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R Graph Essentials

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R Graph Essentials

Overview of this book

This book is targeted at R programmers who want to learn the graphing capabilities of R. This book will presume that you have working knowledge of R.
Table of Contents (6 chapters)

Creating facet plots

If you have a large dataset that includes a categorical variable, you can use the facets command to produce multiple graphs: one for each level of the categorical variable. In the following example, we will create a graph for each level of ETH (1, 2, and 3) using facets = ETH ~ . Note the tilde sign followed by the period. Enter this syntax:

qplot(HEIGHT, WEIGHT_1, data = T,  geom = "point",  main = "HEIGHT VS. WEIGHT BY ETHNICITY", xlab = "WEIGHT BEFORE TREATMENT (Kg)", ylab = "HEIGHT (cm)", facets = ETH ~ .)

Our facet plot is as follows:

Indeed, we have three scatterplots arranged vertically: one for each level of ETHNICITY. We can also create facet plots across the levels of two factor variables. In the following code, we will create a scatterplot of HEIGHT against WEIGHT_1 for each combination of SMOKE and EXERCISE in each facet, where the two levels of gender are represented by shape and color. Here is the required command:

qplot(HEIGHT, WEIGHT_1, data=T, shape=factor...