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Mastering MongoDB 6.x - Third Edition

By : Alex Giamas
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Mastering MongoDB 6.x - Third Edition

By: Alex Giamas

Overview of this book

MongoDB is a leading non-relational database. This book covers all the major features of MongoDB including the latest version 6. MongoDB 6.x adds many new features and expands on existing ones such as aggregation, indexing, replication, sharding and MongoDB Atlas tools. Some of the MongoDB Atlas tools that you will master include Atlas dedicated clusters and Serverless, Atlas Search, Charts, Realm Application Services/Sync, Compass, Cloud Manager and Data Lake. By getting hands-on working with code using realistic use cases, you will master the art of modeling, shaping and querying your data and become the MongoDB oracle for the business. You will focus on broadly used and niche areas such as optimizing queries, configuring large-scale clusters, configuring your cluster for high performance and availability and many more. Later, you will become proficient in auditing, monitoring, and securing your clusters using a structured and organized approach. By the end of this book, you will have grasped all the practical understanding needed to design, develop, administer and scale MongoDB-based database applications both on premises and on the cloud.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Part 1 – Basic MongoDB – Design Goals and Architecture
Part 2 – Querying Effectively
Part 3 – Administration and Data Management
Part 4 – Scaling and High Availability

Cloud options for a replica set

We can set up and operate a replica set from our own servers, but we can reduce our operational overhead by using a DBaaS provider to do so. The three most widely used MongoDB cloud providers are Amazon’s DocumentDB, Microsoft’s Azure Cosmos DB, and MongoDB Atlas, the native offering from MongoDB, Inc.

In this section, we will go over these options and how they fare in comparison to using our own hardware and data centers.

Amazon DocumentDB

Amazon DocumentDB is a wire protocol-compatible MongoDB offering based on Amazon’s infrastructure. It offers compatibility with versions 3.6 and 4.0 of MongoDB as of summer 2022.

Amazon DocumentDB is offering what is essentially a replica set configuration with one primary for writes and up to 15 secondaries across availability zones in a single region for reads. Sharding is not supported and write scaling can only be achieved by scaling up the primary server instance. We should accordingly...