Converting audio using services
Now, we will combine our experience from the Extracting metadata from OpenOffice documents recipe earlier in this chapter, as well as what we learned in the last chapter to create a service that would convert audio files upon import.
We will create an extensible system for conversions, providing only a few converters at first, but allowing many more to be provided by extensions, which will use—you guessed it—services!
For the user interface part, we will use Ext JS, which is available for use in TYPO3 backend since TYPO3 4.3. If you haven't heard about Ext JS, it is a JavaScript library, designed to make powerful User Interface (UI) layouts easy to create.
For more information about Ext JS, go to To learn how to use it effectively, I recommend a book Learning Ext JS, Shea Frederick, Colin Ramsay, and Steve 'Cutter' Blades, Packt Publishing.
Getting ready
We will be creating a new extension, so make sure Kickstarter is installed. This...