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Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

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Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

Overview of this book

Gradle is the next generation in build automation. It uses convention-over-configuration to provide good defaults, but is also flexible enough to be usable in every situation you encounter in daily development. Build logic is described with a powerful DSL and empowers developers to create reusable and maintainable build logic."Gradle Effective Implementation Guide" is a great introduction and reference for using Gradle. The Gradle build language is explained with hands on code and practical applications. You learn how to apply Gradle in your Java, Scala or Groovy projects, integrate with your favorite IDE and how to integrate with well-known continuous integration servers.Start with the foundations and work your way through hands on examples to build your knowledge of Gradle to skyscraper heights. You will quickly learn the basics of Gradle, how to write tasks, work with files and how to use write build scripts using the Groovy DSL. Then as you develop you will be shown how to use Gradle for Java projects. Compile, package, test and deploy your applications with ease. When you've mastered the simple, move on to the sublime and integrate your code with continuous integration servers and IDEs. By the end of the "Gradle Effective Implementation Guide" you will be able to use Gradle in your daily development. Writing tasks, applying plugins and creating build logic will be second nature.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Gradle Effective Implementation Guide
About the Author
About the Reviewers


It was a great honor to be asked by Packt Publishing to write this book. I knew beforehand it would be a lot of work and somehow needed to be combined with my daytime job. I couldn’t have written the book without the help of a lot of people and I would like to thank them.

First of all I would like to thank my family for supporting me while writing this book. They gave me space and time to write the book. Thank you for your patience and a big kiss for Kim, Britt, and Liam; I love you. I also like to thank my colleagues at JDriven. They reviewed the pages I wrote and helped me by asking questions and showing interest in the progress of the book. Of course I like to thank all the people at Gradleware for making Gradle such a great build tool and René Gröschke for reviewing the chapters in the book.

Finally I’d like to thank the great staff at Packt Publishing. Sai Gamare kept me on schedule and made sure everything was submitted on time. I’d also like to thank all the editors for reviewing the book. They really helped me to keep focus and be concise with the text.