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Mastering MongoDB 6.x - Third Edition

By : Alex Giamas
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Mastering MongoDB 6.x - Third Edition

By: Alex Giamas

Overview of this book

MongoDB is a leading non-relational database. This book covers all the major features of MongoDB including the latest version 6. MongoDB 6.x adds many new features and expands on existing ones such as aggregation, indexing, replication, sharding and MongoDB Atlas tools. Some of the MongoDB Atlas tools that you will master include Atlas dedicated clusters and Serverless, Atlas Search, Charts, Realm Application Services/Sync, Compass, Cloud Manager and Data Lake. By getting hands-on working with code using realistic use cases, you will master the art of modeling, shaping and querying your data and become the MongoDB oracle for the business. You will focus on broadly used and niche areas such as optimizing queries, configuring large-scale clusters, configuring your cluster for high performance and availability and many more. Later, you will become proficient in auditing, monitoring, and securing your clusters using a structured and organized approach. By the end of this book, you will have grasped all the practical understanding needed to design, develop, administer and scale MongoDB-based database applications both on premises and on the cloud.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Part 1 – Basic MongoDB – Design Goals and Architecture
Part 2 – Querying Effectively
Part 3 – Administration and Data Management
Part 4 – Scaling and High Availability

MongoDB’s key characteristics and use cases

In this section, we will analyze MongoDB’s characteristics as a database. Understanding the features that MongoDB provides can help developers and architects to evaluate the requirements at hand and how MongoDB can help to fulfill them. Also, we will go over some common use cases from the experience of MongoDB, Inc. that have delivered the best results for its users. Finally, we will uncover some of the most common points of criticism against MongoDB and non-relational databases in general.

Key characteristics

MongoDB has grown to become a general-purpose NoSQL database, offering the best of both the RDBMS and NoSQL worlds. Some of the key characteristics are listed as follows:

  • It is a general-purpose database: In contrast to other NoSQL databases that are built for specific purposes (for example, graph databases), MongoDB can serve heterogeneous loads and multiple purposes within an application. This became even more true after version 4.0 introduced multi-document ACID transactions, further expanding the use cases in which it can be effectively used.
  • Flexible schema design: Document-oriented approaches with non-defined attributes that can be modified on the fly is a key contrast between MongoDB and relational databases.
  • It is built with high availability, from the ground up: In the era of five-nines availability, this has to be a given. Coupled with automatic failover upon detection of a server failure, this can help to achieve high uptime.
  • Feature-rich: Offering the full range of SQL-equivalent operators, along with features such as MapReduce, aggregation frameworks, TTL and capped collections, and secondary indexing, MongoDB can fit many use cases, no matter how diverse the requirements are.
  • Scalability and load balancing: It is built to scale, both vertically and (mainly) horizontally. Using sharding, an architect can share a load between different instances and achieve both read and write scalability. Data balancing happens automatically (and transparently to the user) via the shard balancer.
  • Aggregation framework: Having an ETL framework built into the database means that a developer can perform most of the ETL logic before the data leaves the database, eliminating, in many cases, the need for complex data pipelines.
  • Native replication: Data will get replicated across a replica set without a complicated setup.
  • Security features: Both authentication and authorization are taken into account so that an architect can secure their MongoDB instances.
  • JSON (BSON and Binary JSON) objects for storing and transmitting documents: JSON is widely used across the web for frontend and API communication, and, as such, it is easier when the database is using the same protocol.
  • MapReduce: Even though the MapReduce engine is not as advanced as it is in dedicated frameworks, nonetheless, it is a great tool for building data pipelines.
  • Querying and geospatial information in 2D and 3D: This might not be critical for many applications, but if it is for your use case, then it is really convenient to be able to use the same database for geospatial calculations and data storage.
  • Multi-document ACID transactions: Starting from version 4.0, MongoDB supports ACID transactions across multiple documents.
  • Mature tooling: The tooling for MongoDB has evolved to support systems around DBaaS to Sync, Mobile, and serverless (Stitch). 

Use cases for MongoDB

Since MongoDB is a highly popular NoSQL database, there have been several use cases where it has succeeded in supporting quality applications, with a great delivery time to the market.

Many of its most successful use cases center around the following list of areas:

  • The integration of siloed data, providing a single view of them
  • IoT
  • Mobile applications
  • Real-time analytics
  • Personalization
  • Catalog management
  • Content management

All of these success stories share some common characteristics. We will try to break them down in order of relative importance:

  • Schema flexibility is probably the most important one. Being able to store documents inside a collection that can have different properties can help during both the development phase and when ingesting data from heterogeneous sources that may or may not have the same properties. This is in contrast with an RDBMS, where columns need to be predefined, and having sparse data can be penalized. In MongoDB, this is the norm, and it is a feature that most use cases share. Having the ability to deeply nest attributes into documents and add arrays of values into attributes while also being able to search and index these fields helps application developers to exploit the schema-less nature of MongoDB.
  • Scaling and sharding are the most common patterns for MongoDB use cases. Easily scaling using built-in sharding, using replica sets for data replication, and offloading primary servers from read loads can help developers store data effectively.
  • Additionally, many use cases use MongoDB as a way of archiving data. Used as a pure data store (and without the need to define schemas), it is fairly easy to dump data into MongoDB to be analyzed at a later date by business analysts, using either the shell or some of the numerous BI tools that can integrate easily with MongoDB. Breaking data down further, based on time caps or document counts, can help serve these datasets from RAM, the use case in which MongoDB is most effective.
  • Capped collections are also a feature used in many use cases. Capped collections can restrict documents in a collection by count or by the overall size of the collection. In the latter case, we need to have an estimate of the size per document, in order to calculate how many documents will fit into our target size. Capped collections are a quick and dirty solution used to answer requests such as “Give me the last hour’s overview of the logs” without the need for maintenance and running async background jobs to clean our collection. Oftentimes, they might be used to quickly build and operate a queuing system. Instead of deploying and maintaining a dedicated queuing system, such as ActiveMQ, a developer can use a collection to store messages, and then use the native tailable cursors provided by MongoDB to iterate through the results as they pile up and feed an external system. Alternatively, you can use a TTL index within a regular collection if they require greater flexibility.
  • Low operational overhead is also a common pattern in many use cases. Developers working in agile teams can operate and maintain clusters of MongoDB servers without the need for a dedicated DBA. The free cloud monitoring service can greatly help in reducing administrative overhead for Community Edition users, whereas MongoDB Atlas, the hosted solution by MongoDB, Inc., means that developers do not need to deal with operational headaches.
  • In terms of business sectors using MongoDB, there is a huge variety coming from almost all industries. A common pattern seems to be higher usage where we are more interested in aggregated data than individual transaction-level data. Fields such as IoT can benefit the most by exploiting the availability over consistent design, storing lots of data from sensors in a cost-efficient way. On the other hand, financial services have absolutely stringent consistency requirements, aligned with proper ACID characteristics that make MongoDB more of a challenge to adapt. A financial transaction might be small in size but big in impact, which means that we cannot afford to leave a single message without proper processing.
  • Location-based data is also a field where MongoDB has thrived, with Foursquare being one of the most prominent early clients. MongoDB offers quite a rich set of features around two-dimensional and three-dimensional geolocation data, such as searching by distance, geofencing, and intersections between geographical areas.
  • Overall, the rich feature set is a common pattern across different use cases. By providing features that can be used in many different industries and applications, MongoDB can be a unified solution for all business needs, offering users the ability to minimize operational overhead and, at the same time, iterate quickly in product development.

MongoDB criticism

MongoDB’s criticism can be broken down into the following points:

  • MongoDB has had its fair share of criticism throughout the years. The web-scale proposition has been met with skepticism by many developers. The counterargument is that scale is not needed most of the time, and the focus should be on other design considerations. While this might occasionally be true, it is a false dichotomy, and in an ideal world, we would have both. MongoDB is as close as it can get to combining scalability with features, ease of use, and time to market.
  • MongoDB’s schema-less nature is also a big point of debate and argument. Schema-less can be really beneficial in many use cases, as it allows for heterogeneous data to be dumped into the database without complex cleansing and without ending up with lots of empty columns or blocks of text stuffed into a single column. On the other hand, this is a double-edged sword, as a developer could end up with many documents in a collection that have loose semantics in their fields, and it can become really hard to extract these semantics at the code level. If our schema design is not optimal, we could end up with a data store, rather than a database.
  • A lack of proper ACID guarantees is a recurring complaint from the relational world. Indeed, if a developer needs access to more than one document at a time, it is not easy to guarantee RDBMS properties, as there are no transactions. In the RDBMS sense, having no transactions also means that complex writes will need to have application-level logic to roll back. If you need to update three documents in two collections to mark an application-level transaction complete, and the third document does not get updated for whatever reason, the application will need to undo the previous two writes – something that might not exactly be trivial.
  • With the introduction of multi-document transactions in version 4, MongoDB can cope with ACID transactions at the expense of speed. While this is not ideal, and transactions are not meant to be used for every CRUD operation in MongoDB, it does address the main source of criticism.
  • The configuration setup defaults that favored setting up MongoDB but not operating it in a production environment are disapproved. For years, the default write behavior was write and forget; sending a write wouldn’t wait for an acknowledgment before attempting the next write, resulting in insane write speeds with poor behaviors in the case of failure. Also, authentication is an afterthought, leaving thousands of MongoDB databases on the public internet prey to whoever wants to read the stored data. Even though these were conscious design decisions, they are decisions that have affected developers’ perceptions of MongoDB.

It’s important to note that MongoDB has addressed all of the shortcomings throughout the years, with the aim of becoming a versatile and resilient general-purpose database system. Now that we understand the characteristics and features of MongoDB, we will learn how to configure and set up MongoDB efficiently.