- agent-based concurrency, with Akka framework
- about / Agent-based concurrency with the Akka framework
- Monte-Carlo pi / Monte-Carlo pi revisited
- routing, using / Using routing
- waiting for reply / Waiting for a reply
- Akka cluster
- used, for distributed computing / Using an Akka cluster for distributed computing
- reference link / Using an Akka cluster for distributed computing
- Akka framework
- agent-based concurrency, performing / Agent-based concurrency with the Akka framework
- reference link / Agent-based concurrency with the Akka framework
- Andrews curve / Andrews curve
- Argonaut
- bar chart
- creating, JFreeChart used / Creating a bar chart
- creating, scala-chart used / Creating a bar chart
- creating, Wisp used / Creating a bar chart
- basic data structures, Breeze
- about / Basic Breeze data structures
- DenseVector / DenseVector
- DenseMatrix / DenseMatrix
- indexing and slicing, using / Indexing and slicing
- reshaping / Reshaping
- concatenation / Concatenation
- basic data structures, Saddle
- about / Basic Saddle data structures
- Vec structure, using / Using the Vec structure
- Mat structure, using / Using the Mat structure
- Series / Series
- Frame / Frame
- bins / Creating a histogram
- box-and-whisker chart
- creating, JFreeChart used / Creating a box-and-whisker chart
- creating, scala-chart used / Creating a box-and-whisker chart
- creating, Wisp used / Creating a box-and-whisker chart
- Breeze
- URL / Breeze
- about / Breeze
- using / Using Breeze in your project
- basic data structures / Basic Breeze data structures
- statistical computing / Statistical computing with Breeze
- cheat sheet / Cheat sheet
- using, with Saddle / Using Breeze with Saddle
- BroadcastRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- C
- Scala, comparing with / What are the advantages compared to C/C++/Java?
- C++
- Scala, comparing with / What are the advantages compared to C/C++/Java?
- Cassovary
- cheat sheet
- about / Cheat sheet
- matrices, creating / Creating matrices and vectors
- vectors, creating / Creating matrices and vectors
- operations, on matrices and vectors / Operations on matrices and vectors
- commands, server
- startServer() / Interacting with the server
- stopServer() / Interacting with the server
- undo() / Interacting with the server
- redo() / Interacting with the server
- delete() / Interacting with the server
- ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- CSV (Comma Separated Values) / Reading and writing CSV files
- CSV files
- reading / Reading and writing CSV files
- writing / Reading and writing CSV files
- reading, in Scala / Reading files in Scala
- CSV data, parsing / Parsing CSV data
- CSV data, processing / Processing CSV data
- data
- obtaining, for visualization / Obtaining data to visualize
- data analysis, with Saddle
- about / Data analysis with Saddle
- data analysis packages
- about / Data analysis packages for Scala
- Saddle / Saddle
- MLlib / MLlib
- database
- accessing, JDBC used / Database access using JDBC
- data structures, ScalaSci
- about / Basic ScalaSci data structures
- vector / Vector
- matrix / Matrix
- other functionality / Other ScalaSci functionality
- deadlocks / Non-blocking communication
- DenseMatrix
- about / DenseMatrix
- DenseVector
- about / DenseVector
- distributed computing
- MPJ Express, using / Using MPJ Express for distributed computing
- Akka cluster, using / Using an Akka cluster for distributed computing
- Emacs
- using, as Scala IDE / Using Emacs as the Scala IDE
- URL / Using Emacs as the Scala IDE
- URL / Using Emacs as the Scala IDE
- reference link / Using Emacs as the Scala IDE
- integrating, with SBT tool / ENSIME and SBT integration
- Figaro
- Frame structure
- about / Frame
- rowAt method, using / Using the rowAt method in Frame
- sortedColsBy method, using / Using the sortedColsBy method in Frame
- Functional Relational Mapping (FRM) library
- about / Database access using Slick
- HDF5 files
- reading / Reading and writing HDF5 files
- writing / Reading and writing HDF5 files
- Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) / Reading and writing HDF5 files
- references / Reading and writing HDF5 files
- histogram
- creating, JFreeChart used / Creating a histogram
- HistogramType.FREQUENCY / Creating a histogram
- HistogramType.RELATIVE_FREQUENCY / Creating a histogram
- HistogramType.SCALE_AREA_TO_1 / Creating a histogram
- creating, scala-chart used / Creating a histogram
- creating, Wisp used / Creating a histogram
- installation
- scala-chart / Installing scala-chart
- Java
- Scala, comparing with / What are the advantages compared to C/C++/Java?
- code integration, with Scala / Mixing Java and Scala code
- Java Development Kit (JDK) / Setting up MPJ Express on clusters
- Java Native Interface (JNI) wrapper) / Setting up MPJ Express on clusters
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) / Reading and writing JSON files
- used, for accessing database / Database access using JDBC
- JDBC drivers for SQLite
- reference link / Database access using JDBC
- JFreeChart
- about / Alternatives for doing plotting
- URL / Alternatives for doing plotting
- used, for plotting / Plotting with JFreeChart
- using / Using JFreeChart in your project
- reference link / Using JFreeChart in your project
- used, for creating line plot / Creating a line plot
- used, for creating histogram / Creating a histogram
- used, for creating bar chart / Creating a bar chart
- used, for creating box-and-whisker chart / Creating a box-and-whisker chart
- plot types / Other plot types
- plot types, reference link / Other plot types
- saving, to file / Saving charts to a file
- JSON Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) / Spray-JSON
- JSON files
- reading / Reading and writing JSON files
- writing / Reading and writing JSON files
- Spray-JSON / Spray-JSON
- SON of JSON library / SON of JSON
- Argonaut / Argonaut
- JSON validator
- reference / Reading and writing JSON files
- Jzy3d
- linear regression plot
- creating, Wisp used / Creating a linear regression plot
- line plot
- creating, JFreeChart used / Creating a line plot
- creating, scala-chart used / Creating a line plot
- creating, Wisp used / Creating a line plot
- Scala, comparing with / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- matrix plot
- about / Using Breeze with Saddle
- Mat structure
- about / Using the Mat structure
- using / Using the Mat structure
- Matrix, creating with / Creating a matrix with Mat
- arithmetic operators, applying / Applying arithmetic operators in Mat structures
- Matrix, using / Using Matrix in the Mat structure
- MLlib
- MPJ Express
- reference link / Using MPJ Express for distributed computing, Setting up and running MPJ Express
- running / Setting up and running MPJ Express
- setting up / Setting up and running MPJ Express
- Send method, using / Using Send and Recv
- Recv method, using / Using Send and Recv
- Send, using / Using Send and Recv
- Scala objects, sending in messages / Sending Scala objects in MPJ Express messages
- non-blocking communication / Non-blocking communication
- Scatter method / Scatter and Gather
- Gather method / Scatter and Gather
- setting up, on clusters / Setting up MPJ Express on clusters
- MPJ Express API
- documentation, reference link / Scatter and Gather
- mutual exclusion (Mutex) / Synchronization
- numerical computing packages
- about / Numerical computing packages for Scala
- Scalala / Scalala
- Breeze / Breeze
- Scalalab / ScalaLab
- parallel coordinates / Parallel coordinates
- parallel programming
- Scala threads, using / Programming with Scala threads
- parameters, Send and Recv method
- Buf / Using Send and Recv
- offset / Using Send and Recv
- Count / Using Send and Recv
- datatype / Using Send and Recv
- dest/source / Using Send and Recv
- tag / Using Send and Recv
- pickling
- about / Sending Scala objects in MPJ Express messages
- reference link / Sending Scala objects in MPJ Express messages
- plotting
- about / Alternatives for doing plotting
- Portable Document Format (PDF) / Saving charts to a file
- program
- improving / Improving the program
- programming language
- URL, for comparison / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- Python
- Scala, comparing with / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- R
- Scala, comparing with / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- race conditions / Synchronization
- RandomRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- rank / Setting up and running MPJ Express
- RoundRobinRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- Saddle
- about / Saddle
- URL / Saddle, Installing Saddle
- installing / Installing Saddle
- basic data structures / Basic Saddle data structures
- data analysis / Data analysis with Saddle
- Sammon mapping / Sammon mapping
- sbt-assembly plugin
- reference link / Setting up and running MPJ Express
- SBT tool
- using / Building, testing, and distributing your Scala software
- URL / Building, testing, and distributing your Scala software
- directory structure / Directory structure
- used, for testing Scala code / Testing Scala code with the help of SBT
- ENSIME, integrating with / ENSIME and SBT integration
- Scala
- for scientific computing / Why Scala for scientific computing?
- advantages, over C / What are the advantages compared to C/C++/Java?
- advantages, over C++ / What are the advantages compared to C/C++/Java?
- advantages, over Java / What are the advantages compared to C/C++/Java?
- advantages, over MATLAB / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- advantages, over Python / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- advantages, over R / What are the advantages compared to MATLAB/Python/R?
- parallel execution / Scala does parallelism well
- disadvantages / Any downsides?
- code integration, with Java / Mixing Java and Scala code
- scala-chart
- used, for plotting / Plotting with scala-chart
- reference link / Plotting with scala-chart
- installing / Installing scala-chart
- used, for creating line plot / Creating a line plot
- used, for creating histogram / Creating a histogram
- used, for creating bar chart / Creating a bar chart
- used, for creating box-and-whisker chart / Creating a box-and-whisker chart
- saving, to file / Saving charts to a file
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) / Saving charts to a file
- Scala code
- profiling / Profiling Scala code
- debugging / Debugging Scala code
- testing, SBT tool used / Testing Scala code with the help of SBT
- Scala IDE
- Emacs, using / Using Emacs as the Scala IDE
- Scalala
- ScalaLab
- reference link / Installing and running ScalaLab
- reference link, on SourceForge / Installing and running ScalaLab
- installing / Installing and running ScalaLab
- running / Installing and running ScalaLab
- data storage / Data storage and retrieval
- data retrieval / Data storage and retrieval
- used, for plotting / Plotting with ScalaLab
- features / Other ScalaLab features
- symbolic algebra, performing with symja / Doing symbolic algebra using symja
- Scalalab
- ScalaSci
- about / Basic ScalaSci data structures
- data structures / Basic ScalaSci data structures
- Scala software
- ScalaTest
- Scala threads
- used, for parallel programming / Programming with Scala threads
- example / A simple Scala thread example
- synchronization / Synchronization
- Monte-Carlo pi calculation / Monte-Carlo pi calculation
- parallel collections, using / Using Scala's parallel collections
- ScatterGaTailChoppingRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- scatter plot matrix / Scatter plot matrix
- scientific computing
- with Scala / Why Scala for scientific computing?
- scientific software
- about / Other scientific software
- Cassovary / Cassovary
- Figaro / Figaro
- Series objects, joining with join operation
- about / Joining Series using the join operation
- index.LeftJoin, applying / Applying index.LeftJoin
- index.RightJoin, applying / Applying index.RightJoin
- index.InnerJoin, applying / Applying index.InnerJoin
- index.OuterJoin, applying / Applying index.OuterJoin
- Series structure
- about / Series
- groupBy method, implementing / Implementing the groupBy method in the Series structure
- transform method, applying / Applying the transform method in Series
- numerical operators, using / Using numerical operators in Series
- server
- interactions, Wisp used / Interacting with the server
- signal processing
- other functionality / Other signal processing functionality
- Slick
- used, for accessing database / Database access using Slick
- about / Database access using Slick
- reference link / Database access using Slick
- Plain SQL / Plain SQL
- SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic class / Using routing
- SON of JSON library
- reference link / SON of JSON
- about / SON of JSON
- Spray-JSON
- about / Spray-JSON
- reference link / Spray-JSON
- statistical computing
- with Breeze / Statistical computing with Breeze
- symja
- used, for performing ScalaLab / Doing symbolic algebra using symja
- reference link / Doing symbolic algebra using symja
- Takipi
- URL / Profiling Scala code
- Vec structure
- about / Using the Vec structure
- using / Using the Vec structure
- arithmetic operation, using / Using arithmetic operations in Vec
- data access / Data access in Vec
- slice method, implementing / Implementing the slice method in Vec
- statistic calculation / Statistic calculation in Vec
- VisualVM profiler
- URL / Profiling Scala code
- Wisp
- URL / Alternatives for doing plotting
- used, for plotting / Plotting with Wisp
- reference link / Plotting with Wisp
- used, for creating line plot / Creating a line plot
- used, for creating histogram / Creating a histogram
- used, for creating bar chart / Creating a bar chart
- used, for creating box-and-whisker chart / Creating a box-and-whisker chart
- used, for creating linear regression plot / Creating a linear regression plot
- used, for interacting with server / Interacting with the server
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- about / Reading and writing XML files
- tags / Reading and writing XML files
- text / Reading and writing XML files
- XML files
- reading / Reading and writing XML files
- writing / Reading and writing XML files
- XYLineChart / Andrews curve