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Nmap Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook, Third Edition - Third Edition

By : Paulino Calderon
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Nmap Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook, Third Edition - Third Edition

By: Paulino Calderon

Overview of this book

Nmap is one of the most powerful tools for network discovery and security auditing used by millions of IT professionals, from system administrators to cybersecurity specialists. This third edition of the Nmap: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook introduces Nmap and its family - Ncat, Ncrack, Ndiff, Zenmap, and the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) - and guides you through numerous tasks that are relevant to security engineers in today’s technology ecosystems. The book discusses some of the most common and useful tasks for scanning hosts, networks, applications, mainframes, Unix and Windows environments, and ICS/SCADA systems. Advanced Nmap users can benefit from this book by exploring the hidden functionalities within Nmap and its scripts as well as advanced workflows and configurations to fine-tune their scans. Seasoned users will find new applications and third-party tools that can help them manage scans and even start developing their own NSE scripts. Practical examples featured in a cookbook format make this book perfect for quickly remembering Nmap options, scripts and arguments, and more. By the end of this Nmap book, you will be able to successfully scan numerous hosts, exploit vulnerable areas, and gather valuable information.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Appendix A: HTTP, HTTP Pipelining, and Web Crawling Configuration Options
Appendix Β: Brute-Force Password Auditing Options
Appendix F: References and Additional Reading

Discovering systems with weak passwords with Ncrack

Ncrack is a network authentication cracking tool designed to identify systems with weak credentials. It is highly flexible and supports popular network protocols, such as FTP, SSH, Telnet, HTTP(S), POP3(S), SMB, RDP, VNC, SIP, Redis, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

In this recipe, you will learn how to install Ncrack to find systems with weak passwords.

Getting ready

Grab the latest stable version of Ncrack from At the moment, the latest version is 0.7:


Decompress the file and enter the new directory:

$ tar -zxf ncrack-0.7.tar.gz
$ cd ncrack-0.7

Configure and build Ncrack with the following command:

$./configure && make

Finally, install it in your system:

#make install

Now you should be able to use Ncrack anywhere in your system.

How to do it...

To start a basic dictionary attack against an SSH server, use the following command:

$ncrack ssh://<target>:<port>

Ncrack will use the default settings to attack the SSH server running on the specified IP address and port. This might take some time depending on the network conditions:

Discovered credentials for ssh on 22/tcp: 22/tcp ssh: guest 12345
Ncrack done: 1 service scanned in 56 seconds. Ncrack finished.

In this case, we have successfully found the credentials of the account guest. Someone should have known that 12345 is not a good password.

How it works...

Ncrack takes as arguments the hostname or IP address of the target and a service to attack. Targets and services can be defined as follows:


The simplest command requires a target and the service specification. Another way of running the scan shown earlier is as follows:

Starting Ncrack 0.7 ( ) at 2020-10-08 22:10 EST Discovered credentials for ssh on 22/tcp: 22/tcp ssh: guest 12345 22/tcp ssh: admin money$
Ncrack done: 1 service scanned in 156.03 seconds. Ncrack finished.

In this case, Ncrack automatically detected the SSH service based on the port number given in the target and performed a password auditing attack using the default dictionaries shipped with Ncrack. Luckily, this time we found two accounts with weak passwords.

There's more...

As we have seen, Ncrack provides a few different ways of specifying targets, but it takes it to the next level with some interesting features, such as the ability to pause and resume attacks. We will briefly explore some of its options, but I highly recommend you read the official documentation at for the full list of options.

Configuring authentication options

Ncrack would not be a good network login cracker without options to tune the authentication process. Ncrack users may use their own username and password lists with the -U and -P options correspondingly if the included lists (inside the /lists directory) are not adequate:

$ ncrack -U <user list file> -P <password list file> <[service- name]>://<target>:<[port-number]>

Otherwise, we might have a specific username or password we would like to test with the --user and --pass options:

$ ncrack --user <username> <[service-name]>://<target>:<[port-number]>
$ ncrack --pass <password> <[service-name]>://<target>:<[port-number]>

Pausing and resuming attacks

Ncrack supports resuming incomplete scans with the --resume option. If you had to stop a cracking session, just resume it by passing the filename of the previous session:

$ncrack --resume cracking-session <[service-name]>://<target>:<[port-number]>

If you would like to set the filename of the session to resume it later in case you need to, use the --save option:

$ncrack --save cracking-session <[service-name]>://<target>:<[port-number]>