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SwiftUI Cookbook - Third Edition

By : Juan C. Catalan
5 (1)
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SwiftUI Cookbook - Third Edition

5 (1)
By: Juan C. Catalan

Overview of this book

SwiftUI is the modern way to build user interfaces for iOS, macOS, and watchOS. It provides a declarative and intuitive way to create beautiful and interactive user interfaces. The new edition of this comprehensive cookbook includes a fully updated repository for SwiftUI 5, iOS 17, Xcode 15, and Swift 5.9. With this arsenal, it teaches you everything you need to know to build beautiful and interactive user interfaces with SwiftUI 5, from the basics to advanced topics like custom modifiers, animations, and state management. In this new edition, you will dive into the world of creating powerful data visualizations with a new chapter on Swift Charts and how to seamlessly integrate charts into your SwiftUI apps. Further, you will be able to unleash your creativity with advanced controls, including multi-column tables and two-dimensional layouts. You can explore new modifiers for text, images, and shapes that give you more control over the appearance of your views. You will learn how to develop apps for multiple platforms, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and more. With expert insights, real-world examples, and a recipe-based approach, you’ll be equipped to build remarkable SwiftUI apps that stand out in today’s competitive market.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
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Getting ready

Create a SwiftUI app called FakePosts.

How to do it…

We are going to implement...