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Haskell Cookbook

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Haskell Cookbook

Overview of this book

Haskell is a purely functional language that has the great ability to develop large and difficult, but easily maintainable software. Haskell Cookbook provides recipes that start by illustrating the principles of functional programming in Haskell, and then gradually build up your expertise in creating industrial-strength programs to accomplish any goal. The book covers topics such as Functors, Applicatives, Monads, and Transformers. You will learn various ways to handle state in your application and explore advanced topics such as Generalized Algebraic Data Types, higher kind types, existential types, and type families. The book will discuss the association of lenses with type classes such as Functor, Foldable, and Traversable to help you manage deep data structures. With the help of the wide selection of examples in this book, you will be able to upgrade your Haskell programming skills and develop scalable software idiomatically.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Working with data types

In this recipe, we will work with basic data types in Haskell. We will also define our own data types.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new project data-types using Stack new data types. Change into the directory data-types and build the new project using stack build.

In the command prompt, run stack ghci. You will see the prompt. Enter this =:type (5 :: Int) =: command:

      *Main Lib> :type (5 :: Int)
(5 :: Int) :: Int

:type is a GHCi command to show the type of the expression. In this case, the expression is 5. It means that the expression (5 :: Int) is Int. Now, enter this :type 5 command:

      *Main Lib> :type 5
5 :: Num t => t
  1. GHCi will interpret 5 as 5 :: Num t => t, which means that Haskell identified 5 as some numerical type t. Num t => t shows that the type is t and that it has an extra qualification, Num. Num t denotes that t is an instance of a type class Num. We will see type classes later. The Num class implements functions required for numerical calculation. Note that the result of :type 5 is different from :type (5::Int).
  2. Now, enter :type (5 :: Double). You will see (5 :: Double) :: Double. Do the same thing with 5::Float:
      *Main Lib> :type (5 :: Double)
(5 :: Double) :: Double

Note the difference between 5, 5::Int, 5::Float, and 5::Double. Without a qualification type (such as :: Int), Haskell interprets the type as a generic type Num t => t, that is, 5 is some type t, which is a Num t or numerical type.
Now enter following boolean types at the prompt:

      *Main Lib> :type True
True :: Bool
*Main Lib> :type False
False :: Bool

True and False are valid boolean values, and their type is Bool. In fact, True and False are the only valid Bool values in Haskell. If you try 1 :: Bool, you will see an error:

      *Main Lib> 1 :: Bool

<interactive>:9:1: error:
* No instance for (Num Bool) arising from the literal
* In the expression: 1 :: Bool
In an equation for ‘it’: it = 1 :: Bool

Haskell will complain that 1 is a numerical type and Bool is not a numerical type, which would somehow represent it (value 1).

  1. Now, type :type 'C' in the prompt. GHCi will report its type to be 'C' :: Char. Char is another data type and represents a Unicode character. A character is entered within single quotes.
  1. Get more information about each type. To do this, you can enter :info <type> in the prompt:
      *Main Lib> :info Bool
data Bool = False | True
-- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-’
instance Bounded Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Enum’
instance Enum Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Enum’
instance Eq Bool -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-’
instance Ord Bool -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-’
instance Read Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Read’
instance Show Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’

This will show more information about the type. For Bool, Haskell shows that it has two values False | True and that it is defined in ghc-prim- Here, ghc-prim is the package name, which is followed by its version and then Haskell tells that GHC.Types is the module in which it is defined.

How it works...

We have seen four basic types Int, Double, Char, and Float. More information about these types is given in the following table:

Type Description Remarks
Int Fixed precision integer type

Range [-9223372036854775808 to

9223372036854775807] for 64-bit Int.

Float Single precision (32-bit) floating point number
Double Double precision (64-bit) floating point number
Char Character
Bool Boolean values True or False
Note that all types start with a capital letter.

In previous sections of this recipe, when we ran the command :info Bool, at GHCi prompt, Haskell also showed various instances of information. It shows more about the behavior of the type. For example, instance Eq Bool means that the type Bool is an instance of some type class Eq. In Haskell, type class should be read as a type that is associated with some behavior (or function). Here, the Eq type class is used in Haskell for showing equality.

There's more…

You can get more information about type classes by exploring :info Eq. GHCi will tell you which types have instances of the Eq type class. GHCi will also tell you which are the methods defined for Eq.