between tasks
- defining, via tasks / Defining dependencies via tasks
- defining, via closures / Defining dependencies via closures
- defining / Defining dependencies
- external module dependency / Defining dependencies
- Project dependency / Defining dependencies
- file dependency / Defining dependencies
- client module dependency / Defining dependencies
- Gradle API dependency / Defining dependencies
- Local Groovy dependency / Defining dependencies
- external module dependencies, using / Using external module dependencies
- project dependencies, using / Using project dependencies
- file dependencies, using / Using file dependencies
- client module dependencies, using / Using client module dependencies
- Gradle dependencies, using / Using Gradle and Groovy dependencies
- Groovy dependencies, using / Using Gradle and Groovy dependencies
- configuration dependencies, accessing / Accessing configuration dependencies
- dynamic versions, setting / Setting dynamic versions
- version conflicts, resolving / Resolving version conflicts
- optional ANT tasks, adding / Adding optional ANT tasks
- dependency configurations, using as files / Using dependency configurations as files
- dependencyCacheDirName property / Working with properties
- dependency configuration
- about / Dependency configuration
- compile / Dependency configuration
- runtime / Dependency configuration
- testCompile / Dependency configuration
- archives / Dependency configuration
- default / Dependency configuration
- dependsOn method / Defining dependencies between tasks
- dependsOn property / Defining dependencies between tasks
- description property / Using the Sonar plugin
- destinationDir property / Archiving files
- directory properties
- working with / Working with properties
- distDirName / Working with properties
- libsDirName / Working with properties
- dependencyCacheDirName / Working with properties
- docsDirName / Working with properties
- testReportDirName / Working with properties
- testResultsDirName / Working with properties
- distDirName property / Working with properties
- distributionUrl property / Customizing the Gradle wrapper
- distZip task / Creating a distributable application archive
- docsDirName property / Working with properties
- documentation
- creating / Creating documentation
- doFirst method / Defining tasks
- DSL / Customizing generated files
- dynamicAnalysis property / Using the Sonar plugin
- --exclude-tasks (-x) command-line option / Skipping from the command line
- EAR / Packaging Java Enterprise Edition applications
- EAR file
- creating / Creating an EAR file
- Ear plugin, using / Using the Ear plugin
- Eclipse plugin
- about / Using the Eclipse plugin
- generated files, customizing / Customizing generated files
- customizing, DSL used / Customizing using DSL
- configuration, merging / Merging configuration
- WTP, configuring / Configuring WTP
- Gradle plugin, running / Running Gradle in Eclipse
- Edit Configuration settings dialog window / Running tasks
- Edit File / Task Tree
- Enable dependency management option / Importing Gradle project
- enhanced task / Creating a custom task
- evaluationDependsOn() method / Defining configuration dependencies
- events() method / Logging test output
- exclude() method / Using external module dependencies, Determining tests
- excludeGroups option / Using TestNG for testing
- exists() method / Locating files
- expand() method / Filtering files
- --full-stracktrace option / Logging options
- Favorites tab / Favorites
- file() method / Locating files, Using file collections
- file generation, IntelliJ IDEA plugin
- customizing / Customizing file generation
- customizing, DSL used / Customizing using DSL
- customizing, with merged hooks / Customizing with merged hooks
- customizing, with XML manipulation / Customizing with XML manipulation
- file method / Skipping tasks that are up-to-date
- files
- working with / Working with files
- locating / Locating files
- file collections, using / Using file collections
- trees, working with / Working with file trees
- copying / Copying files
- renaming / Renaming files, Filtering files
- archiving / Archiving files
- fileTree() method / Working with file trees
- filter() method / Working with file trees, Filtering files
- Filter button / Task Tree
- findbugs() method / Using the FindBugs plugin
- FindBugs plugin
- about / Using the FindBugs plugin
- using / Using the FindBugs plugin
- first build script
- writing / Writing our first build script
- from() method / Copying files, Using dependency configurations as files, Using the Scala plugin
- --gui command-line option / Understanding the Gradle user interface
- .gradle extension / Task Tree
- generated files customization
- steps / Customizing generated files
- DSL, using / Customizing using DSL
- merge hooks, using / Customizing with merge hooks
- XML manipulation, using / Customizing with XML manipulation
- configuration, merging / Merging configuration
- getLogger() method / Using logging
- getWelcomeMessage() method / Testing
- Gradle
- about / Introducing Gradle
- features / Declarative builds and convention over configuration
- starting with / Getting started
- installing / Installing Gradle
- first build script, writing / Writing our first build script
- default tasks / Default Gradle tasks
- task name abbreviation / Task name abbreviation
- multiple tasks, executing / Executing multiple tasks
- log levels / Using logging
- plugins, using / Using plugins
- enhanced task / Creating a custom task
- Gradle, features
- declarative builds / Declarative builds and convention over configuration
- convention-over-configuration / Declarative builds and convention over configuration
- Ant tasks support / Support for Ant tasks and Maven repositories
- Maven repositories / Support for Ant tasks and Maven repositories
- incremental builds / Incremental builds
- multi-project builds / Multi-project builds
- Gradle wrapper / Gradle wrapper
- free / Free and open source
- gradle command / Gradle daemon
- Gradle Java plugin
- using / Using plugins, Using the Java plugin
- starting with / Getting started
- directory properties / Working with properties
- convention properties / Working with properties
- Gradle plugin
- running, in Eclipse plugin / Running Gradle in Eclipse
- installing / Installing Gradle plugin
- running, in IntelliJ IDEA / Running Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA
- Gradle plugin, running in Eclipse
- project, importing / Importing Gradle project
- tasks, running / Running tasks
- build files, editing / Editing build files
- Gradle plugin, running in IntelliJ IDEA
- Gradle plugin, installing / Installing the plugin
- project, importing / Importing a project
- tasks, running / Running tasks
- Gradle Project option / Importing Gradle project
- Gradle user interface
- about / Understanding the Gradle user interface
- Task Tree tab / Task Tree
- Favorites tab / Favorites
- Command Line tab / Command Line
- Setup tab / Setup
- gradleVersion property / Creating wrapper scripts
- Gradle wrapper
- about / Using the Gradle wrapper
- wrapper scripts, creating / Creating wrapper scripts
- customizing / Customizing the Gradle wrapper
- Groovy-Eclipse option / Installing Gradle plugin
- groovy.srcDirs property / Using the Groovy plugin
- Groovydoc tool / Creating documentation with the Groovy plugin
- Groovy plugin
- about / Using the Groovy plugin
- using / Using the Groovy plugin
- source set properties / Using the Groovy plugin
- documentation, creating / Creating documentation with the Groovy plugin
- groovy property / Using the Groovy plugin
- @Input / Using incremental build support
- @InputDirectory / Using incremental build support
- @InputFile / Using incremental build support
- @InputFiles / Using incremental build support
- ignoreFailures property / Using the PMD plugin
- importSource property / Using the Sonar plugin
- includeGroups option / Using TestNG for testing
- incremental build support / Skipping tasks that are up-to-date
- inputs property / Skipping tasks that are up-to-date
- installApp task / Creating a distributable application archive
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Gradle plugin, running / Running Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA
- Gradle plugin, installing / Installing the plugin
- IntelliJ IDEA plugin
- about / Using the IntelliJ IDEA plugin
- using / Using the IntelliJ IDEA plugin
- file generation, customizing / Customizing file generation
- into() method / Copying files
- isDirectory() method / Locating files
- isSatisfiedBy method / Using onlyIf predicates
- java.srcDirs property / Working with source sets
- Java applications
- running / Running Java applications
- running, from project / Running an application from a project
- running, as task / Running an application as task
- running, application plugin used / Running an application with the application plugin
- distributable application archive, creating / Creating a distributable application archive
- javadocAnnotations option / Using TestNG for testing
- javadoc task / Creating documentation
- Java Enterprise Edition applications
- about / Packaging Java Enterprise Edition applications
- WAR file, creating / Creating a WAR file
- EAR file, creating / Creating an EAR file
- javaexec() method / Running Java applications
- Java multi-project builds
- working with / Working with Java multi-project builds
- partial builds, using / Using partial builds
- Jetty plugin, using / Using the Jetty plugin
- java property / Working with source sets, Using the Sonar plugin
- JDepend plugin
- about / Using the JDepend plugin
- using / Using the JDepend plugin
- JDK / Getting started
- JDT / Using the Eclipse plugin
- Jenkins
- about / Using Jenkins
- installing / Using Jenkins
- Gradle plugin, adding / Adding the Gradle plugin
- job, configuring / Configuring Jenkins job
- job, running / Running the job
- artifacts, configuring / Configuring artifacts and test results
- test results, configuring / Configuring artifacts and test results
- Gradle versions, adding / Adding Gradle versions
- JetBrains TeamCity
- about / Using JetBrains TeamCity
- using / Using JetBrains TeamCity
- project, creating / Creating a project
- project, running / Running the project
- jettyRun task / Using the Jetty plugin
- jettyRunWar task / Using the Jetty plugin
- jettyStop task / Using the Jetty plugin
- JVM / Declarative builds and convention over configuration
- key property / Using the Sonar plugin
- language property / Using the Sonar plugin
- layout() method / Adding Ivy repositories
- lib() method / Creating an EAR file
- lib dependencies / Working with Java multi-project builds
- libraries property / Using the Sonar plugin
- libsDirName property / Working with properties
- listeners option / Using TestNG for testing
- log() method / Using logging
- logging
- about / Using logging
- output, controlling / Controlling output
- main() method / Running Java applications
- manifest property / Working with properties
- matching() method / Working with file trees
- mavenCentral() method / Adding Maven repositories
- Maven POM (Project Object Model) / Uploading to a Maven repository
- metaInf property / Working with properties
- module() method / Using client module dependencies
- multi-project builds
- working with / Working with multi-project builds
- tasks, executing by project path / Executing tasks by project path
- flat layout, using / Using a flat layout
- projects, defining / Defining projects
- projects, filtering / Filtering projects
- task dependencies, defining / Defining task dependencies between projects
- configuration dependencies, defining / Defining configuration dependencies
- multiple tasks
- executing / Executing multiple tasks
- --no-daemon command-line option / Gradle daemon
- @Nested / Using incremental build support
- name property / Working with source sets, Using the Sonar plugin
- New project wizard / Importing a project
- @Optional / Using incremental build support
- @OuputDirectory / Using incremental build support
- @OutputDirectories / Using incremental build support
- @OutputFile / Using incremental build support
- @OutputFiles / Using incremental build support
- onlyIf method / Using onlyIf predicates, Skipping tasks by throwing StopExecutionException
- output.classesDir property / Working with source sets
- output.resourcesDir property / Working with source sets
- output property / Working with source sets
- --profile option / Profiling
- parallel option / Using TestNG for testing
- pathVariables() method / Customizing using DSL
- PGP / Signing artifacts
- plugin
- creating, in project source directory / Creating a plugin in the project source directory
- testing / Testing a plugin
- creating, in standalone project / Creating a plugin in a standalone project
- PMD plugin
- about / Using the PMD plugin
- using / Using the PMD plugin
- println() method / Controlling output
- project() method / Using project dependencies, Working with multi-project builds, Using the Sonar plugin
- project properties
- about / Project properties
- custom properties, defining in script / Defining custom properties in script
- passing, via command line / Passing properties via the command line
- defining, via system properties / Defining properties via system properties
- adding, via environment variables / Adding properties via environment variables
- defining, external file used / Defining properties using an external file
- project source directory
- task, creating / Creating a task in the project source directory
- tests, writing / Writing tests
- plugin, creating / Creating a plugin in the project source directory
- properties, Scala plugin
- scala / Using the Scala plugin
- scala.srcDirs / Using the Scala plugin
- allScala / Using the Scala plugin
- property
- working with / Working with properties
- directory property / Working with properties
- convention property / Working with properties
- baseDir / Using the Sonar plugin
- binaryDirs / Using the Sonar plugin
- cloverReportPath / Using the Sonar plugin
- coberturaReportPath / Using the Sonar plugin
- date / Using the Sonar plugin
- description / Using the Sonar plugin
- dynamicAnalysis / Using the Sonar plugin
- importSource / Using the Sonar plugin
- java / Using the Sonar plugin
- key / Using the Sonar plugin
- language / Using the Sonar plugin
- libraries / Using the Sonar plugin
- name / Using the Sonar plugin
- Processors / Using the Sonar plugin
- skip / Using the Sonar plugin
- skipDesignAnalysis / Using the Sonar plugin
- sourceDirs / Using the Sonar plugin
- sourceEncoding / Using the Sonar plugin
- sourceExclusions / Using the Sonar plugin
- testDirs / Using the Sonar plugin
- testReportPath / Using the Sonar plugin
- version / Using the Sonar plugin
- workDir / Using the Sonar plugin
- propertyProcessors property / Using the Sonar plugin
- protocols
- http / Uploading to a Maven repository
- ssh / Uploading to a Maven repository
- ssh-external / Uploading to a Maven repository
- scp / Uploading to a Maven repository
- ftp / Uploading to a Maven repository
- webdav / Uploading to a Maven repository
- file / Uploading to a Maven repository
- --quiet command-line option / Writing our first build script
- readPassword() method / Adding optional ANT tasks
- ReadWelcomeMessage interface / Creating a new source set
- Refresh button / Importing a project
- rename() method / Renaming files
- reports() method / Using the CodeNarc plugin
- reportsDir property / Using the Checkstyle plugin
- repositories
- about / Repositories
- Maven repository / Repositories
- Maven central repository / Repositories
- Maven local repository / Repositories
- Ivy repository / Repositories
- Flat directory repository / Repositories
- Maven repositories, adding / Adding Maven repositories
- Ivy repositories, adding / Adding Ivy repositories
- local directory repository, adding / Adding a local directory repository
- resolutionStrategy property / Resolving version conflicts
- resources() method / Adding Ivy repositories
- resources.srcDirs property / Working with source sets
- resources property / Working with source sets
- rules() method / Using the PMD plugin
- ruleSetFiles() me thod / Using the PMD plugin
- ruleSetFiles property / Using the PMD plugin
- Run Build button / Running the project
- --stacktrace option / Logging options
- << syntax / Writing our first build script
- sample project
- creating / Creating a sample project
- SampleService class / Working with Java multi-project builds
- scala.srcDirs property / Using the Scala plugin
- scaladoc task / Creating documentation with the Scala plugin
- Scala plugin
- about / Using the Scala plugin
- using / Using the Scala plugin
- properties / Using the Scala plugin
- documentation, creating / Creating documentation with the Scala plugin
- scala property / Using the Scala plugin
- scanForTestClasses property / Determining tests
- script
- building, Groovy used / Build scripts are Groovy code
- scriptFile property / Customizing the Gradle wrapper
- Servlet API / Working with Java multi-project builds
- Setup tab / Setup
- singleFile property / Using file collections
- skipDesignAnalysis property / Using the Sonar plugin
- skip property / Using the Sonar plugin
- Sonar plugin
- using / Using the Sonar plugin
- about / Using the Sonar plugin
- source code
- Checkstyle / Using the Checkstyle plugin
- PMD / Using the PMD plugin
- FindBugs / Using the FindBugs plugin
- JDepend / Using the JDepend plugin
- CodeNarc / Using the CodeNarc plugin
- Sonar / Using the Sonar plugin
- sourceCompatibility property / Working with properties
- sourceDirs property / Using the Sonar plugin
- sourceEncoding property / Using the Sonar plugin
- sourceExclusions property / Using the Sonar plugin
- source set
- about / Working with source sets
- working with / Working with source sets
- java property / Working with source sets
- allJava property / Working with source sets
- resources property / Working with source sets
- allSource property / Working with source sets
- output property / Working with source sets
- java.srcDirs property / Working with source sets
- resources.srcDirs property / Working with source sets
- output.classesDir property / Working with source sets
- output.resourcesDir property / Working with source sets
- name property / Working with source sets
- new source set, creating / Creating a new source set
- custom configuration / Custom configuration
- source set properties, Groovy plugin
- groovy / Using the Groovy plugin
- groovy.srcDirs / Using the Groovy plugin
- allGroovy / Using the Groovy plugin
- sourceSets property / Working with source sets, Creating a new source set, Working with properties
- standalone project
- task, creating / Creating a task in a standalone project
- plugin, creating / Creating a plugin in a standalone project
- startScripts task / Creating a distributable application archive
- STS / Running Gradle in Eclipse
- suiteName option / Using TestNG for testing
- suiteXmlBuilder option / Using TestNG for testing
- suiteXmlWriter option / Using TestNG for testing
- targetCompatibility property / Working with properties
- task
- organizing / Organizing tasks
- adding, ways / Adding tasks in other ways
- rules, using / Using task rules
- accessing, as project properties / Accessing tasks as project properties
- additional properties, adding / Adding additional properties to tasks
- common pitfalls, avoiding / Avoiding common pitfalls, Skipping tasks
- skipping / Skipping tasks
- onlyIf predicates, using / Using onlyIf predicates
- skipping, by throwing StopExecutionException / Skipping tasks by throwing StopExecutionException
- disabling / Enabling and disabling tasks
- enabling / Enabling and disabling tasks
- command line, skipping from / Skipping from the command line
- up-to-date task, skipping / Skipping tasks that are up-to-date
- creating, in project source directory / Creating a task in the project source directory
- creating, in standalone project / Creating a task in a standalone project
- task groups / Grouping tasks together
- task name abbreviation, Gradle tasks
- about / Task name abbreviation
- task organization
- about / Organizing tasks
- description, adding / Adding a description to tasks
- task groups, creating / Grouping tasks together
- task rules
- using / Using task rules
- tasks
- defining / Defining tasks
- actions defining, Action interface used / Defining actions with the Action interface
- Task Tree tab / Task Tree
- testDirs property / Using the Sonar plugin
- testing
- about / Testing
- Gradle build script / Testing
- TestNG, using / Using TestNG for testing
- test process, configuring / Configuring the test process
- testName option / Using TestNG for testing
- TestNG
- using, for testing / Using TestNG for testing
- test output
- logging / Logging test output
- test process
- configuring / Configuring the test process
- testReportDirName property / Working with properties
- testReportPath property / Using the Sonar plugin
- test reports
- generating / Generating test reports
- testResources option / Using TestNG for testing
- testResultsDirName property / Working with properties
- tests
- determining / Determining tests
- threadCount option / Using TestNG for testing
- Toggle filter button / Task Tree
- toolVersion property / Using the Checkstyle plugin, Using the JDepend plugin
- uploadArchives task / Creating a plugin in a standalone project
- Use Custom Gradle Executor / Setup
- useDefaultListeners option / Using TestNG for testing
- useJUnit() method / Using TestNG for testing
- useTestNG() method / Using TestNG for testing
- version property / Using the Sonar plugin
- visit() method / Working with file trees
- WAR / Packaging Java Enterprise Edition applications
- WAR file
- creating / Creating a WAR file
- War plugin, using / Using the War plugin
- war task / Creating a WAR file
- whenMerged hook / Customizing with merge hooks
- withGlobalProperties() method / Using the Sonar plugin
- withProjectProperties() method / Using the Sonar plugin
- withXml hook / Customizing file generation
- workDir property / Using the Sonar plugin
- WTP / Configuring WTP
- WTP configuration
- about / Configuring WTP
- file generation, customizing / Customizing file generation