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Python Data Analysis - Second Edition

By : Ivan Idris
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Python Data Analysis - Second Edition

By: Ivan Idris

Overview of this book

Data analysis techniques generate useful insights from small and large volumes of data. Python, with its strong set of libraries, has become a popular platform to conduct various data analysis and predictive modeling tasks. With this book, you will learn how to process and manipulate data with Python for complex analysis and modeling. We learn data manipulations such as aggregating, concatenating, appending, cleaning, and handling missing values, with NumPy and Pandas. The book covers how to store and retrieve data from various data sources such as SQL and NoSQL, CSV fies, and HDF5. We learn how to visualize data using visualization libraries, along with advanced topics such as signal processing, time series, textual data analysis, machine learning, and social media analysis. The book covers a plethora of Python modules, such as matplotlib, statsmodels, scikit-learn, and NLTK. It also covers using Python with external environments such as R, Fortran, C/C++, and Boost libraries.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Python Data Analysis - Second Edition
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The following are useful NumPy functions:

numpy.arange([start,] stop[, step,], dtype=None): This function creates a NumPy array with evenly spaced values within a specified range.

numpy.argsort(a, axis=-1, kind='quicksort', order=None): This function returns the indices that will sort the input array.

numpy.array(object, dtype=None, copy=True, order=None, subok=False, ndmin=0): This function creates a NumPy array from an array-like sequence such as a Python list., b, out=None): This function calculates the dot product of two arrays.

numpy.eye(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=<type 'float'>): This function returns the identity matrix.

numpy.load(file, mmap_mode=None): This function loads NumPy arrays or pickled objects from .npy, .npz, or pickles. A memory-mapped array is stored in the filesystem and doesn't have to be completely loaded in the memory. This is especially useful for large arrays.

numpy.loadtxt(fname, dtype=<type 'float'>, comments='#', delimiter=None, converters=None, skiprows=0, usecols=None, unpack=False, ndmin=0): This function loads data from a text file into a NumPy array.

numpy.mean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False): This function calculates the arithmetic mean along the given axis.

numpy.median(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False): This function calculates the median along the given axis.

numpy.ones(shape, dtype=None, order='C'): This function creates a NumPy array of a specified shape and data type, containing ones.

numpy.polyfit(x, y, deg, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False): This function performs a least squares polynomial fit.

numpy.reshape(a, newshape, order='C'): This function changes the shape of a NumPy array., arr): This function saves a NumPy array to a file in the NumPy .npy format.

numpy.savetxt(fname, X, fmt='%.18e', delimiter=' ', newline='\n', header='', footer='', comments='# '): This function saves a NumPy array to a text file.

numpy.std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False): This function returns the standard deviation along the given axis.

numpy.where(condition, [x, y]): This function selects array elements from input arrays based on a Boolean condition.

numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=float, order='C'): This function creates a NumPy array of a specified shape and data type, containing zeros.