Chapter 5. Tuning the Middleware Services
4th Circle of Hell: Avarice and Prodigality: Those who hoarded possession of the EJB container or squandered resources, forgetting to invoke remove on Stateful Beans.
Tuning the middleware services is a key step to ensure a positive experience for customers running Java EE applications. JBoss AS 5.x integrates all the Java EE 1.5 features and, while this book is being written, release 6 of the application server has gone through the fifth milestone, including most of the new exciting features of Java EE 1.6.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
In the first part of this chapter, we will cover Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), which are a fundamental server side component of Java EE. We will discuss the performance of their main subtypes (Stateless Beans and Stateful Beans) and which factors can enhance or decrease their throughput.
In the next part, we will learn about Java Messaging Service (JMS), which has been implemented by means of different...