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Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir

By : Aditya Iyengar
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Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir

By: Aditya Iyengar

Overview of this book

Elixir's functional nature and metaprogramming capabilities make it an ideal language for building web frameworks, with Phoenix being the most ubiquitous framework in the Elixir ecosystem and a popular choice for companies seeking scalable web-based products. With an ever-increasing demand for Elixir engineers, developers can accelerate their careers by learning Elixir and the Phoenix web framework. With Build Your Own Web Framework in Elixir, you’ll start by exploring the fundamental concepts of web development using Elixir. You'll learn how to build a robust web server and create a router to direct incoming requests to the correct controller. Then, you'll learn to dispatch requests to controllers to respond with clean, semantic HTML, and explore the power of Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) and metaprogramming in Elixir. You'll develop a deep understanding of Elixir's unique syntax and semantics, allowing you to optimize your code for performance and maintainability. Finally, you'll discover how to effectively test each component of your application for accuracy and performance. By the end of this book, you'll have a thorough understanding of how Elixir components are implemented within Phoenix, and how to leverage its powerful features to build robust web applications.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Part 1: Web Server Fundamentals
Part 2: Router, Controller, and View
Part 3: DSL Design

Testing the web server with ExUnit

Automated testing is a key part of any software, especially in a dynamic-typed language such as Elixir. It is one of the catalysts for writing deterministic software while documenting the expected behaviors of its components. Due to this reason, we will be making an effort to test everything we build in this book, including the Cowboy-powered web application we have built in this chapter.

In order to test our web application, we first need to be able to run our application on a different port in the test environment. This is to ensure that other /static/bad.html environments do not interfere with our tests. We also can use an application-level configuration to set a port on which the Cowboy server listens to all the requests. This will allow us to separate the test port from the development port.

So, let’s update our application to use the configured port or default it to 4040 using an @port module attribute:


defmodule CowboyExample.Application do
  @moduledoc false
  use Application
  @port Application.compile_env(
  @impl true
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      # Add this line
      {Task, fn -> CowboyExample.Server.start(@port) end}
    opts = [
      strategy: :one_for_one,
      name: CowboyExample.Supervisor
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

We can make sure that the application configuration is different for different Mix environments by adding the config/config.exs file, and setting a different port in our config for the test environment. We will also be updating the logger to not log warnings. So, let’s add a config file with the following contents:


import Config
if Mix.env() == :test do
  config :cowboy_example,
    port: 4041
  config :logger, warn: false


Mix.Config has been deprecated in newer versions of Elixir. You might have to use the Config module instead.

Now, let’s add tests for our server endpoints. In order to test our web server, we need to make HTTP requests to it and test the responses. To make HTTP requests in Elixir, we will be using Finch, a lightweight and high-performance HTTP client written in Elixir.

So, let’s add Finch to our list of dependencies:


defmodule CowboyExample.MixProject do
  # ...
  defp deps do
      {:cowboy, "~> 2.8"},
      {:finch, "~> 0.6"}

Running mix deps.get will fetch Finch and all its dependencies.

Now, let’s add a test file to test our server. In the test file, we will be setting up Finch to make HTTP calls to our server. In this section, we will only be testing the happy paths (200 responses) of our root and greet endpoints:


defmodule CowboyExample.ServerTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  setup_all do
    Finch.start_link(name: CowboyExample.Finch)
  describe "GET /" do
    test "returns Hello World with 200" do
      {:ok, response} =
        |> Finch.request(CowboyExample.Finch)
      assert response.body == "Hello World"
      assert response.status == 200
      assert {"content-type", "text/html"} in response.headers
  describe "GET /greeting/:who" do
    test "returns Hello `:who` with 200" do
      {:ok, response} =
        |> Finch.request(CowboyExample.Finch)
      assert response.body == "Hello Elixir"
      assert response.status == 200
      assert {"content-type", "text/html"} in response.headers
    test "returns `greeting` `:who` with 200" do
      {:ok, response} =
        |> Finch.request(CowboyExample.Finch)
      assert response.body == "Hola Elixir"
      assert response.status == 200
      assert {"content-type", "text/html"} in response.headers

As you can see in the preceding module, we have added tests for the two endpoints using Finch. We make calls to our server, running on port 4041 in the test environment, with different request paths and parameters. We then test the response’s body, status, and headers.

This should give you a good idea of how to go about testing a web server. Over the next few chapters, we will be building on top of this foundation and coming up with better ways of testing our web server.