The same thing that makes SAP Data Services a great ETL development environment makes it quite not a trivial one to install and configure. Here though, you have to remember that Data Services is an enterprise class ETL solution that is able to solve the most complex ETL tasks.
See the following image for a very high-level Data Services architecture view. Data Services has two basic groups of components: client tools and server-based components:
Client tools include the following (there are more, but we mention the ones most often used):
- The Designer tool: This is the client-based main GUI application for ETL development
- Repository Manager: This is a client-based GUI application for Data Services to create, configure, and upgrade Data Services repositories
The main server-based components include the following ones:
- IPS Services: This is used for user authentication, system configuration storage, and internal metadata management
- Job Server: This is a core engine service that executes...