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Terraform Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Mikael Krief
4.5 (2)
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Terraform Cookbook - Second Edition

4.5 (2)
By: Mikael Krief

Overview of this book

Imagine effortlessly provisioning complex cloud infrastructure across various cloud platforms, all while ensuring robustness, reusability, and security. Introducing the Terraform Cookbook, Second Edition - your go-to guide for mastering Infrastructure as Code (IaC) effortlessly. This new edition is packed with real-world examples for provisioning robust Cloud infrastructure mainly across Azure but also with a dedicated chapter for AWS and GCP. You will delve into manual and automated testing with Terraform configurations, creating and managing a balanced, efficient, reusable infrastructure with Terraform modules. You will learn how to automate the deployment of Terraform configurations through continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), unleashing Terraform's full potential. New chapters have been added that describe the use of Terraform for Docker and Kubernetes, and explain how to test Terraform configurations using different tools to check code and security compliance. The book devotes an entire chapter to achieving proficiency in Terraform Cloud, covering troubleshooting strategies for common issues and offering resolutions to frequently encountered errors. Get the insider knowledge to boost productivity with Terraform - the indispensable guide for anyone adopting Infrastructure as Code solutions.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
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Using YAML files in Terraform configuration

In the previous recipes, we learned that to set dynamic values inside Terraform configuration, we can use variables.

In some use cases, we must use an external source for configuration, such as JSON or YAML files, and we can imagine that these files are provided manually by external teams or generated automatically by external systems, and we can’t rewrite these files in Terraform variables.

The goal of this recipe is to show how to use a YAML file inside a Terraform configuration.

Let’s get started!

Getting ready

To complete this recipe, we have a YAML file named network.yaml with the following content:

vnet: "myvnet"
address_space: ""
- name: subnet1
  iprange: ""
- name: subnet2
  iprange: ""

This file contains the configuration of the Azure network with virtual network and subnets configuration, and it’s placed in the same folder as the Terraform configuration.

In our Terraform configuration, we will use this YAML file to provision the Azure virtual network and subnets.

The source code of this recipe is available at

How to do it…

Perform the following steps:

  1. First, in, create a locals variable called network that calls the built-in yamldecode Terraform function:
    locals {
        network = yamldecode(file("network.yaml"))
  2. Then call this variable and its subproperties, which are defined in the YAML file inside the Terraform resource:
    resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" {
      name                =
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
      resource_group_name =
      address_space       = []
      dynamic "subnet" {
        for_each =
        content {
          name           =
          address_prefix = subnet.value.iprange
  3. Finally, run the Terraform workflow with the init, plan, and apply commands. The following picture shows the plan execution:
Une image contenant texte  Description générée automatiquement

Figure 2.13: Terraform uses the YAML file

  1. We can see that the Terraform configuration uses the content configuration of the YAML file.

How it works…

In Step 1, we use the built-in Terraform function yamldecode, which takes on the parameters of the network.yaml file. This function decodes YAML content to Terraform key-value maps.

The result of this map is stored in a local variable named network.

Then in Step 2, we call this local variable by using and use all the sub-keys as object notation, defined in the YAML configuration.

That is all for the Terraform configuration. Finally, we run the terraform init, plan, and apply Terraform commands.

The plan execution shows that Terraform uses YAML for configuration.

There’s more…

In this recipe, we saw how to decode a YAML file, but we can also encode a YAML file, from Terraform to YAML, by using the built-in yamlencode Terraform function (

We learned an example of decoding a YAML file. With Terraform we can do the same operations with a JSON file using the built-in jsondecode and jsonencode functions.

However, it is better to use Terraform variables for Terraform variable validation by using the terraform validate command. Indeed, the YAML file will not be integrated into the validation of Terraform if it is badly formatted or if some information is missing – in these instances it will throw an error.

See also