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Django 2 Web Development Cookbook - Third Edition

By : Jake Kronika, Aidas Bendoraitis
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Django 2 Web Development Cookbook - Third Edition

By: Jake Kronika, Aidas Bendoraitis

Overview of this book

Django is a framework designed to balance rapid web development with high performance. It handles high levels of user traffic and interaction, integrates with a variety of databases, and collects and processes data in real time. This book follows a task-based approach to guide you through developing with the Django 2.1 framework, starting with setting up and configuring Docker containers and a virtual environment for your project. You'll learn how to write reusable pieces of code for your models and manage database changes. You'll work with forms and views to enter and list data, applying practical examples using templates and JavaScript together for the optimum user experience. This cookbook helps you to adjust the built-in Django administration to fit your needs and sharpen security and performance to make your web applications as robust, scalable, and dependable as possible. You'll also explore integration with Django CMS, the popular content management suite. In the final chapters, you'll learn programming and debugging tricks and discover how collecting data from different sources and providing it to others in various formats can be a breeze. By the end of the book, you'll learn how to test and deploy projects to a remote dedicated server and scale your application to meet user demands.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Including external dependencies in your project

Sometimes, it is better to include external dependencies directly within your project. This ensures that whenever a developer upgrades third-party modules, all of the other developers will receive the upgraded version in the next update from the version control system (Git, Subversion, or others).

Also, it is better to have external dependencies included in your project when the libraries are taken from unofficial sources, that is, somewhere other than the Python Package Index (PyPI) or different version control systems.

Getting ready

Start with a virtual environment with a Django project in it.

How to do it...

Execute the following steps one by one for a virtual environment project:

  1. If you haven't done so already, create an externals directory under your Django project django-myproject directory. Then, create the libs and apps directories under it. The libs directory is for the Python modules that are required by your project, for example, Boto, Requests, Twython, and Whoosh. The apps directory is for third-party Django apps, for example, Django CMS, Django Haystack, and django-storages.
We highly recommend that you create files in the libs and apps directories, where you mention what each module is for, what the used version or revision is, and where it is taken from.
  1. The directory structure should look something similar to the following:
├── apps/
│ ├── cms/
│ ├── haystack/
│ ├── storages/
│ └──
└── libs/
├── boto/
├── requests/
├── twython/
  1. The next step is to put the external libraries and apps under the Python path so that they are recognized as if they were installed. This can be done by adding the following code in the settings:
import os, sys
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(

EXTERNAL_BASE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "externals")
EXTERNAL_LIBS_PATH = os.path.join(EXTERNAL_BASE, "libs")
EXTERNAL_APPS_PATH = os.path.join(EXTERNAL_BASE, "apps")
sys.path = ["", EXTERNAL_LIBS_PATH, EXTERNAL_APPS_PATH] + sys.path

How it works...

A module is meant to be under the Python path if you can run Python and import that module. One of the ways to put a module under the Python path is to modify the sys.path variable before importing a module that is in an unusual location. The value of sys.path, as specified by the file, is a list of directories starting with an empty string for the current directory, followed by the directories in the project, and finally the globally shared directories of the Python installation. You can see the value of sys.path in the Python shell, as follows:

(myproject)$ ./ shell
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path

The same could be done for a Docker project, assuming the container name were django_myproject_app_1, as follows:

myproject_docker/$ docker exec -it django_myproject_app_1 \
> python3 shell

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path

When trying to import a module, Python searches for the module in this list and returns the first result that is found.

Therefore, we first define the BASE_DIR variable, which is the absolute path to one level higher than the file. Then, we define the EXTERNAL_LIBS_PATH and EXTERNAL_APPS_PATH variables, which are relative to BASE_DIR. Lastly, we modify the sys.path property, adding new paths to the beginning of the list. Note that we also add an empty string as the first path to search, which means that the current directory of any module should always be checked first before checking other Python paths.

This way of including external libraries doesn't work cross-platform with the Python packages that have C language bindings, for example, lxml. For such dependencies, we would recommend using the pip requirements that were introduced in the Handling project dependencies with pip recipe.

There's more...

With a Docker project, there is significantly more control of the libraries and apps that are installed within the container:

  • For Python libraries needed for the project, we can use version specifications in the requirements.txt file to require a version known to be compatible. Furthermore, it was demonstrated in the Handling project dependencies with pip recipe that we can differentiate these requirements by environment, as well as being so precise as to require an exact repository version using the -e flag.
  • All Django applications are stored under the apps directory. Here would reside not only the code for ones specifically under development, but also any external apps that are not made available globally via the requirements.txt dependency list.

See also

  • The Creating a virtual environment project file structure recipe
  • The Creating a Docker project file structure recipe
  • The Handling project dependencies with pip recipe
  • The Defining relative paths in the settings recipe
  • The Using the Django shell recipe in Chapter 11, Bells and Whistles