Chapter 10. Testing MEAN Applications
In previous chapters, you learned to build your real-time MEAN application. You went through Express and AngularJS basics and learned to connect all the parts together. However, when your application becomes bigger and more complex, you'll soon find out that it's very difficult to manually verify your code. You will then need to start testing your application automatically. Fortunately, testing a web application, which was once a complicated task, has become much easier with the help of new tools and suitable testing frameworks. In this chapter, you'll learn to cover your MEAN application code using modern test frameworks and popular tools. We'll cover the following topics:
Introducing JavaScript TDD and BDD
Setting up your testing environment
Installing and configuring the Mocha test framework
Writing Express model and controller tests
Installing and configuring the Karma test runner
Using Jasmine to unit test your AngularJS entities
Writing and running end...