- additional script plugins
- installing / Installing additional script plugins, How it works...
- aggregation
- usage / Introduction
- about / Introduction
- executing / Executing an aggregation, How to do it..., How it works...
- AggregationFactory helper
- about / There's more…
- add_term / There's more…
- add_date / There's more…
- add_geo / There's more…
- add / There's more…
- aggregation framework
- aggregators
- about / How it works...
- bucketing aggregators / How it works...
- metric aggregators / How it works...
- analyzer plugin
- creating / Creating an analyzer plugin, How to do it..., How it works...
- and/or/not filters
- about / Using and/or/not filters
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- and operation / How it works...
- Apache HttpComponents
- Apache HttpComponents Client
- arrays
- about / Mapping arrays
- mapping / Mapping arrays, How to do it...
- atomic operations
- speeding up / Speeding up atomic operations (bulk operations)
- attachment field
- mapping / Mapping an attachment field, Getting ready, How it works..., There's more...
- attributes, object
- about / How it works...
- properties / How it works...
- enabled / How it works...
- dynamic / How it works...
- include_in_all / How it works...
- base types
- mapping / Mapping base types, How to do it..., There's more...
- BigDesk
- about / Installing and using BigDesk, There's more…
- installing / How to do it...
- using / How it works...
- Endpoint settings bar / How it works...
- node view / How it works...
- cluster view / How it works...
- main view / How it works...
- fragment view / How it works...
- Bigdesk
- URL / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- bin directory, Elasticsearch
- about / How it works...
- elasticsearch(.bat) script / How it works...
- plugin(.bat) script / How it works...
- Boolean filter
- Boolean operator filters
- Boolean query/filter
- about / Using a Boolean query/filter, How it works…
- executing / How to do it..., How it works…
- must / How it works…
- must_not / How it works…
- should / How it works…
- BroadcastOperationRequest/Response class / How it works...
- bucketing aggregators / How it works...
- built-in functions, Groovy
- time() / There's more...
- sin(a) / There's more...
- cos(a) / There's more...
- tan(a) / There's more...
- asin(a) / There's more...
- acos(a) / There's more...
- atan(a) / There's more...
- toRadians(angdeg) / There's more...
- toDegrees(angrad) / There's more...
- exp(a) / There's more...
- log(a) / There's more...
- log10(a) / There's more...
- sqrt(a) / There's more...
- cbrt(a) / There's more...
- IEEEremainder(f1, f2) / There's more...
- ceil(a) / There's more...
- floor(a) / There's more...
- rint(a) / There's more...
- atan2(y, x) / There's more...
- pow(a, b) / There's more...
- round(a) / There's more...
- random() / There's more...
- abs(a) / There's more...
- max(a, b) / There's more...
- min(a, b) / There's more...
- ulp(d) / There's more...
- signum(d) / There's more...
- sinh(x) / There's more...
- cosh(x) / There's more...
- tanh(x) / There's more...
- hypot(x,y) / There's more...
- bulk action
- managing / Managing bulk actions, How it works...
- Bulk API
- bulk operations
- speeding up / Speeding up atomic operations (bulk operations), How it works...
- bulk_script_filter declaration
- bulk_script_filter function / There's more…
- call output, cluster state
- cluster_name field / How it works...
- master_node field / How it works...
- blocks section / How it works...
- nodes section / How it works...
- metadata section / How it works...
- routing_table / How it works...
- routing_nodes / How it works...
- child document
- managing / Managing a child document, How to do it..., How it works...
- child object
- client () parameter / There's more...
- client, PyES
- creating / Creating a client, How to do it...
- cluster
- about / Understanding nodes and clusters
- Cluster/Index operations, Elasticsearch
- cluster action
- creating / Creating a cluster action, How to do it..., How it works...
- cluster health
- controlling, via API / Controlling cluster health via the API, How it works...
- cluster_name / How it works...
- timeout / How it works...
- number_of_nodes / How it works...
- number_of_data_nodes / How it works...
- active_primary_shards / How it works...
- active_shards / How it works...
- relocating_shards / How it works...
- initializing_shards / How it works...
- unassigned_shards / How it works...
- cluster level
- cluster node information
- obtaining, via API / Getting cluster node information via the API, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more…
- hostname section / How it works...
- http section / How it works...
- http_address section / How it works...
- jvm / How it works...
- Network section / How it works...
- Osos section / How it works...
- plugins section / How it works...
- process section / How it works...
- settings section / How it works...
- thread_pool section / How it works...
- thrift_address section / How it works...
- transport section / How it works...
- transport_address section / How it works...
- version section / How it works...
- Cluster services
- cluster state
- controlling, via API / Controlling cluster state via the API, How to do it..., How it works...
- call output / How it works...
- cluster status
- about / Understanding clusters, replication, and sharding
- green / How it works...
- yellow / How it works...
- red / How it works...
- completion field
- index_analyzer property / How it works...
- search_analyzer property / How it works...
- preserve_separators property / How it works...
- max_input_length property / How it works...
- payloads / How it works...
- input functionality / How it works...
- output functionality / How it works...
- payload functionality / How it works...
- weight functionality / How it works...
- completion suggester
- mapping / Mapping a completion suggester, How it works...
- complex queries, query parser
- field-text / There's more...
- field-(term1 OR term2) / There's more...
- field-"text" / There's more...
- _exists_-field / There's more...
- _missing_-field / There's more...
- field-[start TO end] / There's more...
- field-/regex/ / There's more...
- concurrency () parameter / There's more...
- config directory, Elasticsearch
- about / How it works...
- elasticsearch.yml script / How it works...
- logging.yml script / How it works...
- consumer threads / How it works...
- correct query
- suggesting / Suggesting a correct query, How to do it..., How it works...
- CouchDB
- about / Using the CouchDB river
- couchdb object
- protocol () parameter / How it works...
- no_verify() parameter / How it works...
- host() parameter / How it works...
- port() parameter / How it works...
- heartbeat parameter / How it works...
- read_timeout parameter / How it works...
- db() parameter / How it works...
- filter parameter / How it works...
- filter_params parameter / How it works...
- ignore_attachments() parameter / How it works...
- user parameter / How it works...
- password parameter / How it works...
- script parameter / How it works...
- CouchDB river
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- creating / How it works...
- slurper thread / How it works...
- indexer thread / How it works...
- about / There's more…
- CouchDB river plugin
- installing / How to do it...
- counting query
- executing / How to do it...
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations / Introduction
- ctx parameter / How it works...
- data
- managing / Managing your data, How it works..., There's more...
- sorting, script used / Sorting data using script, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- date histogram aggregation
- about / Executing the date histogram aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- time_zone () parameter / How it works...
- post_zone parameter / How it works...
- pre_zone_adjust_large_interval () parameter / How it works...
- date range aggregation (date_range) / There's more…
- delete by query
- executing / Deleting by query, How to do it...
- different analyzer
- specifying / Specifying a different analyzer, How it works...
- different node types
- setting up / Setting up different node types, How it works...
- Django / Introduction
- document
- about / Mapping a document
- mapping / Mapping a document, How it works...
- time-to-live, managing / Mapping a document
- mapping, dynamic templates used / Using dynamic templates in document mapping, How it works...
- indexing / Indexing a document, How to do it..., How it works...
- getting / Getting a document, How to do it...
- deleting / Deleting a document, How it works...
- updating / Updating a document, How it works...
- updating, scripts used / Updating a document using scripts, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- document mapping fields
- index_analyzer / How it works...
- search_analyzer / How it works...
- date_detection / How it works...
- dynamic_date_formats / How it works...
- numeric_detection / How it works...
- dynamic_templates / How it works...
- Document Operations, Elasticsearch
- documents
- matching / Matching all the documents, How to do it...
- managing / Managing documents, How to do it..., How it works...
- documents, PyES
- managing / Managing documents, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more…
- domain specific language (DSL) / Introduction
- dynamic template
- dynamic templates
- using, in document mapping / Using dynamic templates in document mapping, How it works...
- Elastic HQ
- URL / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch, There's more…
- about / There's more…
- ElasticSearch
- rivers / Introduction
- Java integration / Introduction
- Python integration / Introduction
- Elasticsearch
- about / Introduction, Communicating with ElasticSearch, How it works..., Downloading and installing ElasticSearch
- structure, comparing / How it works..., There's more...
- Document Operations / There's more...
- downloading / How to do it…
- installing / How to do it…
- URL / How to do it…
- versions / How to do it…
- bin directory / How it works...
- config directory / How it works...
- lib directory / How it works...
- plugins, installing / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- Elasticsearch 1.4.x version
- query parameter / How it works...
- from (by default, 0) parameter / How it works...
- size (by default, 10) parameter / How it works...
- sort parameter / How it works...
- post_filter (optional) parameter / How it works...
- _source (optional) parameter / How it works...
- fielddata_fields (optional) parameter / How it works...
- fields (optional) parameter / How it works...
- facets (optional) parameter / How it works...
- aggregations or aggs (optional) parameter / How it works...
- index_boost (optional) parameter / How it works...
- highlighting (optional) parameter / How it works...
- version (by default, false) parameter / How it works...
- rescore (optional) parameter / How it works...
- min_score (optional) parameter / How it works...
- explain (optional) parameter / How it works...
- script_fields (optional) parameter / How it works...
- suggest (optional) parameter / How it works...
- search_type (optional) parameter / How it works...
- scroll (optional) parameter / How it works...
- Elasticsearch cluster
- Elasticsearch head
- URL / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- ElasticSearch Head
- about / Installing and using ElasticSearch Head, There's more…
- installing / How to do it...
- using / How it works...
- Overview tab / How it works...
- Indices tab / How it works...
- Browser tab / How it works...
- Structured Query tab / How it works...
- Any Request tab / How it works...
- web interface / How it works...
- Any Request[+] tab / How it works...
- Elasticsearch Java API
- elasticsearch parameter / There's more...
- ElasticSearch Python client
- HTTP protocol / How it works...
- Thrift / How it works...
- Memcached / How it works...
- Elasticsearch startup
- existing and missing filters
- about / Using exists and missing filters
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- exists filter
- about / Using exists and missing filters
- explicit directives
- store / How it works...
- index / How it works...
- null_value / How it works...
- boost / How it works...
- index_analyzer / How it works...
- search_analyzer / How it works...
- analyzer / How it works...
- include_in_all / How it works...
- index_name / How it works...
- norms / How it works...
- explicit mapping
- creating / Using explicit mapping creation, How to do it...
- using / How it works...
- field
- adding, with multiple mapping / Adding a field with multiple mappings, How it works...
- fields property
- filter
- filter aggregation
- about / Executing the filter aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- filter object, Twitter river
- tracks parameter / There's more…
- follow parameter / There's more…
- locations parameter / There's more…
- language parameter / There's more…
- Finite state transducer (FST) structure / How it works...
- flush operation / How it works...
- flush parameter / There's more…
- force parameter / There's more…
- function score query
- about / Using a function score query, How it works...
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- query or filter (optional, by default the match_all query) parameter / How it works...
- boost (by default, 1.0) parameter / How it works...
- functions parameter / How it works...
- max_boost (by default, java FLT_MAX) parameter / How it works...
- boost_mode (by default, multiply) parameter / How it works...
- score_mode (by default, multiply) parameter / How it works...
- script_score (optional) parameter / How it works...
- random_score (optional) parameter / How it works...
- geo bounding box filter
- about / Using a geo bounding box filter
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- geo distance aggregations
- about / Executing the geo distance aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- geo distance filter
- about / Using geo distance filter
- using / How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- Distance parameter / How it works...
- unit (optional) parameter / How it works...
- distance_type (by default, sloppy_arc; the valid choices are arc/sloppy_arc/plane) parameter / How it works...
- optimize_bbox parameter / How it works...
- geo distance sorting
- about / There's more...
- unit parameter / There's more...
- distance_type (sloppy_arc/arc/plane) parameter / There's more...
- GeoPoint
- about / Mapping a geo point field
- lat_lon parameter / How it works...
- geohash parameter / How it works...
- geohash_precision parameter / How it works...
- GeoPoint field
- mapping / Mapping a geo point field, How it works..., There's more...
- geo polygon filter
- about / Using a geo polygon filter
- executing / Using a geo polygon filter, How it works...
- geo range aggregation
- about / How it works...
- field parameter / How it works...
- origin parameter / How it works...
- ranges parameter / How it works...
- working / How it works...
- GeoShape field
- mapping / Mapping a geo shape field, How it works...
- GET operations
- speeding up / Speeding up GET operations (multi GET), How it works...
- global aggregation
- about / Executing the global aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Groovy
- URL / How it works..., How it works...
- about / Introduction, How it works...
- Guice / Downloading and installing ElasticSearch, How it works...
- Hamcrest library
- handleRequest method / How it works...
- has_child query/filter
- about / Using a has_child query/filter
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- type parameter / How it works...
- query paramter / How it works...
- score_mode (by default, none; the available values are max, sum, avg, and none) parameter / How it works...
- min_children parameter / How it works...
- max_children (optional) parameter / How it works...
- has_parent Query/Filter
- about / Using a has_parent query/filter
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- type parameter / How it works...
- query parameter / How it works...
- score_type (by default, none; the available values are none and score) parameter / How it works...
- helper parameters, range query/filter
- gt (greater than) / How it works...
- gte (greater than or equal to) / How it works...
- lt (lesser than) / How it works...
- lte (lesser than or equal to) / How it works...
- Highlighter helper / There's more…
- highlighting phase / How it works...
- histogram aggregations
- about / Executing the histogram aggregation, There's more…
- executing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- HTTP client
- about / Creating an HTTP client
- creating / How to do it..., How it works...
- HTTP Protocol
- using / How to do it..., There's more...
- HTTP protocol
- using / Using the HTTP protocol
- advantages / How it works...
- HTTP Protocol layer / How it works...
- HTTP REST services / How it works...
- IDs query/filter
- about / Using an ID query/filter
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- ids (required) parameter / How it works...
- type (optional) parameter / How it works...
- Index
- creating / Creating an index, How to do it...
- deleting / Deleting an index, How it works...
- opening / Opening/closing an index, How it works...
- closing / Opening/closing an index, How it works...
- mapping, putting in / Putting a mapping in an index, How it works...
- refreshing / Refreshing an index, How it works...
- flushing / Flushing an index, How it works...
- optimizing / Optimizing an index, How to do it...
- index
- Index aliases
- using / Using index aliases, How to do it..., There's more…
- Index and type existence
- checking / Checking if an index or type exists, How to do it...
- Index creation API
- Index creation command / There's more…
- indexing
- about / Indexing a document
- Indexing Service
- index object, CouchDB river
- index parameter / How it works...
- type parameter / How it works...
- bulk_size () parameter / How it works...
- bulk_timeout () parameter / How it works...
- max_concurrent_bulk() parameter / How it works...
- index object, JDBC river
- index parameter / How it works...
- type parameter / How it works...
- max_bulk_actions parameter / How it works...
- max_concurrent_bulk_requests parameter / How it works...
- index_settings parameter / How it works...
- type_mapping parameter / How it works...
- IndexReplicationOperationRequest class / How it works...
- Index settings
- managing / Managing index settings, How to do it..., How it works...
- replica management / How it works...
- refresh interval / How it works...
- cache management / How it works...
- write management / How it works...
- shard allocation management / How it works...
- indices
- managing, with native client / Managing indices with the native client, How to do it..., How it works...
- indices, PyES
- managing / Managing indices, How to do it..., How it works...
- InstanceShardOperationRequest class / How it works...
- IP field
- mapping / Mapping an IP field, How to do it...
- index property / How it works...
- precision_step property / How it works...
- IPv4 range aggregation (ip_range) / There's more…
- Jackson / Downloading and installing ElasticSearch
- JAR plugin
- pom.xml / How to do it...
- es-plugin / How to do it...
- <name>plugin / How to do it...
- plugin.xml / How to do it...
- JavaScript
- about / Introduction, How it works...
- URL / How it works...
- JavaScript language support
- installing / How to do it...
- jdbc object
- strategy () parameter / How it works...
- driver parameter / How it works...
- url parameter / How it works...
- user parameter / How it works...
- password parameter / How it works...
- sql parameter / How it works...
- locale () parameter / How it works...
- timezone parameter / How it works...
- rounding parameter / How it works...
- scale parameter / How it works...
- ignore_null_values () parameter / How it works...
- autocommit () parameter / How it works...
- fetchsize parameter / How it works...
- max_rows parameter / How it works...
- max_retries parameter / How it works...
- max_retries_wait () parameter / How it works...
- schedule parameter / How it works...
- cronpoolsize () parameter / How it works...
- JDBC river
- using / How to do it...
- about / How it works...
- Jetty plugin
- JSON document
- indexing / How it works...
- JTS (v1.12) / Getting ready
- KeywordAnalyzer analyzer
- Kibana
- URL / Introduction, How it works...
- Language Scripting Services
- lib directory, Elasticsearch
- Linux systems
- setting up / Setting up for Linux systems, How it works...
- Log4j library
- URL / How it works...
- about / How it works...
- logging settings
- changing / Changing logging settings, How it works...
- Lucene / Downloading and installing ElasticSearch
- Lucene index / There's more...
- mapping
- about / Introduction
- base types / Mapping base types, How to do it...
- fine-tuning / Mapping base types
- arrays / Mapping arrays, How it works...
- object / Mapping an object, How it works...
- document / Mapping a document
- GeoPoint field / Mapping a geo point field, How it works...
- GeoShape field / Mapping a geo shape field, How it works...
- IP field / Mapping an IP field, How to do it...
- attachment field / Mapping an attachment field, How to do it..., How it works...
- metadata, adding / Adding metadata to a mapping, How it works...
- completion suggester / Mapping a completion suggester, How it works...
- obtaining / Getting a mapping, How it works...
- deleting / Deleting a mapping, How to do it...
- mappings
- about / How it works...
- managing / Managing mappings, How to do it..., How it works...
- mappings, PyES
- managing / Managing mappings, How to do it..., There's more…
- Mapping Service
- Marvel
- URL / There's more…
- about / There's more…, Installing and using Marvel
- installing / How to do it...
- using / How it works...
- home page / How it works...
- interface / How it works...
- main dashboard page / How it works...
- master-eligible node
- master node
- MasterNodeOperationRequest/Response class / How it works...
- matched results
- counting / Counting matched results, How it works...
- matchers
- match / How it works...
- unmatch / How it works...
- match_mapping_type / How it works...
- path_match / How it works...
- path_unmatch / How it works...
- match_pattern / How it works...
- match query
- about / Using a match query
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- operator (by default, OR) parameter / How it works...
- analyzer (by default, it is based on mapping or it is set in the search setup) parameter / How it works...
- Fuzziness parameter / How it works...
- zero_terms_query (can be none/all, but by default, it is none) parameter / How it works...
- cutoff_frequency parameter / How it works...
- match_all query
- Maven plugin section
- compiler section / How it works...
- source section / How it works...
- assembly section / How it works...
- max_num_segments parameter / There's more…
- MemcachedConnection class / How it works...
- metadata
- adding, to mapping / Adding metadata to a mapping, How it works...
- metric aggregators
- missing filter
- about / Using exists and missing filters
- MongoDB
- about / Using the MongoDB river
- Mongodb, ElasticSearch configuration
- about / How it works...
- servers parameter / How it works...
- credentials parameter / How it works...
- db parameter / How it works...
- collection parameter / How it works...
- gridfs parameter / How it works...
- filter parameter / How it works...
- index parameter / How it works...
- MongoDB river
- about / Using the MongoDB river
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- URL / How it works...
- MongoDB river plugin
- installing / How to do it...
- multi GET operation
- executing / How to do it...
- advantages / How it works...
- MVEL / Introduction
- .Net / Introduction
- Nagios server
- native client
- creating / Creating a native client, How it works...
- indices, managing with / Managing indices with the native client, How to do it..., How it works...
- native plugin
- about / Introduction
- creating / Creating a native plugin, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more…
- native plugins
- about / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- native protocol
- using / Using the native protocol, How it works...
- Near Real-Time (NRT)
- nested aggregations
- about / Executing nested aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- example / There's more…
- nested objects
- managing / Managing nested objects, How it works...
- about / Managing nested objects
- include_in_parent property / There's more...
- include_in_root property / There's more...
- networking
- setting up / Setting up networking, How to do it..., How it works...
- Network Services
- node
- about / Understanding nodes and clusters
- parameters / How it works...
- setting up / Setting up a node, There's more...
- different node types, setting up / Setting up different node types
- parameter
- node.master parameter
- NodeOperationRequest class / How it works...
- node services
- about / Understanding node services
- node statistics
- obtaining, via API / Getting node statistics via the API, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more…
- fs section / How it works...
- http section / How it works...
- indices section / How it works...
- jvm section / How it works...
- network section / How it works...
- os section / How it works...
- process section / How it works...
- thread_pool section / How it works...
- transport section / How it works...
- non-data node (or arbiter) / There's more...
- NoSQL datastores / There's more...
- not operation / How it works...
- number_of_replicas parameter / How it works...
- number_of_shard parameter / How it works...
- object
- about / Mapping an object
- mapping / Mapping an object, How it works...
- one shot usage, river
- only_expunge_deletes parameter / There's more…
- oplog (operations log) collection
- optimize operation / Optimizing an index
- or operation / How it works...
- parameters, for controlling DELETE call
- Routing / How it works...
- Version / How it works...
- Parent / How it works...
- parameters, for controlling GET call
- fields / How it works...
- routing / How it works...
- refresh / How it works...
- preference / How it works...
- parameters, for highlighting process
- number_of_fragments (by default, 5) / How it works...
- fragment_size (by default, 100) / How it works...
- pre_tags/post_tags / How it works...
- tags_schema="styled" / How it works...
- parameters, for nested object
- nested_path / How it works...
- nested_filter / How it works...
- parameters, for sorting
- order (asc/desc) / How it works...
- ignore_unmapped (true/false) / How it works...
- unmapped_type / How it works...
- missing (_last/_first) parameter / How it works...
- mode / How it works...
- parameters, GET object
- _index / How it works...
- _type / How it works...
- _id / How it works...
- fields / How it works...
- routing / How it works...
- parameters, node
- / How it works...
- / How it works...
- / How it works...
- / How it works...
- path.conf parameter
- parameter
- path.log parameter
- path.plugins parameter
- parameter
- periodical usage, river
- Perl / Introduction
- PHP / Introduction
- phrase suggester
- plugins
- installing / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- site plugins / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- native plugins / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- installing, manually / Installing a plugin manually
- removing / Removing a plugin, How it works...
- about / Introduction
- usages / Introduction
- Plugin Service
- populate script
- prefix query/filter
- about / Using a prefix query/filter
- executing / How to do it..., How it works…
- primary
- producer threads
- PyES client / Introduction
- Pyramid / Introduction
- Python
- about / Introduction, How it works...
- URL / How it works...
/ Introduction
- Python language plugin page
- query
- about / There's more...
- building / Building a query, How to do it..., How it works...
- query builders
- matchAllQuery / There's more
- matchQuery / There's more
- termQuery / There's more
- termsQuery / There's more
- boolQuery / There's more
- idsQuery / There's more
- fieldQuery / There's more
- wildcardQuery / There's more
- regexpQuery / There's more
- span query family / There's more
- filteredQuery / There's more
- constantScoreQuery / There's more
- moreLikeThisQuery / There's more
- fuzzyLikeThisQuery / There's more
- nestedQuery / There's more
- hasChildQuery / There's more
- hasParentQuery / There's more
- query filters
- matchAllFilter / There's more
- termFilter / There's more
- termsFilter / There's more
- idsFilter / There's more
- typeFilter / There's more
- andFilter / There's more
- notFilter / There's more
- orFilter / There's more
- wildcardFilter / There's more
- regexpFilter / There's more
- rangeFilter / There's more
- scriptFilter / There's more
- geoDistanceFilter / There's more
- geoBoundingBoxFilter / There's more
- boolFilter / There's more
- query parameters
- routing / There's more…
- parent / There's more…
- timestamp / There's more…
- consistency / There's more…
- replication / There's more…
- version / There's more…
- op_type / There's more…
- refresh / There's more…
- ttl / There's more…
- timeout / There's more…
- QueryString query
- about / Using a QueryString query, How it works...
- using / Getting ready
- executing / How to do it..., There's more...
- default_field (by default, _all) parameter / How it works...
- Fields parameter / How it works...
- default_operator (by default, OR; the available values are AND and OR) parameter / How it works...
- Analyzer parameter / How it works...
- allow_leading_wildcard (by default, true) parameter / How it works...
- lowercase_expanded_terms (by default, true) parameter / How it works...
- enable_position_increments (by default, true) parameter / How it works...
- fuzzy_max_expansions (by default, 50) parameter / How it works...
- fuzziness (by default, AUTO) parameter / How it works...
- fuzzy_prefix_length (by default, 0) parameter / How it works...
- phrase_slop (by default, 0) parameter / How it works...
- boost (by default, 1.0) parameter / How it works...
- analyze_wildcard (by default, false) parameter / How it works...
- auto_generate_phrase_queries (by default, false) parameter / How it works...
- minimum_should_match parameter / How it works...
- lenient (by default, false) parameter / How it works...
- locale (by default, ROOT) parameter / How it works...
- RabbitMQ / How it works...
- about / Using the RabbitMQ river
- rabbitmq object
- host () parameter / How it works...
- port () parameter / How it works...
- user parameter / How it works...
- pass parameter / How it works...
- vhost () parameter / How it works...
- exchange_declare () parameter / How it works...
- exchange () parameter / How it works...
- exchange_type () parameter / How it works...
- exchange_durable () parameter / How it works...
- queue_declare () parameter / How it works...
- queue () parameter / How it works...
- queue_durable () parameter / How it works...
- queue_auto_delete () parameter / How it works...
- heartbeat parameter / How it works...
- nack_errors () parameter / How it works...
- RabbitMQ river
- using / Using the RabbitMQ river, How to do it..., How it works...
- URL, for documentation / See also
- RabbitMQ river plugin
- installing / How to do it...
- about / There's more…
- range aggregations
- about / Executing the range aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- date range aggregation / There's more…
- IPv4 range aggregation / There's more…
- range query/filter
- about / Using a range query/filter
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- from (optional) parameter / How it works...
- to (optional) parameter / How it works...
- include_in_lower (optional, by default true) parameter / How it works...
- include_in_upper (optional, by default true) parameter / How it works...
- readFrom method / How it works...
- Redis / How it works...
- red status / Solving the red status
- refresh_interval parameter / There is more…
- regexp query/filter
- about / Using a regexp query/filter, How it works...
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- boost (by default, 1.0) parameter / How it works...
- flags parameter / How it works...
- replication
- about / Understanding clusters, replication, and sharding, How it works...
- repositories
- managing / Managing repositories
- creating / How to do it...
- deleting / How to do it...
- request parameters, cluster health
- level / There's more…
- timeout () / There's more…
- wait_for_status / There's more…
- wait_for_relocating_shards () / There's more…
- wait_for_nodes / There's more…
- RequestsHttpConnection class
- rescore functionality / There's more...
- rescore parameters
- window_size / There's more...
- rescore_query_weight (by default, 1.0) / There's more...
- query_weight (by default, 1.0) / There's more...
- REST action
- Settings parameter / How it works...
- Client parameter / How it works...
- RestController parameter / How it works...
- REST call
- advantages / How it works...
- REST method
- RestRequest parameter / How it works...
- RestChannel parameter / How it works...
- Client parameter / How it works...
- restoration process
- working / How it works...
- indices () parameter / How it works...
- ignore_unavailable () parameter / How it works...
- include_global_state () parameter / How it works...
- REST plugin
- creating / Creating a REST plugin, How to do it..., How it works...
- testing / There's more…
- result document
- took field / How to do it...
- time_out field / How to do it...
- _shards field / How to do it...
- hits field / How to do it...
- _index field / How to do it...
- _type field / How to do it...
- _id field / How to do it...
- _score field / How to do it...
- sort field / How to do it...
- highlight field / How to do it...
- fields / How to do it...
- results
- sorting / Sorting results, How it works..., There's more...
- highlighting / Highlighting results, How to do it..., How it works...
- return fields
- computing, with scripting / Computing return fields with scripting, How to do it..., How it works...
- river plugin
- creating / Creating a river plugin, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more…
- rivers
- about / Introduction
- URL / Introduction
- advantages / Introduction
- disadvantages / Introduction
- managing / Managing a river, How it works..., There's more…
- creating / How to do it...
- removing / How to do it...
- one shot usage / How it works...
- periodical usage / How it works...
- producer threads / How it works...
- consumer threads / How it works...
- CouchDB / How to do it...
- MongoDB river / Using the MongoDB river
- RabbitMQ river / Using the RabbitMQ river
- JDBC river / Using the JDBC river
- Twitter river / Using the Twitter river
- River Service
- river system
- Root object
- Ruby / Introduction
- –remove command / How it works...
- scan query
- executing / Executing a scan query, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / How it works...
- search_type=scan parameter / How it works...
- scroll=(your timeout) parameter / How it works...
- scan search
- executing / Executing a scroll/scan search, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more
- scoring decay distribution algorithms
- linear / How it works...
- exponential (exp) / How it works...
- Gaussian (gauss) / How it works...
- ScriptFields helper / There's more…
- script filter
- scripting / There's more...
- used, for sorting data / How to do it..., How it works...
- used, for computing return fields / Computing return fields with scripting, How to do it..., How it works...
- used, for filtering search / Filtering a search via scripting, How to do it..., How it works...
- scripts
- managing / Managing scripts, How to do it..., How it works...
- used, for updating document / Updating a document using scripts, How to do it..., How it works...
- script_filter declaration
- script_filter function
- about / There's more…
- script parameter / There's more…
- script_lang parameter / There's more…
- script_params parameter / There's more…
- scroll / Executing a scroll/scan search
- scroll search
- executing / Executing a scroll/scan search, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more
- search
- executing / Executing a search, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- filtering, via scripting / Filtering a search via scripting, How to do it..., How it works...
- executing, with aggregations / Executing a search with aggregations, How it works...
- search, PyES
- executing, with aggregations / Executing a search with aggregations, How it works...
- search engines
- indexing / Introduction
- searching / Introduction
- SearchHit object
- index() method / How it works...
- type() method / How it works...
- id() method / How it works...
- score() method / How it works...
- version() method / How it works...
- source() method / How it works...
- sourceAsString() method / How it works...
- sourceAsMap() method / How it works...
- explanation() method / How it works...
- fields method / How it works...
- field(String name) method / How it works...
- sortValues() method / How it works...
- shard() method / How it works...
- search object, helpers
- AggregationFactory / There's more…
- Highlighter / There's more…
- Sorted / There's more…
- ScriptFields / There's more…
- secondary
- secondary node
- SemaText Cloud
- SemaText SPM
- about / Installing and using SemaText SPM
- installing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- using / How it works...
- Sense
- about / There's more…
- URL / There's more…
- Shard
- SingleCustomOperationRequest class / How it works...
- SingleShardOperationRequest class / How it works...
- site plugin
- about / Introduction
- creating / Creating a site plugin, How it works...
- site plugins
- about / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- Bigdesk / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- Elastic HQ / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- Elasticsearch head / Installing plugins in ElasticSearch
- snapshot
- executing / Executing a snapshot, How it works..., There's more…
- restoring / Restoring a snapshot, How to do it...
- snapshot process
- indices() parameter / How it works...
- gnore_unavailable () parameter / How it works...
- include_global_state () parameter / How it works...
- about / There's more…
- Sorted helper / There's more…
- sort parameter
- about / How it works..., How it works...
- sort scripting
- parameters / How it works...
- span queries
- about / Using span queries
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- in_order (by default, true) parameter / How it works...
- slop (by default, 0) parameter / How it works...
- span_and query function / How it works...
- span_first function / How it works...
- span_multi query / How it works...
- span_near / How it works...
- span_or query / How it works...
- span_term query / How it works...
- Spatial4J (v0.3) / Getting ready
- StandardAnalyzer analyzer / There's more...
- standard search
- executing / Executing a standard search, How to do it..., How it works...
- setIndices method / How it works...
- setTypes method / How it works...
- setQuery method / How it works...
- addField(s) / How it works...
- addAggregation method / How it works...
- addFacet (Deprecated) method / How it works...
- addHighlighting method / How it works...
- addScriptField method / How it works...
- standard search, PyES
- executing / Executing a standard search, How it works..., There's more…
- statistical aggregators
- min / How it works...
- max / How it works...
- avg / How it works...
- sum / How it works...
- value_count / How it works...
- stats / How it works...
- extended_stats / How it works...
- percentiles / How it works...
- percentile_ranks / How it works...
- cardinality / How it works...
- geo_bounds / How it works...
- stats aggregations
- about / Executing the stats aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- suggest API
- template query
- about / Using a template query, There's more...
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- embedded template query, executing / How to do it...
- term filter
- about / How it works…
- plain (default) parameter / How it works…
- bool parameter / How it works…
- or parameter / How it works…
- term query / filter
- executing / Querying/filtering for a single term, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- terms aggregation
- about / Executing the terms aggregation, How it works...
- executing / How to do it...
- field parameter / How it works...
- size () parameter / How it works...
- min_doc_count () parameter / How it works...
- include () parameter / How it works...
- exclude () parameter / How it works...
- order () parameter / How it works...
- _term parameter / How it works...
- controlling / There's more…
- terms query / filter
- executing / Querying/filtering for multiple terms, How it works…, There's more...
- minimum_match/minimum_should_match parameter / How it works…
- disable_coord parameter / How it works…
- boost parameter / How it works…
- term suggester
- ThriftConnection class / How it works...
- Thrift Elasticsearch Plugin
- Thrift protocol
- using / Using the Thrift protocol, There's more...
- URL / See also
- top hit aggregations
- about / Executing the top hit aggregation
- executing / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- _source parameter / How it works...
- highlighting parameter / How it works...
- fielddata_fields parameter / How it works...
- explain parameter / How it works...
- version () parameter / How it works...
- top_children query
- about / Using a top_children query
- executing / How to do it..., How it works...
- type parameter / How it works...
- query parameter / How it works...
- score (max/ sum/ avg) parameter / How it works...
- factor (by default, 5) parameter / How it works...
- incremental_factor- (by default, 2) parameter / How it works...
- Transport action / How it works...
- transport client
- creating / How it works...
- client.transport.sniff / There's more
- client.transport.ignore_cluster_name / There's more
- client.transport.ping_timeout / There's more
- client.transport.nodes_sampler_interval / There's more
- Twitter object
- oauth parameter / How it works...
- type parameter / How it works...
- raw () parameter / How it works...
- ignore_retweet () parameter / How it works...
- Twitter river
- about / Using the Twitter river
- using / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Twitter river plugin
- installing / How to do it...
- update script
- about / How it works...
- ctx._source parameter / How it works...
- ctx._timestamp parameter / How it works...
- ctx.op parameter / How it works...
- URI query parameters
- q / How it works...
- df / How it works...
- from (by default, 0) / How it works...
- size (by default, 10) / How it works...
- analyzer / How it works...
- default_operator (default, OR) / How it works...
- explain / How it works...
- fields / How it works...
- sort (by default, score) / How it works...
- timeout (not active by default) / How it works...
- search_type / How it works...
- track_scores (by default, false) / How it works...
- pretty (by default, false) / How it works...
- Urllib3HttpConnection (default) class / How it works...
- wait_for_merge parameter / There's more…
- web2py / Introduction
- writeTo method / How it works...
- XContentBuilder.jsonBuilder object
- about / How it works...
- startObject() method / How it works...
- startObject(name) method / How it works...
- field(name) method / How it works...
- field(name, value) method / How it works...
- value(value) method / How it works...
- startArray() method / How it works...
- startArray(name) method / How it works...
- yellow status / Solving the yellow status...