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Instant jQuery Flot Visual Data Analysis

By : Brian Peiris
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Instant jQuery Flot Visual Data Analysis

By: Brian Peiris

Overview of this book

Data visualization and analysis is a crucial skill in many software projects. Flot uses jQuery and HTML5 to add easy and powerful visualization capabilities to any web application. Flot produces beautiful visualizations with a minimal amount of code. It is also highly configurable, extensible, and includes many plugins out of the box. A practical guide to take you through the basics of using Flot to visualize your data; the book describes Flot's functionality in dedicated sections that include code, screenshots, and detailed explanations so that you can learn to produce charts in minutes. As you progress though this book, it will guide you through real-world examples to show you how to use statistical techniques with Flot for interactive data visualization and analysis. Starting with the very basics, you will learn exactly what you need to do to display the simplest chart using Flot. This step-by-step guide takes you through Flot's many features and settings until you can finally master the techniques you'll need to apply Flot to your application's data. You'll learn to create basic point, line, and bar charts and to use Flot's stack, pie, and time plugins to create specialized chart types. Along with learning to display complex data with multiple customizable axes you will learn to make your charts interactive with Flot's crosshair plugin. Finally, this book will guide you through learning statistical techniques via the jStat JavaScript library to analyse data; along with Flot's errorbars and fillbetween plugins to display error margins and data percentiles. Instant jQuery Flot Visual Data Analysis will give you a head start so that you can add data visualization features to your applications with ease.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

About the Reviewers

Alex Bliss is a software architect who enjoys planning and implementing complex software solutions to scientific and business problems, providing an effective mix of team leadership and technical knowledge. Alex enjoys implementing solutions in a wide range of fields.

Alex works for the Image Permanence Institute, maintaining their business and environmental monitoring and statistics software, as well as developing new software for various grant opportunities.

Alex has worked for over a decade in developing accessible web applications using HTML5 and JavaScript. He also has an interest in statistics and mathematical computing using Flot and jStat as well as SciPy and Matlab.

Marco Franssen is a very passionate developer from the Netherlands. During his career, he has worked on various types of software projects. These projects range from client software, distributed systems, web applications, and MS Office add-ins. Some of the techniques and languages Marco is familiar with are: C#, ASP.NET MVC, CQRS, DDD, JavaScript, NodeJS, SCRUM, Agile, and so on.

In all of these projects, Marco had a role as a lead developer or architect. Thanks to Marco's ability to think in terms of abstracts, his understanding of processes, and his analytical skills, he was able to bring all his projects success.

Marco also has a personal weblog at, where he shares his knowledge with the community.

Currently, Marco is working as a lead developer for BlueKiwi, the European Enterprise Social Networking company. He is leading on all the third-party integrations from an architecture point of view. This will help him to make the next step in his career to eventually be promoted to architect. Marco has also given many workshops and presentations within Atos, BlueKiwi's mother company, sharing his knowledge and expertise with colleague developers, which is all over the world.

Mihir Mone is a postgraduate from Monash University, Australia. Although he completed his postgraduation in Network Computing; these days, he mainly does web and mobile development.

After spending some time fiddling around with routers and switches, he quickly decided to build on his passion for web development; not design but development. Building web systems and applications rather than websites with all the fancy flash animations was very interesting and alluring to him. He even returned to his alma mater to teach all about web development to pass forward what he had learned.

These days, he works for a small software/engineering house in Melbourne doing web development, and prototyping exciting new ideas in the data visualization and UX domain.

He is a Linux enthusiast and a big proponent of the OSS movement and believes that software should always be free to actualize its true potential. A true geek at heart, he spends some of his leisure time writing code in the hope that it may be helpful to the masses.

He is also a motorsport junkie, so you may find him loitering around race tracks from time to time (especially if there is Formula1 involved).