- @AirspeedSwift blog
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- ad2play tool
- URL / AsciiDoc
- addSubview method / Setting up the view controller
- advanced techniques, playground
- about / Advanced techniques
- values, capturing / Capturing values explicitly
- asynchronous code, running / Running asynchronous code
- ambiguous constraint / Adding constraints to the Press Me scene
- animatable properties / Adding a progress bar
- anonymous arguments / Anonymous arguments
- AppDelegate class / Creating a master-detail iOS application, The AppDelegate class
- data, accessing / Accessing data through the AppDelegate
- Apple Swift blog
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- App Store
- argument
- used, for multiple return values / Multiple return values and arguments
- array, collection types / Collection types
- AsciiDoc
- Asciidoctor
- URL / AsciiDoc
- assistant editor / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- Assistant Editor / Viewing the console output
- associated values, enum
- about / Associated values
- asynchronous reading
- about / Asynchronous reading and writing
- of data, from NSInputStream / Reading data asynchronously from an NSInputStream
- errors, dealing with / Dealing with errors
- asynchronous references
- displaying, in UI / Displaying asynchronous references in the UI
- asynchronous writing
- about / Asynchronous reading and writing
- errors, dealing with / Dealing with errors
- of data, to NSInputStream / Writing data asynchronously to an NSOutputStream
- attributes inspector / Adding views to the scene
- Auto Layout
- using / Using Auto Layout
- constraints / Understanding constraints
- and custom views / Auto Layout and custom views
- AVPlayerViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- background threading / Background threading
- base64-encoded string / Parsing JSON dictionaries
- base class / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- blogs
- @SwiftLDN / Blogs and tutorial sites
- break statement / Break and continue
- Bundle Identifier / Creating a single view iOS application
- CAEAGLLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CAEmitterLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CAGradientLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CAReplicatorLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CAScrollLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CAShapeLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CATextLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CATiledLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- CATransformLayer class / Custom graphics with layers
- classes, master-detail application
- AppDelegate / Creating a master-detail iOS application
- MasterViewController / Creating a master-detail iOS application
- DetailViewController class / Creating a master-detail iOS application
- classes, Swift
- creating / Classes in Swift
- client
- creating / Talking to the GitHub API
- user repositories, returning / Returning repositories for a user
- data, accessing through AppDelegate class / Accessing data through the AppDelegate
- closed range, Swift range operators / Switch statements
- collection types
- array / Collection types
- dictionary / Collection types
- colored labels
- displaying, with Quick Look / Showing colored labels
- CommonMark
- URL / Markdown
- compiled Swift scripts / Compiled Swift scripts
- completion handler / Loading data from URLs
- computed properties / Classes in Swift
- conditional logic
- about / Conditional logic
- if statement / If statements
- switch statements / Switch statements
- console output, playground
- viewing / Viewing the console output
- constants / Variables and constants
- constraints
- constraints, Auto Layout
- about / Understanding constraints
- adding / Adding constraints
- adding, with drag-and-drop method / Adding a constraint with the drag and drop method
- adding, to Press Me scene / Adding constraints to the Press Me scene
- missing constraints, adding / Adding missing constraints
- continue statement / Break and continue
- Core Animation / Custom graphics with layers
- Core Graphics / Custom graphics with drawRect
- custom graphics
- with drawRect / Custom graphics with drawRect
- drawing, in drawRect / Drawing graphics in drawRect
- orientation changes, responding to / Responding to orientation changes
- with layers / Custom graphics with layers
- ProgressView class, creating from layers / Creating a ProgressView from layers
- stop square, adding / Adding the stop square
- progress bar, adding / Adding a progress bar
- view, clipping / Clipping the view
- change, responding to / Responding to change
- custom view controllers
- using / Custom view controllers
- custom views, creating
- interface builder used / Creating new views with interface builder
- table view controller, creating / Creating a table view controller
- data, displaying in table / Showing data in the table
- view, defining in .xib file / Defining a view in a XIB file
- class, wiring / Wiring a custom view class
- intrinsic content size / Dealing with intrinsic size
- by subclassing UIView / Creating views by subclassing UIView
- and Auto Layout / Auto Layout and custom views
- visual format language / Constraints and the visual format language
- constraints / Constraints and the visual format language
- adding, to table / Adding the custom view to the table
- data
- displaying, in table / Showing data in the table
- writing, to NSOutputStream / Writing data to an NSOutputStream
- reading, from NSOutputStream / Reading from an NSInputStream
- reading, asynchronously from NSInputStream / Reading data asynchronously from an NSInputStream
- writing ,asynchronously to NSInputStream / Writing data asynchronously to an NSOutputStream
- data, loading from URLs
- about / Loading data from URLs
- errors, dealing with / Dealing with errors
- missing content, dealing with / Dealing with missing content
- nested if / Nested if and switch statements
- switch statements / Nested if and switch statements
- networking / Networking and user interfaces
- user interfaces / Networking and user interfaces
- functions, running on main thread / Running functions on the main thread
- datagram / Direct network connections
- detail view
- implementing / Implementing the detail view
- DetailViewController class / Creating a master-detail iOS application, The DetailViewController class
- dictionary, collection types / Collection types
- direct network connections
- about / Direct network connections
- stream-based connection, opening / Opening a stream connection
- synchronous reading / Synchronous reading and writing
- synchronous writing / Synchronous reading and writing
- asynchronous writing / Asynchronous reading and writing
- asynchronous reading / Asynchronous reading and writing
- documentation header
- entries, adding / Additional entries in the header
- documentation section, playground
- adding / Adding a new documentation section
- styling / Styling the documentation
- document outline / Segues
- drag-and-drop method
- used, for adding constraints / Adding a constraint with the drag and drop method
- drawRect
- custom graphics with / Custom graphics with drawRect
- graphics, drawing in / Drawing graphics in drawRect
- dynamic property content / Creating a table view controller
- enum, Swift
- creating / Enums in Swift
- raw values / Raw values
- associated values / Associated values
- equality operator
- differentiating, with identity operator / If statements
- Eventbrite
- URL / Meetups
- expression list / Iteration with for loops
- extension / Opening a stream connection
- external parameter name / Named arguments
- fill color / Drawing graphics in drawRect
- floating point literals / Floating point literals
- for loops
- iteration, using with / Iteration with for loops
- functions, Swift
- creating / Functions
- named arguments / Named arguments
- optional arguments / Optional arguments and default values
- default values / Optional arguments and default values
- anonymous arguments / Anonymous arguments
- multiple return values / Multiple return values and arguments
- arguments / Multiple return values and arguments
- structured values, returning / Returning structured values
- getter (accessor) / Classes in Swift
- Git / Creating a single view iOS application
- GitHub API
- overview / An overview of the GitHub API
- URL / An overview of the GitHub API, Talking to the GitHub API
- root endpoint / The root endpoint
- user resource / The user resource
- repositories resource / The repositories resource
- GitHub repository
- Git protocol
- implementing / Implementing the git protocol
- Git references
- remote listing / Listing git references remotely
- GLKViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) / Networking and user interfaces
- half-open range, Swift range operators / Switch statements
- hashbang / Command-line Swift
- hole / Nested if and switch statements
- URL / Loading data from URLs
- Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) / Scenes and view controllers
- .icns files / Understanding iOS applications
- @IBAction attribute / Calling actions from interface builder
- @IBOutlet attribute / The DetailViewController class, Connecting views to outlets in Swift, Calling actions from interface builder
- identifier / Showing data in the table
- identity operator
- differentiating, with equality operator / If statements
- IEEE754 floating point standard / Floating point literals
- if statement
- about / If statements
- image asset files / Understanding iOS applications
- images
- displaying, with Quick Look / Showing images
- implicitly unwrapped optional property / The DetailViewController class, Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- implicitly unwrapped optionals / Optional types
- Info.plist file / Understanding iOS applications
- initial view controller / Adding views to the scene
- inout argument / Handling errors
- interface builder
- actions, calling from / Calling actions from interface builder
- used, for creating custom views / Creating new views with interface builder
- interface builder files / Understanding iOS applications
- interpolated string / String literals
- interpreted Swift scripts / Interpreted Swift scripts
- intrinsic content size / Dealing with intrinsic size
- intrinsic size / Adding missing constraints
- iOS application
- about / Understanding iOS applications
- iOS developer program
- iteration
- about / Iteration
- over values / Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary
- over keys / Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary
- using, with for loops / Iteration with for loops
- break statement / Break and continue
- continue statement / Break and continue
- parsing / Parsing JSON
- errors, handling / Handling errors
- JSON arrays of dictionaries
- parsing / Parsing JSON arrays of dictionaries
- JSON dictionaries
- parsing / Parsing JSON dictionaries
- keys
- iterating / Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary
- label / Break and continue
- layers
- custom graphics with / Custom graphics with layers
- main queue / Networking and user interfaces
- main thread
- about / Networking and user interfaces
- functions, running on / Running functions on the main thread
- map / Parsing JSON arrays of dictionaries
- Markdown
- about / Markdown
- master-detail iOS application
- creating / Creating a master-detail iOS application
- AppDelegate class / The AppDelegate class
- MasterViewController class / The MasterViewController class
- DetailViewController class / The DetailViewController class
- master and detail views
- transitioning between / Transitioning between the master and detail views
- Master Detail project
- about / The RepositoryBrowser project
- URI templates / URI templates
- background threading / Background threading
- JSON dictionaries, parsing / Parsing JSON dictionaries
- JSON arrays of dictionaries, parsing / Parsing JSON arrays of dictionaries
- MasterViewController class / Creating a master-detail iOS application, The MasterViewController class
- Meetup
- about / Meetups
- URL / Meetups
- meetups
- references / Meetups
- members / Classes in Swift
- methods / Classes in Swift
- missing constraints
- adding / Adding missing constraints
- missing content
- dealing with / Dealing with missing content
- multiple values
- returning / Multiple return values and arguments
- @NatashaTheRobot
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- @NSHipster blog
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- named arguments / Named arguments
- navigation controller
- adding / Adding a navigation controller
- scenes, naming / Naming scenes and views
- views, naming / Naming scenes and views
- nested if / Nested if and switch statements
- network call
- integrating, into UI / Integrating the network call into the UI
- nil coalescing operator
- about / Nil coalescing operator
- Node
- URL / Markdown
- npm
- URL / Markdown
- NSInputStream
- reading from / Reading from an NSInputStream
- data, asynchronous reading / Reading data asynchronously from an NSInputStream
- NSOutputStream
- data, writing to / Writing data to an NSOutputStream
- asynchronous data, writing / Writing data asynchronously to an NSOutputStream
- NSURLSession class / Loading data from URLs
- NSXMLParserDelegate class / Creating a parser delegate
- numeric literals
- about / Numeric literals
- binary format / Numeric literals
- octal format / Numeric literals
- hexadecimal format / Numeric literals
- @objc attribute / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- @objcio blog
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- object library / Adding views to the scene
- objects
- displaying, with Quick Look / Displaying objects with QuickLook
- optional arguments / Optional arguments and default values
- optional binding / Handling errors
- optional protocol methods / Protocols in Swift
- optional type
- about / Optional types
- Organization Identifier / Creating a single view iOS application
- OS X bundle / Understanding the playground format
- outlets
- about / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- view controller, connecting to / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- @PracticalSwift blog
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- packet-oriented process / Direct network connections
- packet lines / Implementing the git protocol
- parser delegate, XML
- creating / Creating a parser delegate
- pattern match operator (~=) / If statements
- playground
- overview / Getting started with playgrounds
- creating / Creating a playground
- console output, viewing / Viewing the console output
- timeline, viewing / Viewing the timeline
- advanced techniques / Advanced techniques
- documentation / Playgrounds and documentation
- used, for learning / Learning with playgrounds
- format / Understanding the playground format
- documentation section, adding / Adding a new documentation section
- documentation section, styling / Styling the documentation
- resources, adding / Adding resources to a playground
- entries, adding in documentation header / Additional entries in the header
- generating automatically / Generating playgrounds automatically
- Markdown / Markdown
- AsciiDoc / AsciiDoc
- limitations / Limitations of playgrounds
- positional arguments / Functions
- Press Me scene
- constraints, adding / Adding constraints to the Press Me scene
- Product Name / Creating a single view iOS application
- progress bar
- adding / Adding a progress bar
- ProgressView class
- creating, from layers / Creating a ProgressView from layers
- properties / Classes in Swift
- property observer / Responding to change
- protocol, Swift
- creating / Protocols in Swift
- required method / Protocols in Swift
- optional method / Protocols in Swift
- GitHubDetails protocol / Protocols in Swift
- prototype cells / Creating a table view controller
- prototype table cell / Creating new views with interface builder
- QuartzCore framework/module / Custom graphics with layers
- Quick Look
- used, for displaying objects / Displaying objects with QuickLook
- used, for displaying colored labels / Showing colored labels
- used, for displaying images / Showing images
- Quick Look icon / Creating a playground
- quick look supported objects / Displaying objects with QuickLook
- rangeOfString method / URI templates
- raw values, enum
- about / Raw values
- references
- asynchronous listing / Listing references asynchronously
- relationship segue / Adding a navigation controller
- repositories
- accessing, from view controllers / Accessing repositories from view controllers
- repositories, accessing from view controllers
- about / Accessing repositories from view controllers
- users, adding / Adding users
- detail view, implementing / Implementing the detail view
- master and detail views, transitioning between / Transitioning between the master and detail views
- users avatar, loading / Loading the user's avatar
- users avatar, displaying / Displaying the user's avatar
- repositories, for user
- returning / Returning repositories for a user
- repositories resource, GitHub API
- about / The repositories resource
- root endpoint, GitHub API
- URL / The root endpoint
- about / The root endpoint
- run loop / Asynchronous reading and writing
- .storyboard extension / Understanding iOS applications
- .swift files / Understanding iOS applications
- @SketychTech
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- @SwiftLDN
- URL / Meetups
- Safari-specific meta tags
- scenes
- about / Storyboards, scenes, and segues
- using / Scenes and view controllers
- views, adding / Adding views to the scene
- naming / Naming scenes and views
- segue / The DetailViewController class
- about / Storyboards, scenes, and segues, Segues
- triggering, with code / Triggering a segue with code
- used, for passing data / Passing data with segues
- segue identifiers / Triggering a segue with code
- SequenceType protocol / Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary
- setter (mutator) / Classes in Swift
- shared session / Loading data from URLs
- shorthand external parameter names / Named arguments
- singleton / Accessing data through the AppDelegate
- single view iOS application
- creating / Creating a single view iOS application
- storyboard, removing / Removing the storyboard
- view controller, setting up / Setting up the view controller
- static content / Creating a table view controller
- stop square
- adding / Adding the stop square
- storyboard
- removing / Removing the storyboard
- about / Storyboards, scenes, and segues
- integrating, with Swift / Swift and storyboards
- storyboard files / Understanding iOS applications
- storyboard project
- creating / Creating a storyboard project
- stream-based connection
- opening / Opening a stream connection
- stream-oriented process / Direct network connections
- stream delegate
- creating / Creating a stream delegate
- string literals
- about / String literals
- stroke color / Drawing graphics in drawRect
- struct / Returning structured values
- structured values
- returning / Returning structured values
- subclasses, Swift / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- swift / Getting started with Swift
- Swift
- about / Getting started with Swift
- numeric literals / Numeric literals
- floating point literals / Floating point literals
- string literals / String literals
- variables / Variables and constants
- constants / Variables and constants
- collection types / Collection types
- optional type / Optional types
- nil coalescing operator / Nil coalescing operator
- conditional logic / Conditional logic
- functions / Functions
- URL / Learning with playgrounds
- classes, creating / Classes in Swift
- subclasses / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- tests / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- testing / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- protocol, creating / Protocols in Swift
- enum, creating / Enums in Swift
- integrating, with storyboard / Swift and storyboards
- view controller, connecting to outlets / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- Swift, integrating with storyboard
- custom view controllers, using / Custom view controllers
- views, connecting to outlets / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- action, calling from interface builder / Calling actions from interface builder
- segue, triggering with code / Triggering a segue with code
- data, passing with segue / Passing data with segues
- swift-playground-builder
- URL / Markdown
- Swift blog
- URL / Blogs and tutorial sites
- Swift functions
- URL / Language
- Swift language
- about / Language
- URL / Language
- Swift programming language
- URL / Language
- Swift range operators
- closed range / Switch statements
- half-open range / Switch statements
- Swift scripts
- about / Command-line Swift
- interpreted Swift scripts / Interpreted Swift scripts
- compiled Swift scripts / Compiled Swift scripts
- Swift standard library reference
- URL / Language
- switch statements
- about / Switch statements
- synchronous reading
- about / Synchronous reading and writing
- from NSOutputStream / Reading from an NSInputStream
- hexadecimal / Reading and writing hexadecimal and UTF8 data
- UTF8 data / Reading and writing hexadecimal and UTF8 data
- synchronous writing
- about / Synchronous reading and writing
- of data, to NSOutputStream / Writing data to an NSOutputStream
- table
- data, displaying / Showing data in the table
- table view controller
- creating / Creating a table view controller
- tasks
- data task / Loading data from URLs
- upload task / Loading data from URLs
- download task / Loading data from URLs
- suspended / Loading data from URLs
- resumed / Loading data from URLs
- ternary if expression / If statements
- tests, Swift / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- timeline, playground
- viewing / Viewing the timeline
- trailing closure / Networking and user interfaces
- tuple / Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary, Nested if and switch statements
- tutorial sites / Blogs and tutorial sites
- Twitter users
- about / Twitter users
- @AirspeedSwift / Twitter users
- @ChrisEidhof / Twitter users
- @CodeWithChris / Twitter users
- @CodingInSwift / Twitter users
- @CompileSwift / Twitter users
- @cwagdev / Twitter users
- @FunctionalSwift / Twitter users
- @LucasDerraugh / Twitter users
- @NatashaTheRobot / Twitter users
- @nnnnnnnn / Twitter users
- @PracticalSwift / Twitter users
- @rwenderlich / Twitter users
- @SketchyTech / Twitter users
- @SwiftCastTV / Twitter users
- @SwiftEssentials / Twitter users
- @SwiftLDN / Twitter users
- UI
- network call, integrating / Integrating the network call into the UI
- asynchronous references, displaying / Displaying asynchronous references in the UI
- UICollectionViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- UINavigationController class / Scenes and view controllers
- UIPageViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- UISplitViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- UITableView class / Wiring a custom view class
- UITableViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- UIView
- about / An overview of UIView
- subclassing, for creating new views / Creating views by subclassing UIView
- UIViewController class / Scenes and view controllers
- URI templates, Master Detail project
- URL / URI templates
- about / URI templates
- URLs
- data, loading from / Loading data from URLs
- user resource, GitHub API
- about / The user resource
- users
- adding / Adding users
- users avatar
- loading / Loading the user's avatar
- displaying / Displaying the user's avatar
- UTF8 data
- synchronous writing / Reading and writing hexadecimal and UTF8 data
- synchronous reading / Reading and writing hexadecimal and UTF8 data
- value-binding pattern / Nested if and switch statements
- values
- iterating / Iterating over keys and values in a dictionary
- variables / Variables and constants
- variadic functions / Multiple return values and arguments
- view
- defining, in .xib file / Defining a view in a XIB file
- clipping / Clipping the view
- testing, in Xcode / Testing views in Xcode
- view controller
- setting / Setting up the view controller
- about / Storyboards, scenes, and segues
- split views / Scenes and view controllers
- using / Scenes and view controllers
- tabbed views / Scenes and view controllers
- paginated views / Scenes and view controllers
- tabular views / Scenes and view controllers
- grid views / Scenes and view controllers
- adding, to scenes / Adding views to the scene
- naming / Naming scenes and views
- view controllers
- repositories, accessing / Accessing repositories from view controllers
- viewDidLoad method / The MasterViewController class
- visual format language / Constraints and the visual format language
- weak attribute / The DetailViewController class
- weak storage type / Connecting views to outlets in Swift
- wildcard pattern / Nested if and switch statements
- .xcassets extension / Understanding iOS applications
- .xib extension / Understanding iOS applications
- .xib file
- view, defining / Defining a view in a XIB file
- Xcode / Understanding iOS applications
- Xcode playground directory / Understanding the playground format
- xcrun command / Getting started with Swift
- XCTest framework / Subclasses and testing in Swift
- parsing / Parsing XML
- parser delegate, creating / Creating a parser delegate
- data, downloading / Downloading the data
- data, parsing / Parsing the data