What is 360 VR video, and why make a drone for it?
A 360 VR video is exactly what it sounds like: a camera that shoots video across 360° in every direction (a full sphere). It allows a user wearing VR goggles (such as Oculus Rift) to look in any direction during the playback of the video (rather than being restricted to a single field of view with traditional cameras). Also, phones and other mobile devices can be used to view 360 video by moving the device (like a window into the VR world) in any direction. Pretty cool, huh?
Since early humans looked to the sky and saw their first bird, we've dreamed of flight. From Superman to Jessica Jones, people have capitalized on people's idolization of flight. So, why not us? With 360 VR video in the air, we can take people into the air, and let them fly. With some special software in postproduction, the drone can even be removed from the picture giving the wearer of a VR headset a fully immersive experience in flight without looking out a window.