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Angular Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Muhammad Ahsan Ayaz
2.7 (3)
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Angular Cookbook - Second Edition

2.7 (3)
By: Muhammad Ahsan Ayaz

Overview of this book

Angular has long been the framework of choice for web development projects of various scales, offering much-needed stability and a rich tooling ecosystem for building production-ready web and mobile apps. This recipe-based guide to Angular will help you build up your Angular expertise with a wide range of recipes across key tasks in web development and show you how to build high-performance apps. In this second edition, the recipes have been updated, added, and improved based on developer feedback and new challenges. The first few chapters will show you how to utilize core Angular concepts such as components, directives, and services to get you ready for building frontend web apps. You’ll then develop web components with Angular and go on to learn about advanced concepts such as dynamic components loading and state management with NgRx for achieving real-time performance. Later chapters will focus on recipes for effectively testing your Angular apps to make them fail-safe, before progressing to techniques for optimizing your app’s performance. Finally, you’ll create Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with Angular to provide an intuitive experience for users. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create full-fledged, professional-looking Angular apps and have the skills you need for frontend development.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
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