Chapter 6. Building an Expense Manager Mobile App
Hello folks! Hope you are enjoying your journey so far.
In the previous chapter, we learned about directives, one of the most important features of AngularJS. We saw how to leverage directives to wrap third-party plugins and authentication modules.
We saw how to build a Facebook friend's Birthday Reminder app, and while doing so, we learned about the Facebook SDK, FB authentication, and how to use the Graph Explorer.
In this chapter, we will go about building a simple Expense Manager App optimized for mobile and tablet devices.
Some of the interesting things that we'll learn are as follows:
Understanding HTML5 Web Storage
Making the app responsive in order to fit different screen resolutions
Integrating Data-Driven Documents (D3) Graph APIs to generate graphs
Optimizing the app for touch and gesture inputs
Converting the app into a web app
This chapter is going to be relatively design-focused, so make sure you have your creative juices flowing freely...