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Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir

By : Aditya Iyengar
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Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir

By: Aditya Iyengar

Overview of this book

Elixir's functional nature and metaprogramming capabilities make it an ideal language for building web frameworks, with Phoenix being the most ubiquitous framework in the Elixir ecosystem and a popular choice for companies seeking scalable web-based products. With an ever-increasing demand for Elixir engineers, developers can accelerate their careers by learning Elixir and the Phoenix web framework. With Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir, you’ll start by exploring the fundamental concepts of web development using Elixir. You'll learn how to build a robust web server and create a router to direct incoming requests to the correct controller. Then, you'll learn to dispatch requests to controllers to respond with clean, semantic HTML, and explore the power of Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) and metaprogramming in Elixir. You'll develop a deep understanding of Elixir's unique syntax and semantics, allowing you to optimize your code for performance and maintainability. Finally, you'll discover how to effectively test each component of your application for accuracy and performance. By the end of this book, you'll have a thorough understanding of how Elixir components are implemented within Phoenix, and how to leverage its powerful features to build robust web applications.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Part 1: Web Server Fundamentals
Part 2: Router, Controller, and View
Part 3: DSL Design

Building a web application using Cowboy

In this section, we will take a look at some of the individual components of the Cowboy web server and use them to build a simple web application in Elixir.

Creating a new Mix project

Let’s start by creating a new Mix project by entering the following in your terminal:

$ mix new cowboy_example --sup

What is Mix?

Mix is a build tool written in Elixir. Its purpose is to bundle all the dependencies required by a project and provide an interface to run tasks that rely on the application environment. If you’re familiar with the Ruby world, you can think of Mix as a combination of Rake and Bundler.

Passing the --sup option to the mix new command allows us to create a Mix project with a supervision tree. A supervision tree (or a supervisor) is a process that simply monitors other processes and is responsible for automatically restarting any process within the tree if it fails or crashes. We will be using the supervision tree in this application to start and supervise our web server process to make sure it is started when the application is started and to ensure that it keeps running.

Now, we will add Cowboy as a dependency to our project by adding it to the mix.exs file’s dependencies:


defmodule CowboyExample.MixProject do
  # ...
  defp deps do
      {:cowboy, "~> 2.8"}

Follow it up by running mix deps.get from the project’s root directory, which should fetch Cowboy as a dependency.

Adding a handler and router to Cowboy

Now that we have added Cowboy, it is time to configure it to listen on a port. We will be using two functions to accomplish that:

  • :cowboy_router.compile/1: This function is responsible for defining a set of requested hosts, paths, and parameters to a dedicated request handler. This function also generates a set of rules, known as dispatch rules, to use those handlers.
  • :cowboy.start_clear/3: This function is responsible for starting a listener process on a TCP channel. It takes a listener name (an atom), transport options such as the TCP port, and protocol options such as the dispatch rules generated using the :cowboy_router.compile/1 function.

Now, let us use these functions to write an HTTP server. We can start by creating a new module to house our new HTTP server:


defmodule CowboyExample.Server do
  @moduledoc """
  This module defines a cowboy HTTP server and starts it
  on a port
  @doc """
  This function starts a Cowboy server on the given port.
  Routes for the server are defined in CowboyExample.Router
  def start(port) do
    routes = CowboyExample.Router.routes()
    dispatch_rules =
    {:ok, _pid} =
        [{:port, port}],
        %{env: %{dispatch: dispatch_rules}}

The preceding function starts a Cowboy server that listens to HTTP requests at the given port. By pattern matching on {:ok, _pid}, we’re making sure that :cowboy.start_clear/3 doesn’t fail silently.

We can try to start our web server by calling the CowboyExample.Server.start/1 function with a port. But, as you can see, we will also need to define the CowboyExample.Router router module. This module’s responsibility is to define routes that can be used to generate dispatch rules for our HTTP server. This can be done by storing all the routes, parameters, and handler tuples in the router module and passing them to the :cowboy_router.compile/1 call.

Let’s define the router module with the route for the root URL of the host (/):


defmodule CowboyExample.Router do
  @moduledoc """
  This module defines all the routes, params and handlers.
  This module is also the handler module for the root
  require Logger
  @doc """
  Returns the list of routes configured by this web server
  def routes do
      # For now, this module itself will handle root
      # requests
      {:_, [{"/", __MODULE__, []}]}

We will also be using CowboyExample.Router itself as the handler for that route, which means we have to define the init/2 function, which takes the request and its initial state.

So, let us define the init/2 function:


defmodule CowboyExample.Router do
  # ..
  @doc """
  This function handles the root route, logs the requests
  and responds with Hello World as the body
  def init(req0, state) do"Received request: #{inspect req0}")
    req1 =
        %{"content-type" => "text/html"},
        "Hello World",
    {:ok, req1, state}

As you can see in the preceding code, we have defined the routes/0 function, which returns the dispatch rules routes for our web application. For the handler module, we’re currently using the CowboyExample.Router module itself by defining the init/2 function, which responds with "Hello World" and a status of 200, whenever invoked. We have also added a call to the Logger module to log all requests to the handler. This will increase visibility while running it in the development environment.

In order for our web server to start up when the app is started, we need to add it to our application’s supervision tree.