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Docker Bootcamp

By : Russ McKendrick, Pethuru Raj, Jeeva S. Chelladhurai, Vinod Singh
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Docker Bootcamp

By: Russ McKendrick, Pethuru Raj, Jeeva S. Chelladhurai, Vinod Singh

Overview of this book

<p>Docker allows you to create a robust and resilient environment to generate portable, composable, scalable, and stable application containers.</p> <p>The book starts by installing the core Docker Engine on MacOS, Windows 10 and Linux desktops. We will then define multi-container applications and understand the advantages of using containers locally. Once this is done, we will deploy containers on a single Docker host which is publicly accessible. Furthermore, we will learn how to deploy and configure a Docker Swarm cluster and explore networking and storage third-party plugins to extend the core Docker functionality. Towards the end, the book will demonstrate how to monitor and troubleshoot day-to-day problems in addition to various real world examples of container deployments.</p>
Table of Contents (15 chapters)

Launching a service

Rather than launching containers using the docker container run command you need to create a service A service defines a task which the manager then passes to one of the workers and then a container is launched.

Let's launch a simple service called cluster which uses the image we looked at in Chapter 2, Launching Applications Using Docker:

docker service create --name cluster -p:80:80/tcp russmckendrick/cluster

That's it, we should now have a single container running on one of our three nodes. To check that the service is running and get a little more information about the service, run the following commands:

docker service ls
docker service inspect cluster --pretty

Now that we have confirmed that our service is running, you will be able to open your browser and enter the IP address of one of your three nodes (which you can get by running docker-machine ls).One of the features of Docker Swarm is it's routing mesh.

A routing mesh? When we exposed the port using the -p:80...