- annotations
- about / Annotations
- for expression languages / Annotations for expression languages
- annotations, expression languages
- @Bean / Annotations for expression languages
- @Constant / Annotations for expression languages
- @EL / Annotations for expression languages
- @Groovy / Annotations for expression languages
- @JavaScript / Annotations for expression languages
- @MVEL / Annotations for expression languages
- @OGNL / Annotations for expression languages
- @PHP / Annotations for expression languages
- @Python / Annotations for expression languages
- @Simple / Annotations for expression languages
- @XPath / Annotations for expression languages
- @XQuery / Annotations for expression languages
- Apache Camel
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- Apache Camel, features
- component, and bean support / Components and bean support
- predicates / Predicates and expressions
- expressions / Predicates and expressions
- type conversion / Data format and type conversion
- easy configuration / Easy configuration and URI
- URI / Easy configuration and URI
- deployment topologies / Lightweight and different deployment topologies
- lightweight / Lightweight and different deployment topologies
- quick prototyping / Quick prototyping and testing support
- testing support / Quick prototyping and testing support
- Java Management Extension (JMX), using / Management and monitoring using JMX
- active community / Active community
- Apache ServiceMix
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- Apache ServiceMix 3
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- ApplicationContextRegistry / ApplicationContextRegistry
- @Bean annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- @BeanShell annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- bean
- method bindings / Bean and method bindings
- used, for creating OSGi bundle / Example – creating an OSGi bundle with a bean
- MyBean class, creating / Creating the MyBean class
- route definition, writing with Camel Blueprint DSL / Writing a route definition using the Camel Blueprint DSL
- @Constant annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- Camel
- routes, containing processors / An example of Camel routes containing processors
- components / Components
- endpoint / Endpoint
- error handlers / Camel error handlers
- Camel Blueprint DSL
- used, for creating routes / Route using Camel Blueprint DSL
- used, for writing route definition / Writing a route definition using the Camel Blueprint DSL
- Camel context
- about / Camel context
- contents / Camel context
- Camel context, org.apache.camel.CamelContext interface
- reference link / Camel context
- Camel routes
- prefixer processor / Prefixer processor
- creating, with Java DSL / Creating a route using Java DSL
- creating, with Camel Blueprint DSL / Route using Camel Blueprint DSL
- Camel test kit
- used, for unit test approach / Unit test approach with the Camel test kit
- example / A complete example
- testRoutingFrance() method / A complete example
- testRoutingUsa() method / A complete example
- testRoutingOther() method / A complete example
- additional annotations / Additional annotations
- Camel test kits
- JUnit extensions / Unit test approach with the Camel test kit, JUnit extensions
- mock component / Unit test approach with the Camel test kit, The mock component
- ProducerTemplate / Unit test approach with the Camel test kit, ProducerTemplate
- CaseInsensitiveMap
- reference link / Messages
- Channel / What is a processor?
- channels
- about / Channels
- components
- about / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer, Components
- reference link / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
- bootstrapping / Bootstrapping a component
- list / Bootstrapping a component
- URL / Bootstrapping a component
- CompositeRegistry
- creating / Creating CompositeRegistry
- consumer
- about / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
- Event Driven Consumers / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
- Polling Consumers / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
- createConsumer() method / A custom component example
- createProducer() method / A custom component example
- custom component
- example / A custom component example
- data format
- about / Data format
- Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- about / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Domain Specific Languages (DSL), Camel
- Java DSL / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Spring XML / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Blueprint XML / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- REST DSL / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Groovy DSL / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Scala DSL / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Annotation DSL / Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- doTry .. doCatch .. doFinally / Try, Catch, and Finally
- @EL annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- EIP processors
- about / EIP processors
- EIPs
- messaging systems EIPs / Messaging systems EIPs
- messaging channels EIPs / Messaging channels EIPs
- message construction EIPs / Message Construction EIPs
- message routing / Message Routing
- message transformation EIPs / Message Transformation EIPs
- messaging endpoints EIPs / The Messaging Endpoints EIPs
- system management EIPs / System Management EIPs
- endpoint
- about / Endpoint
- endpoints
- Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- error handlers, Camel
- about / Camel error handlers
- non-transacted / Non-transacted error handlers
- transacted / TransactedErrorHandler
- scopes / Error handlers scopes
- features / Error handler features
- try/catch/finally Java statements / Try, Catch, and Finally
- errors
- types / Types of errors
- recoverable errors / Recoverable errors
- irrecoverable errors / Irrecoverable errors
- Event Driven Consumers / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
- Exchange
- about / Exchange
- ID / Exchange
- Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) / Exchange
- Exception / Exchange
- properties / Exchange
- in message / Exchange
- out message / Exchange
- Exchange Integration Patterns (EIPs) / What is a processor?
- expression languages
- annotations / Annotations for expression languages
- features, error handlers
- about / Error handler features
- redelivery / Redelivery
- exception policy / Exception policy
- exceptions, handling / Handling and ignoring exceptions
- exceptions, ignoring / Handling and ignoring exceptions
- failover solution / A failover solution
- onWhen / onWhen
- onRedeliver / onRedeliver
- retryWhile / retryWhile
- @Groovy annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- getEndpointConfiguration() method / Endpoint
- @JavaScript annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- Java Business Integration (JBI)
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- issues / What is Apache Camel?
- Java DSL
- used, for creating routes / Creating a route using Java DSL
- Java Naming and Directory (JNDI) registry / JndiRegistry
- JUnit extensions
- about / JUnit extensions
- CamelTestSupport / CamelTestSupport
- CamelSpringTestSupport / CamelSpringTestSupport
- CamelBlueprintTestSupport / CamelBlueprintTestSupport
- @MVEL annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- message construction EIPs
- about / Message Construction EIPs
- Event Message EIP / The Event Message EIP
- Request Reply EIP / The Request Reply EIP
- Correlation Identifier EIP / The Correlation Identifier EIP
- Return Address EIP / The Return Address EIP
- Message Exchange Patterns (MEP)
- about / What is Apache Camel?, Exchange
- message routing
- about / Message Routing
- Content Based Router EIP / The Content Based Router EIP
- Message Filter EIP / The Message Filter EIP
- Dynamic Router EIP / The Dynamic Router EIP
- Multicast EIP / Multicast and Recipient List EIPs, The Multicast EIP
- Recipient List EIP / Multicast and Recipient List EIPs, The Recipient List EIP
- Aggregator EIP / The Splitter and Aggregator EIPs, Aggregator
- Splitter EIP / The Splitter and Aggregator EIPs, The Splitter EIP
- Resequencer EIP / The Resequencer EIP
- Composed Message Processor EIP / The Composed Message Processor EIP
- Scatter-Gather EIP / The Scatter-Gather EIP
- Routing Slip EIP / The Routing Slip EIP
- Throttler EIP / The Throttler and Sampling EIPs, The Throttler EIP
- Sampling EIP / The Throttler and Sampling EIPs, The Sampling EIP
- Delayer EIP / The Delayer EIP
- Load Balancer EIP / The Load Balancer EIP
- Loop EIP / The Loop EIP
- messages
- message transformation EIPs
- about / Message Transformation EIPs
- Content Enricher EIP / The Content Enricher EIP
- Content Filter EIP / The Content Filter EIP
- Claim Check EIP / The Claim Check EIP
- Normalizer EIP / The Normalizer EIP
- Sort EIP / The Sort EIP
- Validate EIP / The Validate EIP
- Message Translator EIP
- about / Message Translator
- transform notation / The transform notation
- bean, using / Using processor or bean
- processor, using / Using processor or bean
- marshalling / Marshalling/umarshalling
- umarshalling / Marshalling/umarshalling
- messaging channels EIPs
- about / Messaging channels EIPs
- Point To Point Channel / Point To Point Channel
- Publish Subscribe Channel / Publish Subscribe Channel
- Dead Letter Channel / Dead Letter Channel
- guaranteed delivery / Guaranteed Delivery
- Message Bus EIP / Message Bus
- messaging endpoints EIPs
- about / The Messaging Endpoints EIPs
- Messaging Mapper EIP / The Messaging Mapper EIP
- Event Driven Consumer EIP / The Event Driven Consumer EIP
- Polling Consumer EIP / The Polling Consumer EIP
- Competing Consumer EIP / The Competing Consumer EIP
- Message Dispatcher EIP / The Message Dispatcher EIP
- Selective Consumer EIP / The Selective Consumer EIP
- Durable Subscriber EIP / The Durable Subscriber EIP
- Idempotent Consumer EIP / The Idempotent Consumer EIP
- Transactional Client EIP / The Transactional Client EIP
- Message Gateway EIP / The Message Gateway and Service Activator EIPs
- Service Activator EIP / The Message Gateway and Service Activator EIPs
- Service Activator EIPs / The Message Gateway and Service Activator EIPs
- messaging systems EIPs
- about / Messaging systems EIPs
- Message Channel / Message Channel
- Message EIP / Message
- pipeline EIP / Pipeline
- Message Translator EIP / Message Translator
- Message Endpoint EIP / Message Endpoint
- method bindings
- bean / Bean and method bindings
- mock component
- about / The mock component, Using MockComponent
- assertions, defining / Using MockComponent
- MyBean class
- creating / Creating the MyBean class
- doMyLogic() method / Creating the MyBean class
- setMyHeader() method / Creating the MyBean class
- non-transacted error handlers
- about / Non-transacted error handlers
- DefaultErrorHandler / DefaultErrorHandler
- DeadLetterChannel / DeadLetterChannel
- LoggingErrorHandler / LoggingErrorHandler
- NoErrorHandler / NoErrorHandler
- Normalized Messages Router (NMR)
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- @OGNL annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern
- reference link / Exchange
- org.apache.camel.Message interface
- reference link / Messages
- OSGi bundle / An example of Camel routes containing processors
- creating, with bean / Example – creating an OSGi bundle with a bean
- building / Building and deploying
- deploying / Building and deploying
- OsgiServiceRegistry / OsgiServiceRegistry
- OSGi services
- mocking / Mocking OSGi services
- .process() method / Creating a route using Java DSL
- @PHP annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- @Python annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- pipeline EIP
- about / Pipeline
- implicit pipeline / The implicit pipeline
- explicit pipeline / The explicit pipeline
- Message Router EIP / Message router
- Polling Consumers / Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
- processor
- about / Processor, What is a processor?
- producer
- @Ruby annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- registry
- about / Registry
- SimpleRegistry / SimpleRegistry
- JndiRegistry / JndiRegistry
- ApplicationContextRegistry / ApplicationContextRegistry
- OsgiServiceRegistry / OsgiServiceRegistry
- CompositeRegistry / Creating CompositeRegistry
- requestBody() method / ProducerTemplate
- routes
- about / Routes
- .setBody() method / Creating a route using Java DSL
- @Simple annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- service activator / Service activator
- setMyHeader() method / Writing a route definition using the Camel Blueprint DSL
- shutdown strategy
- phases / Camel context
- SimpleRegistry / SimpleRegistry
- system management EIPs
- ControlBus EIP / The ControlBus EIP
- Detour EIP / The Detour EIP
- Wire Tap EIP / The Wire Tap EIP
- Message History EIP / The Message History EIP
- Log EIP / The Log EIP
- TransactedErrorHandler / TransactedErrorHandler
- Type Converter
- about / Type converter
- source type / Type converter
- destination type / Type converter
- unit test
- Camel test kit, using / Unit test approach with the Camel test kit
- WebService Description Language (WSDL)
- about / What is Apache Camel?
- @XPath annotation / Annotations for expression languages
- @XQuery annotation / Annotations for expression languages