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Swift Essentials

By : Alex Blewitt, Bandlem Limited
Book Image

Swift Essentials

By: Alex Blewitt, Bandlem Limited

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Swift Essentials
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Twitter users

There are a lot of active Twitter users who use Swift; in many cases, posts will be marked with the #swift hashtag and can be found at Popular users that the author follows include (in an alphabetical order of their Twitter handle names):

  • @AirspeedSwift: A good selection of tweets and re-tweets of Swift-related subjects

  • @ChrisEidhof: The author of the Functional Swift book and @objcio

  • @CodeWithChris: A collection of tutorials on iOS programming

  • @CodingInSwift: Crossposts by a collection of Swift resources

  • @CompileSwift: Posts on Swift

  • @cwagdev: Chris Wagner writes some of the iOS tutorials with Ray Wenderlich

  • @FunctionalSwift: A selection of functional snippets along with a Functional Swift book

  • @LucasDerraugh: The creator of video tutorials on YouTube

  • @NatashaTheRobot: A great summary of what's happening along with newsletters and cross references

  • @nnnnnnnn: Nate Cook, who reviewed this book and provides the Swifter list above

  • @PracticalSwift: A good collection of blog posts that talk about the Swift language

  • @rwenderlich: Ray Wenderlich has many posts related to iOS development, a wealth of information, and more recently Swift topics as well

  • @SketchyTech: A collection of blog posts on Swift

  • @SwiftCastTV: Video tutorials of Swift

  • @SwiftEssentials: The Twitter feed for this book

  • @SwiftLDN: Swift meetups based in London, who also invite great Swift talks and presenters

In addition to the Swift-focused Twitter users, there are a number of other Cocoa (Objective-C) developers who blog regularly on topics related to the iOS and OSX platforms. Given that any Objective-C framework can be integrated into a Swift app (and vice versa), quite often there will be useful information that you can get by reading these posts:

  • @Cocoanetics: Oliver Drobnik writes about iOS and provides training

  • @CocoaPods: CocoaPods is a dependency management system for Objective-C frameworks (pods) and is being extended into the Swift domain

  • @Mattt: Matt Thompson writes about many iOS subjects and is the author of the AFNetworking and Alamofire networking libraries

  • @MikeAbdullah: Mike Abdullah writes about general iOS development

  • @MikeAsh: Mike Ash knows everything there is to know, and for what he doesn't know, he finds out

  • @MZarra: Marcus S Zarra has written a lot about Core Data and syncing

  • @NSHipster: A collection of assembled iOS and Cocoa posts, organized by Matt Thompson

  • @objcio: A monthly publication on Objective-C topics, with some Swift

  • @PerlMunger: Matt Long posts about Swift, Cocoa, and iOS

The reviewers of this book are:

  • @AnilVrgs: Anil Varghese

  • @ArvidGerstmann: Arvid Gerstmann

  • @jiaaro: James Robert

  • @nnnnnnnn: Nate Cook

The author's personal and book twitter accounts are:

  • @AlBlue: The author's twitter account

  • @SwiftEssentials: The book's twitter account

Meetups such as @SwiftLdn keep a track of interesting Swift writers in a Twitter list at, which might have more up-to-date recommendations than this section, as well as of the Ray Wenderlich team at