Chapter 3. Evolution – From Objective-C to RubyMotion
"Actually, I'm trying to make Ruby natural, not simple."
— Matz
In this chapter, we will have a detailed discussion on how Ruby is implemented in RubyMotion. We will also understand how we can use the various Objective-C objects in our Ruby code. As we know, the iOS SDK is written in Objective-C, which is a simple extension of the C language. Since this is a book on learning RubyMotion, we will not focus too much on this. However, we will make sure you have enough knowledge on Objective-C to program in RubyMotion. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
How Ruby and Objective-C work together in RubyMotion
In what ways are RubyMotion objects inherited from Objective-C
Interfacing with C and Objective-C – learning about data types
Memory management with RubyMotion