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Backbone.js Blueprints

By : Andrew Burgess
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Backbone.js Blueprints

By: Andrew Burgess

Overview of this book

<p>Backbone.js is an open source, JavaScript library that helps you to build sophisticated and structured web apps. It's important to have well-organized frontend code for easy maintenance and extendability. With the Backbone framework, you'll be able to build applications that are a breeze to manage.<br /><br />In this book, you will discover how to build seven complete web applications from scratch. You'll learn how to use all the components of the Backbone framework individually, and how to use them together to create fully featured applications. In addition, you'll also learn how Backbone thinks so you can leverage it to write the most efficient frontend JavaScript code.<br /><br />Through this book, you will learn to write good server-side JavaScript to support your frontend applications. This easy-to-follow guide is packed with projects, code, and solid explanations that will give you the confidence to write your own web applications from scratch.</p>
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Backbone.js Blueprints
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Creating new posts

Now that we can show posts, let's create a form to make new posts. It's important to realize that we're just going to create a form. There's no user account and no authentication, just a form that anyone could use to make new posts. We'll start with the template, which we'll put in the index.ejs file:

<script type="text/template" id="postFormView">
  <a href="/">All Posts</a><br />
  <input type="text" id="postTitle" placeholder="post title" />
  <br />
  <textarea id="postText"></textarea>
  <br />
  <button id="submitPost"> Post </button>

It's a very basic form, but it will do. So now, we need to create our view; use the following code:

var PostFormView = Backbone.View.extend({
  tagName: 'form',
  template: _.template($("#postFormView").html()),
  initialize: function (options) {
    this.posts = options.posts;
  events: {
    'click button': 'createPost'
  render: function () {
    this.el.innerHTML = this.template();
    return this;
  createPost: function (e) {
    var postAttrs = {
      content: $("#postText").val(),
      title: $("#postTitle").val(),
      pubDate: new Date()
    postRouter.navigate("/", { trigger: true });
    return false;

It's pretty big, but you should be able to understand most of it. We start by making the view a <form> element through the tagName property. We fetch the template we just created in the template property. In the initialize method, we take a Posts collection as an option and assign it as a property, much like we did in the router. In the events property, we listen for a click event on the button. When that happens, we call the createPost method. Rendering this view is pretty simple. Actually, the real complexity here is in the createPost method, but even that is pretty simple. We create a postAttrs object that has all the properties of our post: the content and the text from the form and a date that we add.

After creating this postAttrs object, we pass it to the Posts collection's create method. This is a convenience method, really, that creates the Post model instance, saves it to the server, and adds it to the collection. If we wanted to do this "manually", we'd do something similar to the following lines of code:

var post = new Post(commentAttrs);

Every Backbone model constructor takes an object, which is a hash of attributes. We can add that model to the collection using the add method. Then, every model instance has a save method, which sends the model to the server.


In this case, it's important to add the model to the collection before saving it, because our model class doesn't know the server route to POST to on its own. If we wanted to be able to save model instances that aren't in a collection, we'd have to give the model class a urlRoot property:

urlRoot: "/posts",

Finally, we navigate back to the home page.

The next step is to add a new route to the router. In the routes property of the router class, add the following line:

'posts/new': 'newPost'

Then, we add the newPost method, which is very simple:

newPost: function () {
  var pfv = new PostFormView({ posts: this.posts });

That's all! Like I said, this isn't how you'd really do blog posting in a proper blog, but it shows us how to send model data back to the server.