Implementing feedforward networks with TensorFlow
Feedforward networks can be easily implemented using TensorFlow by defining placeholders for hidden layers, computing the activation values, and using them to calculate predictions. Let's take an example of classification with a feedforward network:
X = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, x_size]) y = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, y_size]) weights_1 = initialize_weights((x_size, hidden_size), stddev) weights_2 = initialize_weights((hidden_size, y_size), stddev) sigmoid = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, weights_1)) y = tf.matmul(sigmoid, weights_2)
Once the predicted value tensor has been defined, we calculate the cost
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.OPERATION_NAME(labels=<actual value>, logits=<predicted value>)) updates_sgd = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(sgd_step).minimize(cost)
could be one of the following:
: Calculates sigmoid cross entropy on incominglogits...