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Hands-On Dashboard Development with Shiny

By : Chris Beeley
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Hands-On Dashboard Development with Shiny

By: Chris Beeley

Overview of this book

Although vanilla Shiny applications look attractive with some layout flexibility, you may still want to have more control over how the interface is laid out to produce a dashboard. Hands-On Dashboard Development with Shiny helps you incorporate this in your applications. The book starts by guiding you in producing an application based on the diamonds dataset included in the ggplot2 package. You’ll create a single application, but the interface will be reskinned and rebuilt throughout using different methods to illustrate their uses and functions using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will also learn to develop an application that creates documents and reports using R Markdown. Furthermore, the book demonstrates the use of HTML templates and the Bootstrap framework. Moving along, you will learn how to produce dashboards using the Shiny command and dashboard package. Finally, you will learn how to lay out applications using a wide range of built-in functions. By the end of the book, you will have an understanding of the principles that underpin layout in Shiny applications, including sections of HTML added to a vanilla Shiny application, HTML interfaces written from scratch, dashboards, navigation bars, and interfaces.
Table of Contents (5 chapters)

Shiny functions to produce HTML

Shiny is based on HTML and hence it allows you to write an entire interface in R and Shiny without thinking of HTML. You can also update your interface using Shiny built-in functions or add custom HTML using the tag function. Shiny also allows you to write an entire interface using HTML from scratch. To work on a Shiny application for the first time, it is preferable that you are familiar with HTML and CSS.

The following are a few common HTML tags:

  • p: This is used to create a paragraph
  • h1-h6: Heading style used to add headings and subheadings, where h1 is considered to be the largest and h6 the smallest
  • a: This is used to create links and it is associated with href, which is the address to the web page. For example, href =, "Shiny docs", where href is used to define the link and the following text is used to display the text to the user
  • br(): This is used to create a line break
  • div: This tag is used to define a section with a particular style, defined in the same way as we use a div tag in HTML
  • span: The span tag is used to define a similar style to a string of text
  • pre: This is used for format code sections or commands in block quotes or pre-formatted text
  • code: We can also use the code tag if you want the code block to look the same as computer code
  • img: The img tag is used to define the image
  • strong: This is used to set the text in bold format
  • em: The em tag is used to style the text in italics format or to emphasize the text
  • hr: This is used to add a horizontal line between text

The following screenshot shows the use of some of the HTML tags:

Let's have a look at the code for the application present in the ui.r file:

        tabPanel("Budgets over time", plotOutput("budgetYear"), 
            p("For more information about ", strong("Shiny"), " look at the ", 
            a(href = "", 
"documentation.")), hr(), h3("Some code goes under here"), p("If you wish to write some code you may like to use the pre()
function like this:", pre('sliderInput("year", "Year", min = 1893, max = 2005, value = c(1945, 2005), sep = "")'))), tabPanel("Movie picker", tableOutput("moviePicker")) ) )

As we can see in the code block, we have used a strong tag to add bold text within the p function within the same paragraph. We have also used href for the link, hr for the horizontal line, and the pre tag for the code block in the same application.