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Learning JavaScript Robotics

By : Kassandra Perch
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Learning JavaScript Robotics

By: Kassandra Perch

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Learning JavaScript Robotics
About the Author
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What is the Animation API?

This chapter's title leads to a lot of questions—what is the Animation API and how does it relate to servos? There's also a lot of terminology used here. To start, let's discuss the point and development of the Animation API to give us a little context.

Why do we need an Animation API?

The Animation API was created around the work started by Donovan Buck and Rick Waldron on walking robots—Rick built a quadruped bot, and Donovan, a Hexapod. Turns out, walking robots require a lot of timing on the servos involved, and the Johnny-Five library at the time was only capable of running servos from one degree to another at a maximum speed. This made walking very difficult, because even with servos of the same brand and make, the maximum speed is slightly different. Also, there are situations in which you want different servos to move at different speeds—this was impossible before the Animation API as well.

This led to the development of a function that allows you to set the...